The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity
By Bruce David Baum, Bruce Baum
Edition: illustrated
Published by NYU Press, 2006
ISBN 0814798926, 9780814798928
342 pages



The notion that whites are the only group to notice race is false. The ancient Egyptians (sorry, Egyptologists... they weren't black) were acutely aware of race and considered the black Africans from south of Upper Egypt/Nubia to be quite distinct from themselves. Asians as well have noted race and racial distinctions for thousands of years.

A recent ethnic group called "the Jews" (typified by Baum, Bruce) seeks to discredit the existence of race because they fear it will lead to another Hitler. But "Hilter Killed Jews" does not equal "Race Does Not Exist".

Besides, Bass, if whites don't exist, how can blacks? You can't be a racist like yours truly without acknowledging the existence of ALL races.
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The notion that whites are the only group to notice race is false. The ancient Egyptians (sorry, Egyptologists... they weren't black) were acutely aware of race and considered the black Africans from south of Upper Egypt/Nubia to be quite distinct from themselves. Asians as well have noted race and racial distinctions for thousands of years.

A recent ethnic group called "the Jews" (typified by Baum, Bruce) seeks to discredit the existence of race because they fear it will lead to another Hitler. But "Hilter Killed Jews" does not equal "Race Does Not Exist".

Besides, Bass, if whites don't exist, how can blacks? You can't be a racist like yours truly without acknowledging the existence of ALL races.

Ancient Egyptians were black, thats an argument you will not win and painted themselves different from Europeans and people in the Middle East and studies on their crania indicate they were far closer to Nubians than to people from the Middle East or Southern Europe. A Somali looks distinct from a Ghanaian but both are black.

Ancient Egyptians didn't notice race in the same sense that people see it today, they cared more about ethnicity, ie, are you Egyptian or not, not whether one was black or white.
Egyptian rulers were sometimes Nubians from the upper nile kingdom and sometimes they were of GREEK decent.

You guys apprarently don't realize how LONG that kingdom lasted.

The OLD Kingdom started in 2649 BC and lasted till 2150 BC.

The ROMAN empire took it over in 30 AD.

Dynasties which ruled over Egypt were not ONE race, folks.

Some of them were Black Africans some of them were Mediteranians.
The notion that whites are the only group to notice race is false. The ancient Egyptians (sorry, Egyptologists... they weren't black) were acutely aware of race and considered the black Africans from south of Upper Egypt/Nubia to be quite distinct from themselves. Asians as well have noted race and racial distinctions for thousands of years.

A recent ethnic group called "the Jews" (typified by Baum, Bruce) seeks to discredit the existence of race because they fear it will lead to another Hitler. But "Hilter Killed Jews" does not equal "Race Does Not Exist".

Besides, Bass, if whites don't exist, how can blacks? You can't be a racist like yours truly without acknowledging the existence of ALL races.

Ancient Egyptians were black, thats an argument you will not win and painted themselves different from Europeans and people in the Middle East and studies on their crania indicate they were far closer to Nubians than to people from the Middle East or Southern Europe. A Somali looks distinct from a Ghanaian but both are black.

Ancient Egyptians didn't notice race in the same sense that people see it today, they cared more about ethnicity, ie, are you Egyptian or not, not whether one was black or white.[/QUOTE

For what its worth this's what i found on the subject as follows:


FACT #62: Ancient Egypt was founded and built by Mediterranean Caucasians as far back as 4500 B.C. Egypt's period of greatness was from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. and was characterized by its amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, and mastery of mathematics and engineering, the remnants of which are still evident today. The White Egyptians pioneered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many cases, their achievements remain unequalled. (37) (39) (21)

FACT #63: But, about 3400 B.C. Egypt civilization began to spread up the Nile River, bringing it in close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they were using Blacks for slave labor and Egypt became history's first melting pot. (39) (10) (14)

FACT # 64: In time the infusion of Negro blood worked itself up from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, received political equality, and took posts of authority in government. (10) (37)

FACT #65: By the time of King Tut (1370-1352 B.C.) even the ruling classes had been mongrelized and Egypt began a tailspin downward. Today, the once-mighty Egypt is very much a Third World country, having lost its art, its medicine, its architectural ability, and its position in world affairs. (10) (37)

The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was a product of Negro ingenuity is now being widely disseminated in the schools. Though scholars know this is a blatant lie, they justify the deception by assuming it will boost the "self-esteem" of Black children.

Kinda resembles the USA today?? If it looks like a cow, smells like a cow, feels like a cow, sounds like a cow moooooo? and taste like stake its a high chance its a cow??

Oops there goes the neighborhood...

