The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity

Ancient Egyptians were Africans, biologically related to other Northeast Africans, Northeast Africans would be black in America, if you have any evidence to the contrary please post it. Discussing African history and peoples is the Bass specialty so bring it on.

Actually Charlie, you are right. Egyptians did descend from Africans. As did the Europeans, the Asians, the Original Peoples of what became North & South America, and everyone else on the planet.

Less than 2,000 generations separate any two of us world wide... assuming you trust the same DNA technology our courts use to prove family relations and rape cases.

How does it feel knowing that you and me and William Joyce are all cousins? Pretty close ones at that - probably less than 500 generations - considering we all three have some connection to the European branch of the family. (Assuming that your direct ancestry is American for at least the last several generations and not African)

Love ya Bro'! You too William!


This is a strawman, Europeans and Asians are distantly related to Africans, Egyptians are Africans and are closely related to other Africans.

It's not 'strawman' Charlie... it means none of us is black and none if us is white - we are all pink on the inside and various shades of brown on the outside.

And remember cousin, none of us is separated by more than 2,000 generations... "Strawman" is caring more about the brown than the pink.

If you have something to say about the Ancient Egyptians, say it!

Does it really matter what color the powerful people in ancient Egypt were when they enslaved their cousins and brothers and ground them into brick to make the pyramids?

Yeh you wish, keep dreamin TUT:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Invading cultures who tried to steal a culture, does not make them Egyptian. No Greek or
Roman can be recognized as an original Egyptian!.They were Black People , do more research.Egypt is in the African continent, not Europe!!.

No, im sorry, but they were NOT black. Nice try though.

Why are White people always trying to imply that the ancient Egyptians were not Black?.
I tell you all now, they were Black people, on an Black African continent.Nubians.
Imhotep.They made Black statues, of Imhotep,not White Statues.Black paintings on the inside of the pyramid walls, not paintings of white Europeans. So please , stop trying to
perpertrate your fraud.

The name Imhotep means "Perfect Black one"look it up!., not perfect white European one!
Perfect Black one.
Invading cultures who tried to steal a culture, does not make them Egyptian. No Greek or
Roman can be recognized as an original Egyptian!.They were Black People , do more research.Egypt is in the African continent, not Europe!!.

No, im sorry, but they were NOT black. Nice try though.

Why are White people always trying to imply that the ancient Egyptians were not Black?.
I tell you all now, they were Black people, on an Black African continent.Nubians.
Imhotep.They made Black statues, of Imhotep,not White Statues.Black paintings on the inside of the pyramid walls, not paintings of white Europeans. So please , stop trying to
perpertrate your fraud.

The name Imhotep means "Perfect Black one"look it up!., not perfect white European one!
Perfect Black one.

Does it matter?


Egyptian rulers were sometimes Nubians from the upper nile kingdom and sometimes they were of GREEK decent.

You guys apprarently don't realize how LONG that kingdom lasted.

The OLD Kingdom started in 2649 BC and lasted till 2150 BC.

The ROMAN empire took it over in 30 AD.

Dynasties which ruled over Egypt were not ONE race, folks.

Some of them were Black Africans some of them were Mediteranians.

The Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans!, you need to get a Book called."The African Origins of Civilization" , by a Cheikh Anta Diop. This Black anthropologist did microscopic
and radio carbon dating studies on many ancient Egyptians mummies, and found "Black melanin, in many of the samples. And in his book, there is a lot of evidence to prove that many White European archeologists and scientist, went out of their way, because of out right racism, to say the ancient Egyptian were caucasian when in fact, they were of Black
Sudanese origin. Europeans were always trying to invade Egypt.There were many attempts
at conquest. But indigenous Egyptians were Black people!. Stop believing that white Lie about Egypt!.

