The Right's Self-inflicted Political Wounds


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Right's Self-inflicted Political Wounds
April 29, 2019 ~ By Gary Gindler
We all are accomplices to the Left's political crime of indoctrination. We were the ones who accepted the myth that leftists are "liberals." We were the ones who accepted the hoax that Republicans (and right-wingers in general) are associated with the color red. We were the ones who became obsessed with the fairness of the "mainstream media." --- So they like to be called "liberals"? There is nothing liberal in the non-tolerant, neo-Marxist Democratic Party, who borrowed the idea of Antifa from Benito Mussolini's Blackshirts. The ideas of classical liberalism of the 18th century, and liberalism of American's Founding Fathers, are referred to in the 21st century as conservatism. Conservatives are the true heirs to the title of liberalism. Anytime we call leftists "liberals," we incur a self-inflicted political wound..... Are right-wingers "red"? It is well known that the color red is traditionally assigned to the leftists (Marxists, socialists, communists, fascists, Democrats, Trotskyists, Maoists, and others). The attempt to map red to right-wingers happened relatively recently — back in 2000 — and it stuck. Remember the massive "red wave" versus "blue wave".
To be fair to Democrats, let us come to an agreement that they are quick learners. They learned a lot from their predecessor and ideological cousin Joseph Goebbels, and they methodically follow his famous advice: "Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
Well, let us stop believing it. The time has come for the right-wingers to stop being unwitting accomplices of left-wingers.

Whatever idiot at the RINO in the Trump administration that has decided to let the failed coup d'état conspirators get away with it has killed the GOP. Probably forever. I’ve called them Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies for years. That’s what they’ve steadily “Progressing” towards.
Leninist/Stalinist Communists of the USSR called themselves "Progressives", Communists of Red China call themselves "Progressives", Communists of Central and South America call themselves "Progressives". Communists worldwide call themselves "Progressives". Therefore, "Progressive" DOES equal Socialist/Communism. Socialism is the primary and necessary step to Communism.
People make too much about minor differences in definitions, when essentially and practically speaking, "Socialism IS Communism." "Progressives" always have trouble with definitions, because they try to mislead and deceive with their words.
We are for freedom to allow anyone to become wealthy by limiting the interference of all forms of government. Government's only job is to assure that the freedoms of one do not remove the freedoms of others. Currently the only ones with freedoms are the bureaucrats. They have created two forms of Justice now referred to as Just-Us.
As we see on a daily basis through our biased Media, Democrats are officially against the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Thirteenth Amendments of the US Constitution. That's the significant core part of the entire Bill of Rights. These are "core concepts" of America.
They're anti-free speech, anti free exercise of religion, anti-gun, are FOR "guilty until proven innocent", are FOR Civil Asset Forfeiture and misuse of eminent domain, and for involuntary servitude via "public accommodation" laws, and "Open Borders" unless it favors their advancement of power.
IOW, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are Anti-American, Anti-CONSTITUTION, Anti-FREEDOM.

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