The rightwing certainly hates liberals/democrats, but they can't seem to defend the GOP

Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?
let me ask you another question -

these vital service jobs that don't pay - maybe the "talent" available is too much watering down the wages they can earn as said job. people said all along there's only so much room in fast food and it was NEVER MEANT TO BE A CAREER.

yet people forced it cause it was easier to bitch for more $$$ than spend time/effort into learning something worth more on the marketplace.

now even those jobs are going to automation and they have even less jobs.

no one said it was easy. but sit there and try to tell me there are not gov programs available that will help people learn a new trade or career - go ahead.

i'll wait.

the desire to succeed has to be in someone before they ever will anything else is subject to the masses all fighting for what is left.
How hard is this to get? A can-do attitude isn't the issue. It's about the actual availability of decent playing jobs. And yeah, learning new skills would be ideal, but poor single moms don't have the time and money for it.

Then maybe we need to work on them not being poor single moms.

I realize that offends your senses, but you might as well get used to it.
GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition.

Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
All most on the right can do is hate: whether it’s immigrants, gay Americans, or women,

That's funny, I don't hate anyone, I don't hate immigrants, I just want them to come in according to our laws. I don't hate gays, I just want them to act respectable rather than flaunting it in my face and prancing around like an idiot half naked in front of my little kids, and I certainly don't hate women.

OK, there IS one thing that kinda ticks me off, it is when pompous asses watch some liberal show like MSNBC telling them all about what is wrong with conservatives and they suck it down like gospel, unquestioned, then regurgitate it back up at others as if they actually know anything about people they've never met.

much of conservative dogma is predicated on fear and hatred of those who dare to be different, who dare to dissent, and who dare to express themselves as individuals.

Now you really ARE confused. Go watch your liberal buddies rioting, burning and damaging property and hurting others in the street. Go listen to your radical liberal professors. Go listen to the democratic party and liberal media, all they talk about is creating fear on everything they claim the GOP wants to do, and hatred. Literally. You couldn't have it any more backwards, which proves to me you've been totally brainwashed listening to people like CNN.

The bane of conservative authoritarianism will likely destroy this country.

Sorry, we would have an awful lot of work to do to ever catch up with Barack Obama.
GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition.

Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.
Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.

Are they poor by choice or because of no choice? I'd be willing to bet that most have better options, but would require much more work and to sacrifice their government goodies.

You don't have to pretend there are good jobs in America, they are here. If you meet somebody that's poor and makes the same claim, send them our way. We need over 50,000 new drivers we can't find in our industry. Things are so bad companies are getting foreigners to take these jobs Americans don't want. Some companies will not only provide free training, but will pay you while you learn.

So what would happen with low paying jobs? They will have to offer more money to attract workers. It's the natural supply and demand theory. The less supply, the higher the price.
GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition.

Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

And how long have the right been bitching about ilegals? Yet you make and protect sanctuary cities get rid of 20 mllion illegals and watch raises rise for the poor.

lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.

Are they poor by choice or because of no choice? I'd be willing to bet that most have better options, but would require much more work and to sacrifice their government goodies.

You don't have to pretend there are good jobs in America, they are here. If you meet somebody that's poor and makes the same claim, send them our way. We need over 50,000 new drivers we can't find in our industry. Things are so bad companies are getting foreigners to take these jobs Americans don't want. Some companies will not only provide free training, but will pay you while you learn.

So what would happen with low paying jobs? They will have to offer more money to attract workers. It's the natural supply and demand theory. The less supply, the higher the price.
Well see they aren't offering better wages for the reason I've been trying to explain. Millions of people HAVE NO CHOICE but to take shitty paying jobs because decent paying jobs are already taken. Corporations like McDonald's know they can pay shit because people are always lining up to take their jobs.

There are many skilled jobs available, but they aren't being filled because single moms don't have the money or time to learn new skills. Of course there is the catch-22 of skilled jobs
. People can only learn new skills by getting skilled jobs to begin with. No one will hire them for that.

Look, i know it makes you feel manly and superior talking about people on welfare being lazy moochers, but the actual facts of programs like SNAP don't fit your condescending narrative. When it comes to SNAP, these benefits mostly benefit poor single moms and their kids.
Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.

What shitty jobs are the economy?

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.

Are they poor by choice or because of no choice? I'd be willing to bet that most have better options, but would require much more work and to sacrifice their government goodies.