Both Ancient and Modern Egyptians were/are Arab Semitic White (65% of Egypt’s population) as shall be demonstrated shortly. The “Hamitic theory” has been proven wrong and outdated by DNA(haploid testing) as well as anthropological testing. The Hamites have been described from the whole spectrum of Black to White(both Semitic and Indo European Aryan) to any admixture. About 30% is Black(mostly Nubian, some Nilotic), Black/Arab admixture-the Berbers and Moors are essentially Arabs with 8-15% Black heritage, and 5% all other ethnicities. The confusion comes about because Afro centrists want to claim the Black Nubians/people of Kemet were Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Nubia encompassed the lower Southwestern corner of present day Egypt(annexed in 1520 B.C.), the remainder being present day Sudan. Additionally, there were Black Nubian Pharaohs for an extremely short time frame from 800-700 B.C.. Many of the Pharaohs do exhibit admixture-Black/Arab mix as would be expected when two or more ethnicities are in close contact. Interestingly, National Geographic sponsored three professional team - American, Egyptian, and French to produce busts from x-rays of King Tut’s mummy. The Egyptians and French were told whom they were working on, the Americans were not. Remarkably, the three teams came up with very similar looking busts, all three claiming King Tut was Caucasian:

PRESS RELEASE May 2005 - King Tut Facial Reconstruction - Dr. Zahi Hawass - The Plateau - Official Website of Dr. Zahi Hawass.
Egyptian rulers were sometimes Nubians from the upper nile kingdom and sometimes they were of GREEK decent.

You guys apprarently don't realize how LONG that kingdom lasted.

The OLD Kingdom started in 2649 BC and lasted till 2150 BC.

The ROMAN empire took it over in 30 AD.

Dynasties which ruled over Egypt were not ONE race, folks.

Some of them were Black Africans some of them were Mediteranians.

The Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans!, you need to get a Book called."The African Origins of Civilization" , by a Cheikh Anta Diop. This Black anthropologist did microscopic
and radio carbon dating studies on many ancient Egyptians mummies, and found "Black melanin, in many of the samples. And in his book, there is a lot of evidence to prove that many White European archeologists and scientist, went out of their way, because of out right racism, to say the ancient Egyptian were caucasian when in fact, they were of Black
Sudanese origin. Europeans were always trying to invade Egypt.There were many attempts
at conquest. But indigenous Egyptians were Black people!. Stop believing that white Lie about Egypt!.

Both Ancient and Modern Egyptians were/are Arab Semitic White (65% of Egypt’s population) as shall be demonstrated shortly. The “Hamitic theory” has been proven wrong and outdated by DNA(haploid testing) as well as anthropological testing. The Hamites have been described from the whole spectrum of Black to White(both Semitic and Indo European Aryan) to any admixture. About 30% is Black(mostly Nubian, some Nilotic), Black/Arab admixture-the Berbers and Moors are essentially Arabs with 8-15% Black heritage, and 5% all other ethnicities. The confusion comes about because Afro centrists want to claim the Black Nubians/people of Kemet were Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Nubia encompassed the lower Southwestern corner of present day Egypt(annexed in 1520 B.C.), the remainder being present day Sudan. Additionally, there were Black Nubian Pharaohs for an extremely short time frame from 800-700 B.C.. Many of the Pharaohs do exhibit admixture-Black/Arab mix as would be expected when two or more ethnicities are in close contact. Interestingly, National Geographic sponsored three professional team - American, Egyptian, and French to produce busts from x-rays of King Tut’s mummy. The Egyptians and French were told whom they were working on, the Americans were not. Remarkably, the three teams came up with very similar looking busts, all three claiming King Tut was Caucasian:

PRESS RELEASE May 2005 - King Tut Facial Reconstruction - Dr. Zahi Hawass - The Plateau - Official Website of Dr. Zahi Hawass.

King Tut was not Caucasian. He was Black The Egyptians were A Black and Brown RACE.
Look at the many paintings in the tombs. They are of Black and Brown skinned people.
Not European caucasians.!!
"Imohotep" is translated to mean "Perfect Black one" not perfect caucasian one!,
Check it out your self.!!
Isiss was black, Imhotep was a Black male , !! do the research.!
[ame=]YouTube - House Of pain - Jump Around Music Video last one on youtube[/ame]
Ancient Egyptians were black, thats an argument you will not win and painted themselves different from Europeans and people in the Middle East and studies on their crania indicate they were far closer to Nubians than to people from the Middle East or Southern Europe. A Somali looks distinct from a Ghanaian but both are black.