Dont dis at me, i didnt write it, im just the discoverer..

But this's not the prob with America today, no the prob with America today is, the ones that take no sides, have no opinions and do nothing......... what are we willing to give up just to get along??
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Cahrlie, you know as much about Ancient Egyptian as you do about modern race relations.

You are a clueless troll.
Cahrlie, you know as much about Ancient Egyptian as you do about modern race relations.

You are a clueless troll.

It amuses me when militant black people try to rewrite history to make themselves look better. One wonders though, if you have to constantly lie to yourself and others about what black people have and have not done, it must mean that you arent happy with the accomplishments of the black race, historically speaking. To be honest, im not impressed with the accomplishments of black people throughout history either, though its because of their geographical locations, and NOT the color of their skin.

The accomplishments of white people on the other hand, are plenty throughout history, therefore you usually wont find white people making shit up to pad the resume of the white race. Occasionally you might get the idiot racist white guy who thinks Jesus had a pale complexion, but racists are always ignorant, regardless of color.

Do the endless accomplishments of the white race make them any more important than black people? Of course not, but i enjoy pointing this out when idiots pretend their race is better than another. I got history on my side, and all you got are lies, charlie bass.
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Cahrlie, you know as much about Ancient Egyptian as you do about modern race relations.

You are a clueless troll.

Dude, the Bass would educate you about ancient Egypt, the Bass posts on a forum exclusively about Ancient Egyptians and African human variation so you are wrong, very wrong. The ancient Egyptians were black, or would be by today's standards.
Cahrlie, you know as much about Ancient Egyptian as you do about modern race relations.

You are a clueless troll.

It amuses me when militant black people try to rewrite history to make themselves look better. One wonders though, if you have to constantly lie to yourself and others about what black people have and have not done, it must mean that you arent happy with the accomplishments of the black race, historically speaking. To be honest, im not impressed with the accomplishments of black people throughout history either, though its because of their geographical locations, and NOT the color of their skin.

The accomplishments of white people on the other hand, are plenty throughout history, therefore you usually wont find white people making shit up to pad the resume of the white race. Occasionally you might get the idiot racist white guy who thinks Jesus had a pale complexion, but racists are always ignorant, regardless of color.

Do the endless accomplishments of the white race make them any more important than black people? Of course not, but i enjoy pointing this out when idiots pretend their race is better than another. I got history on my side, and all you got are lies, charlie bass.

Who the hell is rewriting history? The accomplishments of "white" people are very recent and white people owe a great debt of their accomplishments to the influences they received from Africa and Asia. Before there was any civilization in Europe it already existed in Africa and Asia.
I really love watching racists argue with each other about whose racism is wrong/right.

jillian, piss off ok? You#re the last one to be accusing anybody of anything considering how damn hypocritical you are, you're just another one of those oversensitive Jews who ses racism in every other group of people except Jews.
Egyptian rulers were sometimes Nubians from the upper nile kingdom and sometimes they were of GREEK decent.

You guys apprarently don't realize how LONG that kingdom lasted.

The OLD Kingdom started in 2649 BC and lasted till 2150 BC.

The ROMAN empire took it over in 30 AD.

Dynasties which ruled over Egypt were not ONE race, folks.

Some of them were Black Africans some of them were Mediteranians.

The AEs were black and their crania most closely resembled Nubians, Saharans, Ethiopians and Somalis, all of whom were black, there is no such thing as a "Mediterranean Race". Only in the late dynastic period do AEs show any resemblance to southern Europeans and or Middle eastern peoples. The Greek dynasties only appeared in the Late dynastic period during the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
Cahrlie, you know as much about Ancient Egyptian as you do about modern race relations.

You are a clueless troll.

It amuses me when militant black people try to rewrite history to make themselves look better. One wonders though, if you have to constantly lie to yourself and others about what black people have and have not done, it must mean that you arent happy with the accomplishments of the black race, historically speaking. To be honest, im not impressed with the accomplishments of black people throughout history either, though its because of their geographical locations, and NOT the color of their skin.

The accomplishments of white people on the other hand, are plenty throughout history, therefore you usually wont find white people making shit up to pad the resume of the white race. Occasionally you might get the idiot racist white guy who thinks Jesus had a pale complexion, but racists are always ignorant, regardless of color.

Do the endless accomplishments of the white race make them any more important than black people? Of course not, but i enjoy pointing this out when idiots pretend their race is better than another. I got history on my side, and all you got are lies, charlie bass.

Who the hell is rewriting history? The accomplishments of "white" people are very recent and white people owe a great debt of their accomplishments to the influences they received from Africa and Asia. Before there was any civilization in Europe it already existed in Africa and Asia.