You don't have to pretend there are good jobs in America, they are here. If you meet somebody that's poor and makes the same claim, send them our way. We need over 50,000 new drivers we can't find in our industry. Things are so bad companies are getting foreigners to take these jobs Americans don't want. Some companies will not only provide free training, but will pay you while you learn.

So what would happen with low paying jobs? They will have to offer more money to attract workers. It's the natural supply and demand theory. The less supply, the higher the price.
Well see they aren't offering better wages for the reason I've been trying to explain. Millions of people HAVE NO CHOICE but to take shitty paying jobs because decent paying jobs are already taken. Corporations like McDonald's know they can pay shit because people are always lining up to take their jobs.

There are many skilled jobs available, but they aren't being filled because single moms don't have the money or time to learn new skills. Of course there is the catch-22 of skilled jobs
. People can only learn new skills by getting skilled jobs to begin with. No one will hire them for that.

Look, i know it makes you feel manly and superior talking about people on welfare being lazy moochers, but the actual facts of programs like SNAP don't fit your condescending narrative. When it comes to SNAP, these benefits mostly benefit poor single moms and their kids.

People can only learn new skills by getting skilled jobs to begin with. No one will hire them for that.

Once again you don't have a clue about manufacturing or construction ..

GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition.

Kid, we refuse to defend Repubs because they talk and act like you. You're ill educated and moronic. A silly broken record. Do you really think anybody with half a brain would listen to anything you have to say? You're a running joke here, the board idiot.
GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition. is easy to explain why they should vote republican. Lowering taxes and cutting government spending creates jobs....that means the poor and middle income have more opportunities to make money for their families.....they will also see their Rights preserved, vs. the democrats who are attacking the 1st and 2nd Amendments for all they are worth, and the Republicans are trying to fix the healthcare system...not control you don't end up with the government telling you they are going to kill your baby because they won't allow you to fly to America for a possible life saving treatment...

And I won't defend the GOP other than to say they are the only option to keep democrats out of power.
Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?

I work in industrial areas all day long. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and they ask us if we know anybody looking for a job? Not all jobs pay great, but some of them pay pretty good for non-skilled work, yet nobody even applies for them.

So I don't think it's a question of enough jobs, it's more of a question why Americans are not going for the jobs that are out there. Many refuse to quit smoking pot, and drug tests are required for a job that pays any kind of money.

I blame social programs for the lack of energy to go to work. I have a HUD house next door to me; middle-aged people with kids, their cars and vans are there when I leave work in the morning, they are there when I pass my house, they are there when I return home from work. They are out all hours of the night and wake us up when they come home at 3:00 am on work nights. They are laughing, slamming their car doors, drunk or high as a skunk, and I'm supporting them next door to me!

There are a lot of jobs out there for people who really want to work, but the way our social programs are setup, you are penalized if you do go to work. Some of our customers use temporary agencies. They do so to adjust their workforce with the volume of business, and they are able to test people for a while before they offer them a full-time job. When they get busy and ask the temps if they could work more hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because if they make over a certain amount of money in a month, their food stamps get cut.
Okay your own job is anecdotal. Actual statistics indicate that decent paying jobs are in short supply. Also, you didn't answer my question. Let's pretend enough decent paying jobs do exist. Who is going to do all of those shitty paying service jobs that are vital to the economy?

Oh, and your stereotype of food stamps is simply false. Food stamps funding mostly goes to kids and the disabled. Any adult that gets it is so poor that doesn't even meet their dietary needs. Those are the facts.

Are they poor by choice or because of no choice? I'd be willing to bet that most have better options, but would require much more work and to sacrifice their government goodies.

You don't have to pretend there are good jobs in America, they are here. If you meet somebody that's poor and makes the same claim, send them our way. We need over 50,000 new drivers we can't find in our industry. Things are so bad companies are getting foreigners to take these jobs Americans don't want. Some companies will not only provide free training, but will pay you while you learn.

So what would happen with low paying jobs? They will have to offer more money to attract workers. It's the natural supply and demand theory. The less supply, the higher the price.
Well see they aren't offering better wages for the reason I've been trying to explain. Millions of people HAVE NO CHOICE but to take shitty paying jobs because decent paying jobs are already taken. Corporations like McDonald's know they can pay shit because people are always lining up to take their jobs.

There are many skilled jobs available, but they aren't being filled because single moms don't have the money or time to learn new skills. Of course there is the catch-22 of skilled jobs
. People can only learn new skills by getting skilled jobs to begin with. No one will hire them for that.

