The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Because Obama didn't bug Republicans in trump tower.
You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
illegally gotten. the dossier wasn't verified ahead of the warrant. Illegally gotten. How many times you want me to write it? I can do that all day, get in trouble for it, but still can do it. Lying to a judge is illegal.
The dossier has never been verified.
You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
illegally gotten. the dossier wasn't verified ahead of the warrant. Illegally gotten. How many times you want me to write it? I can do that all day, get in trouble for it, but still can do it. Lying to a judge is illegal.
The dossier has never been verified.
Some parts were. And more importantly, the FBI presented additional evidence to the FISC besides the dossier.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
based on a bogus unverified document, makes it illegal. and those who presented it in trouble.
You don't know what it was "based on", dope.
What you do know is that it was approved. Four separate times.
Approval means the supporting documentation was obviously acceptable to the judge.
If that crap was acceptable to The Judge, then The Judge was crooked too.

Abolish FISA.

DemNazis Hate them Some Guantanamo Bay, but Love THE FISA COURT that put those people there.

Explain that one Lib Tards?
I doubt the judge even read the application.

Spits the forum's fucking moron.
he obviously didn't. Otherwise, it means he signed a document he knew to be a lie.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
it is when the application is perjured.
Fucking moron, here's the application....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

.... quote the part(s) that were "perjured"...

The part that says "Verified Application."
Great, let's see your evidence the application wasn't verified....
The Mueller report is the evidence. We already know that many of the claims in the report are false.

Mueller did not investigate the FISA application.
The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
illegally gotten. the dossier wasn't verified ahead of the warrant. Illegally gotten. How many times you want me to write it? I can do that all day, get in trouble for it, but still can do it. Lying to a judge is illegal.
The dossier has never been verified.
Some parts were. And more importantly, the FBI presented additional evidence to the FISC besides the dossier.
Nothing has been verified, shit for brains. There was no other evidence presented.
Last edited:
it is when the application is perjured.
Fucking moron, here's the application....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

.... quote the part(s) that were "perjured"...

The part that says "Verified Application."
Great, let's see your evidence the application wasn't verified....
The Mueller report is the evidence. We already know that many of the claims in the report are false.

Mueller did not investigate the FISA application.
"No collusion." For that to be true, the FISA warrant had to be a pack of lies.
The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
You cannot file a False Affidavit in an Unconstitutional Secret FISA Court designed exclusively to help pursue and prosecute terrorists and other enemies of The State and at the same time claim that "COURT ORDERED SURVEILLANCE was PROPERLY ADJUDICATED."

This Unconstitutional FISA Court is not even supposed to deal with US Citizens as they have CIVIL RIGHTS PROTECTIONS from such things, like "Search and Seizure" "Right to Privacy" Due Process" "The 5th Amendment" "The right to face one's accusers or to see evidence against them" "The Right to have Exculpatory Evidence be made known to any Court or Court Official" "Probably Cause" "The Right to a Defense against any accusations" "The Presumption of Innocence" "The right to be secure in a person's possessions and effects"

But worst of All Bob Mueller knew for 18 months that Russian Collusion was a hoax. He went ahead anyways.

This was nothing more than a weaponization of our government against a US Citizen.

FISA and The Patriot Act need abolished over this.
Against a citizen who was no longer with the Trump campaign. In fact, according to the trump campaign at the time, they fired Page.

So tell the forum again how that means Obama spied on trump. :lmao:
It has already been explained to you multiple times how a FISA warrant allows the FBI to retrieve all communication, past and present, three hops out.

Quit pretending that you're a dumbass.

Fucking moron, trump could declassify and release any such transcripts had they existed. Why hasn't he in more than 2 years now?
The Left Wing didn't care that they weren't right about that silly Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit so why does the Right Wing have to care if they are right about the attempted coup?
This is the admission right here, that the right is simply full of it.

They're not even careful to disguise it.

Just like they were full of it with Benghazi and Obama.

They spent two years blaming Benghazi on Obama, saying HE and HE ALONE was responsible for it.

To turn right around, the same day that Obama won re-election and start saying it was Hillary.

It then became Hillary, and SHE alone that was responsible for Benghazi.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

It is a fact that Crooked Hillary and the affirmative action Negro lied about Benghazi to the American people and to the families of the victims.

The lies of the Left are astronomical. Everything from health care to the truth about the affirmative action Negro's dismal economy.

We know that the Obama administration lied about Crooked Hillary having "no intent" of committing a crime.

They thought they could get away with lying about Russia but Mueller put an end to that.

Now we need to find out the truth about the attempted coup. The results of that investigation should hit the public just about in time for the next election cycle. The American people will see what traitorous scumbags the Democrats are. Hopefully a shitload of them will go to prison.
Treason is Punishable by Death.

Don't you Love America?

These People need to face a firing squad or be hung publicly and it should be televised on National TV on every station.

Why are you against Protecting America?

Treason is punishable by Death

And Death it should be.

These Moon Bats are so mentally disturbed with Trump Derangement Syndrome to understand that if the filthy Democrats can lie and attempt a coup on a Republican President then the same thing could happen if the American people has another brain fart and elects a shithead Democrat President.