Ancient Egyptians didn't notice race in the same sense that people see it today, they cared more about ethnicity, ie, are you Egyptian or not, not whether one was black or white.
Actually, leonard jefferies invented this fantasy in the 1990s, and it's an argument you won't win, lord haw haw is correct in this case, the Egyptians spoke of the black men to the south, the eithiopians.

The Egyptians are a semetic race, as were all the races of the fertile cresent.

They depicted themselves is redish brown.



The similarity between black races and semitic races is what lead Jefferies, a four star racist, to come up with his laughable conclusions.
Before the US even existed Africa had civilization and the US is *NOT* a white man's civilization, all so called races contributed to the greatness of the US.

As for Africa today, its the creation of white Europeans, none of the countries that exist to today existed before European colonialists arrived.
There is no sub Sahara group that would qualify as a civilization that predates the Europeans settling in the Americas exists.

Only Eithiopia would qualify as such, perhaps if you are generous the Malis of about 1250 could also qualify but they left no lasting impression.

Civilization is defined by having a written langauge and rudimentary knowledge of metallurgy and living in planned communities with an attempt to organize them into streets.

I'd be interested to hear what people you claim qualify for this, the fact is the only ciilization Black Africa knew was from muslim influence down it's eastern coast, this was done to fascilitate the slave, gold and ivory trade, and this was clearly Arabic in design and control.
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"Imohotep" is translated to mean "Perfect Black one" not perfect caucasian one!

And it's 'Imhotep' not 'Imohotep.' :cuckoo:

'Imhotep' translate to 'the one who comes in, with peace' not perfect anyone. :lol:

He wasn't a king or pharaoh, he was an engineer who served under Khufu who designed the first great pyramid.
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Doesn't seem to resemble a black man, does he.

Black people have brilliant contributions to the human condition, you cheapen these when you try to make claims for things they were not a part of.

I bet none of you can name the Roman Emeperor who was a Black man.
How about a look at the interior painting of the Great Pyramid at giza, built by Khufu (we sometimes call him Cheops, I prefer his Egyptian name):


If you ever toured them you would have no doubt, I did some 30 years ago, it's something you never forget.
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"Imohotep" is translated to mean "Perfect Black one" not perfect caucasian one!

And it's 'Imhotep' not 'Imohotep.' :cuckoo:

'Imhotep' translate to 'the one who comes in, with peace' not perfect anyone. :lol:

He wasn't a king or pharaoh, he was an engineer who served under Khufu who designed the first great pyramid.

Not just an engineer, but a man of many trades and great wisdom. Without him we would have almost no medical science.
There is no sub Sahara group that would qualify as a civilization that predates the Europeans settling in the Americas exists.

This is pure garbage, there were many that preceded white settlement of America.

Only Eithiopia would qualify as such, perhaps if you are generous the Malis of about 1250 could also qualify but they left no lasting impression.

What do you mean "left no lasting impression?" On white people you mean? White Europeans aren't the center of this world, written records on Mali from travelers no doubt left a great impression on those that came there, everyone talked about Timbuktu.

Civilization is defined by having a written langauge and rudimentary knowledge of metallurgy and living in planned communities with an attempt to organize them into streets.

Language is *NOT* required for a civilization, if you have trade, planned and settled communities and possess the ability to communicte with other peoples, you have a civilization. by your logic most of Europe wasn't even "civilized".

I'd be interested to hear what people you claim qualify for this, the fact is the only ciilization Black Africa knew was from muslim influence down it's eastern coast, this was done to fascilitate the slave, gold and ivory trade, and this was clearly Arabic in design and control.

No, No wrong again:

The Swahili people have been viewed as of Persian/Arabic or Cushitic speaking origin. Scholars have used historical and archaeological data to support this hypothesis. However, linguistic and recent archaeological data suggest the Swahili culture had its origins in the early first centuries A.D. it was the early farming people who settled on the coast in the last centuries B.C. who first adopted iron technology and sailing techniques and founded the coastal settlements. the culture of iron-using people spread to the rest of the coast of East Africa, its center changing fom one place to another. Involvements in transoceanic trade from the early centuries A.D. contributed to the prosperity of the coastal communities as evidenced by coastal monuments. More than 1500 years of cultural continuity was offset by the arrival of European and Arab colonizers in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries A.D.
African Archaeological Review