Look, i know it makes you feel manly and superior talking about people on welfare being lazy moochers, but the actual facts of programs like SNAP don't fit your condescending narrative. When it comes to SNAP, these benefits mostly benefit poor single moms and their kids.

So is it a question of not enough jobs or making irresponsible decisions like having children you can't afford? Because if what you're saying is true, it's the children that are the problem and industry doesn't control that.

Younger people should not have children until they have a stable income and career. That's when you get the training and experience you need. In the event of a divorce, you would still be able to raise your family with child support and a full-time job. If you have to take off a few years, you can get back into the workforce full time and decent pay while the kids are in school.

Speaking of which, most newer industrial areas have a daycare center in between those offices and factories. Women with jobs drop them off on the way to work and pick them up after work. If the child becomes ill or has some other issues that needs the parents attention, they are less than three minutes away.

I never used food stamps in my life, that's because I never had children due to the expense. And trust me, that cost me many a relationships when I was younger. But the point is people are responsible for their own actions and decisions, and when they make bad ones, they pass the bill to those who did make reasonable and responsible decisions, and that's the unfair part about our social structure.

As I pointed out, there are jobs that offer training. Again, my industry has companies willing to train and pay you until you get your license. It's a little tough the first couple of years, but if you turn out to be a good driver, the world is yours. You can go anywhere you want, live anywhere you want, have a good paying job and always be in demand no matter what the economy. If you don't believe me, I'll post some links to ads that make the offer.
Then maybe if I repeat this one more time you will begin to get it. GOP voters have NO problem explaining why the poor and middle class should vote republican! You just must not be listening to the right places. They should vote republican so that they have greater opportunities for getting OUT of staying poor or in the lower middle class. Poor and middle class people vote democratic mainly because they want to STAY that way and want the government to continue to administer to their lives through government programs.

No government program ever raised a person out of poverty. Freedom, autonomy, self-actualization and hard work do. Democrats want big government to run your life. Republicans believe people are better at making their own decisions and running their lives themselves.
lol what are you even talking about? Republicans do nothing to provide opportunities to the poor.

Republicans nor Democrats are supposed to create opportunity for the poor. The poor are supposed to create opportunities for themselves like every other class of citizen.

However, the Republicans are trying to make things better for everybody including the poor. We are trying to slow down and stop illegal immigration which the Democrats are against. Immigrants (legal) and illegal take American jobs which keeps our pay scales low. We have cut funds for food stamps. Getting people off of government dependency is the best thing you can do for the poor or anybody else.

What have the Democrats done for the poor? Well, they fought against School Vouchers which gives access to better schooling for some poor people. They've increased taxes on tobacco products statistically used by the poor and middle-class. They've promoted single-parent households which is directly related to poverty. Now out-of-wedlock birth rates are 70% in black communities.
Let me ask you this simple question about the poor bettering their own lives. Since decent paying jobs are in short supply in today's economy and raising the min wage isn't an option, how can millions of people get better paying jobs when inevitably they can't get them because they are so competitive? Also, who is going to do all those vital service jobs that currently pay shit?
let me ask you another question -

these vital service jobs that don't pay - maybe the "talent" available is too much watering down the wages they can earn as said job. people said all along there's only so much room in fast food and it was NEVER MEANT TO BE A CAREER.

yet people forced it cause it was easier to bitch for more $$$ than spend time/effort into learning something worth more on the marketplace.

now even those jobs are going to automation and they have even less jobs.

no one said it was easy. but sit there and try to tell me there are not gov programs available that will help people learn a new trade or career - go ahead.

i'll wait.

the desire to succeed has to be in someone before they ever will anything else is subject to the masses all fighting for what is left.
How hard is this to get? A can-do attitude isn't the issue. It's about the actual availability of decent playing jobs. And yeah, learning new skills would be ideal, but poor single moms don't have the time and money for it.
so all of society needs to change for this singular condition?

pass on that.
GOP voters can't explain WHY the poor and middle class should vote republican, but they themselves as poor and middle class earners vote R anyway.

Am I a broken record? Hell yeah. Someone has to drive this point home. Idiots only learn through repetition.
All most on the right can do is hate: whether it’s immigrants, gay Americans, or women, much of conservative dogma is predicated on fear and hatred of those who dare to be different, who dare to dissent, and who dare to express themselves as individuals.

The bane of conservative authoritarianism will likely destroy this country.

Maybe one of these days you'll say something true

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