They should want justice and for the traitors to be punished but their hate of Trump gets in the way.

Of course they want the rules to be that they get to lie their asses off anytime they want because the ends justify the means to make America a socialist shithole.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."

Yep, but the main charge is based on espionage, not publishing stolen information. That just is part of showing he illegally obtained the information.
He does the same thing the New York Times does.

You people are dangerous. You learned nothing after 9/11.

Geez, you don't get it. It's ILLEGAL to break into databases and publish that which you illegally obtained. When you can show me that the New York Times breaks into government databases and then publishes what was illegally obtained, you'll have a point. Until then, you're wasting time with your silly outrage.
No, you don't get it. This is going to have a lasting and negative impact on our ability to hold government accountable.

If that doesn't stir the emotions of the people of this country, we're fucked.
All Americans should be appalled that the Obama Administration engineered an attempted coup against a duly elected President.

However, Moon Bats are too immoral to give a shit. They though it would be cool if it had succeeded. They are pissed that it didn't succeed. That is just the kind of assholes they are.

Just like the climate scientists lie about AGW because they think the ends justify the means the filthy Liberals lie about Trump because they look at him as an impediment to making America a socialist shithole.
Fucking moron, here's the application....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

.... quote the part(s) that were "perjured"...

The part that says "Verified Application."
Great, let's see your evidence the application wasn't verified....
The Mueller report is the evidence. We already know that many of the claims in the report are false.

Mueller did not investigate the FISA application.
"No collusion." For that to be true, the FISA warrant had to be a pack of lies.

It means no such thing, ya fucking moron.
There it is. The judge is now crooked too.
And the conspiracy grows.:laugh2:
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.
what do you call it when someone spies on someone without their knowledge wiretapping phones? didn't nixon do that?

Court ordered surveillance, dope.
There it is. The judge is now crooked too.
And the conspiracy grows.:laugh2:
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
The Left Wing didn't care that they weren't right about that silly Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit so why does the Right Wing have to care if they are right about the attempted coup?
This is the admission right here, that the right is simply full of it.

They're not even careful to disguise it.

Just like they were full of it with Benghazi and Obama.

They spent two years blaming Benghazi on Obama, saying HE and HE ALONE was responsible for it.

To turn right around, the same day that Obama won re-election and start saying it was Hillary.

It then became Hillary, and SHE alone that was responsible for Benghazi.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

It is a fact that Crooked Hillary and the affirmative action Negro lied about Benghazi to the American people and to the families of the victims.

The lies of the Left are astronomical. Everything from health care to the truth about the affirmative action Negro's dismal economy.

We know that the Obama administration lied about Crooked Hillary having "no intent" of committing a crime.

They thought they could get away with lying about Russia but Mueller put an end to that.

Now we need to find out the truth about the attempted coup. The results of that investigation should hit the public just about in time for the next election cycle. The American people will see what traitorous scumbags the Democrats are. Hopefully a shitload of them will go to prison.
she also committed intent obstruction with her server and cell phones, and not one of these congress critters, nor dumb fk comey said jack fking shit. jack fking shit. Where's that grand jury?
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.
what do you call it when someone spies on someone without their knowledge wiretapping phones? didn't nixon do that?

Court ordered surveillance, dope.
it wasn't court ordered, it was a requested warrant using an illegal ask. tarnishes the court order, and makes it illegal.
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
it's called spying, and it was illegal.
Because perjury, itself, is a crime
Yes, just as Obstruction, itself, is a crime.
When the obstructive actions are taken with a provable corrupt intent.
Get it dummy?

Dumbass, the conversation you butted into was about a poster trying to say that Obstruction needs an underlying crime.

Read the conversation before throwing in your two cents.
No it doesn't.

Thats right - Obstruction does not need an underlying crime.

Don't you forget that by the next thread.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Mueller found no collusion.
Obstruction was pure speculation.
First you need a crime, then you need an illegal act.
None of this was satisfied.

You wrong again - Mueller specifically talks about Obstruction of Justice as a crime of it's own, commited at times over non-criminal underlying matters.

For example in Clinton's case there was no underlying crime - the sex was legal.

And lying under oath is a crime called perjury.

Thats a right, even though there was no underlying crime, the perjury was still chargable. And by the way, perjury is just a veriety of Obstruction.

perjury WAS the underlying crime, moron. Clinton's deposition was not a result of a criminal act, it was part of a civil suit brought by Paula Jones for harassment.

No dummy, the lying was about sex - the underlying matter.

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.
As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."

Yep, but the main charge is based on espionage, not publishing stolen information. That just is part of showing he illegally obtained the information.
He does the same thing the New York Times does.

You people are dangerous. You learned nothing after 9/11.

Geez, you don't get it. It's ILLEGAL to break into databases and publish that which you illegally obtained. When you can show me that the New York Times breaks into government databases and then publishes what was illegally obtained, you'll have a point. Until then, you're wasting time with your silly outrage.
No, you don't get it. This is going to have a lasting and negative impact on our ability to hold government accountable.

If that doesn't stir the emotions of the people of this country, we're fucked.

People can't break the law to hold government accountable. Journalists who don't break the law to obtain the material can print it, but THEY can't print what THEY stole.

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