Yeah, like what influences are you speaking of? Have any specific examples, or do you remain vague purposely so that you dont have to be truthful?

The world influences each other, of course, and certainly the US has influenced Asia and Africa far more than they have ever influenced the US. Some people seem do more with that influence than others, which is why all of the technological advances the in the world always seem to come from the west, particularly the United States.
It amuses me when militant black people try to rewrite history to make themselves look better. One wonders though, if you have to constantly lie to yourself and others about what black people have and have not done, it must mean that you arent happy with the accomplishments of the black race, historically speaking. To be honest, im not impressed with the accomplishments of black people throughout history either, though its because of their geographical locations, and NOT the color of their skin.

The accomplishments of white people on the other hand, are plenty throughout history, therefore you usually wont find white people making shit up to pad the resume of the white race. Occasionally you might get the idiot racist white guy who thinks Jesus had a pale complexion, but racists are always ignorant, regardless of color.

Do the endless accomplishments of the white race make them any more important than black people? Of course not, but i enjoy pointing this out when idiots pretend their race is better than another. I got history on my side, and all you got are lies, charlie bass.

Who the hell is rewriting history? The accomplishments of "white" people are very recent and white people owe a great debt of their accomplishments to the influences they received from Africa and Asia. Before there was any civilization in Europe it already existed in Africa and Asia.

Yeah, like what influences are you speaking of? Have any specific examples, or do you remain vague purposely so that you dont have to be truthful?

The world influences each other, of course, and certainly the US has influenced Asia and Africa far more than they have ever influenced the US. Some people seem do more with that influence than others, which is why all of the technological advances the in the world always seem to come from the west, particularly the United States.

For example, Ancient Greeks got their alphabet and or based it on the Phoencian alphabet and the Greeks also used Egyptians numbers, thats an example of influence from Africa and Asia. The Moors, who were a mix of Africans and Asians heavily influenced Europe during its Dark Ages.
Who the hell is rewriting history? The accomplishments of "white" people are very recent and white people owe a great debt of their accomplishments to the influences they received from Africa and Asia. Before there was any civilization in Europe it already existed in Africa and Asia.

Yeah, like what influences are you speaking of? Have any specific examples, or do you remain vague purposely so that you dont have to be truthful?

The world influences each other, of course, and certainly the US has influenced Asia and Africa far more than they have ever influenced the US. Some people seem do more with that influence than others, which is why all of the technological advances the in the world always seem to come from the west, particularly the United States.

For example, Ancient Greeks got their alphabet and or based it on the Phoencian alphabet and the Greeks also used Egyptians numbers, thats an example of influence from Africa and Asia. The Moors, who were a mix of Africans and Asians heavily influenced Europe during its Dark Ages.

You reach for the distant past to find the accomplishments of Africans, precisely because there is little to nothing coming from there today worth romaticizing.

What have you done for me lately?
Yeah, like what influences are you speaking of? Have any specific examples, or do you remain vague purposely so that you dont have to be truthful?

The world influences each other, of course, and certainly the US has influenced Asia and Africa far more than they have ever influenced the US. Some people seem do more with that influence than others, which is why all of the technological advances the in the world always seem to come from the west, particularly the United States.

For example, Ancient Greeks got their alphabet and or based it on the Phoencian alphabet and the Greeks also used Egyptians numbers, thats an example of influence from Africa and Asia. The Moors, who were a mix of Africans and Asians heavily influenced Europe during its Dark Ages.

You reach for the distant past to find the accomplishments of Africans, precisely because there is little to nothing coming from there today worth romaticizing.

What have you done for me lately?

Before the US even existed Africa had civilization and the US is *NOT* a white man's civilization, all so called races contributed to the greatness of the US.

As for Africa today, its the creation of white Europeans, none of the countries that exist to today existed before European colonialists arrived.
I really love watching racists argue with each other about whose racism is wrong/right.



This is my nomination for the most ironic post of the goddamn day.

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I really love watching racists argue with each other about whose racism is wrong/right.



This is nomination for the most ironic post of the goddamn day.


You're the biggest racist piece of sh.... in here besides William J, what are you clapping for?

No, actually thats not true. The list, as i see it, goes like this...

1) 52ndStreet
2) Wliiam Joyce/Charlie Bass, its a tie, because neither of you come out and use racial slurs with wreckless abandon, but both of you see to make a big deal about color.
3) Maybe Shogun..

I say "maybe Shogun" because im not sure if hes a true racist, or if he just enjoys using the racist words just to piss people off. Shogun seems to say any vile thing that might make his opposition angry, regardless of the subject. Hes just insulting in general.
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