16 (3): 199-218, September 1998

Felix Chami

"The East Coast archaeological evidence proves that, in all cases, local peoples possessed their own civilisation before the Arabs arrived. After Arabs coming, foreign technique replace the local earthenware techniques (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286). The first Islamic earthenware (recognised as most characteristic of the thirteenth century) was a mottle glaze applied over a light slip that had incised hatched patterns (Garlake 1966: 53). This was followed in the fourteenth century, in Kenya particularly, by the “black on yellow” earthenware, which existed until the fifteenth century when it was supplanted by the blue and green glazed earthenware (Garlake 1966: 53, Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286). This can be compared with the introduction in the mid-thirteenth century of Chinese yellow and black glazed earthenware, and blue and white celadons (Garlake 1966: 53, Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286).

An unbiased reading of the Arabic sources reporting on this period reveals that contrary to the old belief of the East Coast being an Arabo-Persian colony or an Islamic cultural appendix in which the locals contributed little, nowhere is there a mention of large Islamic settlements or colonies of Muslim expatriates (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 287, 288). Indeed, these sources inform us that the coast was both inhabited and ruled by the indigenous Zandj population."

" The African components of the Swahili culture are stronger than has previously been recognised: the grammatical structure and much of the vocabulary of Kiswahili bears close relationships with the Mijikenda and Pokomo languages, and its literature echoes the African oral tradition (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 291).

Neither Arabia or Persia bears comparisons with the Swahili material culture and there are no known parallels that can be drawn with architecture outside East Africa that permits a conclusion other than that the Swahili stone architecture was an original and creative development of the local mud-and-wattle architecture abundant along the coast synthesised with the Arabian heritage of styles and methods (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 291, Garlake 1978: 97, Chittick 1974: 235). The surviving settlement buildings display a unity of style evolution along the coast which can be seen in both the plans and the construction and decorative techniques (Garlake 1978: 97). This architecture was a consequence of the increase in economic wealth of and socio-economic differentiation with the native societies (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 291)."

The Antiquity of Man East & West African complex societies
The mosques were not built in the traditional great arcade court and pavilion tradition of Arabia, but rather as rectangular halls containing numerous pillars (Garlake 1978: 97). While the form of a lot of the mosque and house decoration is Islamic, it has an African content (Garlake 1978: 97). The coastal internal house room arrangement reflect the African desire for privacy with the reception room being at the front (Garlake 1978: 97).


Doesn't seem to resemble a black man, does he.

Black people have brilliant contributions to the human condition, you cheapen these when you try to make claims for things they were not a part of.

I bet none of you can name the Roman Emeperor who was a Black man.

Imhotep looks just like a Northeast African, like some Somalis, Bejas and Ethiopians in his facial features depicted


That isn't the face of white man nor an Arab.
This is pure garbage, there were many that preceded white settlement of America.

What do you mean "left no lasting impression?" On white people you mean? White Europeans aren't the center of this world, written records on Mali from travelers no doubt left a great impression on those that came there, everyone talked about Timbuktu.
No bassy boi, it's fact.

Language is *NOT* required for a civilization, if you have trade, planned and settled communities and possess the ability to communicte with other peoples, you have a civilization. by your logic most of Europe wasn't even "civilized".
Written langauge certainly is, if you haven't got one, you are considered a stone age culture bassy boi. And sorry, Europe is not the subect here, what is, is your faulty claims.

No, No wrong again:

The Swahili people have been viewed as of Persian/Arabic or Cushitic speaking origin. Scholars have used historical and archaeological data to support this hypothesis. However, linguistic and recent archaeological data suggest the Swahili culture had its origins in the early first centuries A.D. it was the early farming people who settled on the coast in the last centuries B.C. who first adopted iron technology and sailing techniques and founded the coastal settlements. the culture of iron-using people spread to the rest of the coast of East Africa, its center changing fom one place to another. Involvements in transoceanic trade from the early centuries A.D. contributed to the prosperity of the coastal communities as evidenced by coastal monuments. More than 1500 years of cultural continuity was offset by the arrival of European and Arab colonizers in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries A.D.
Too bad the Arabs arrived in 1,000 AD, isn't it.

"The East Coast archaeological evidence proves that, in all cases, local peoples possessed their own civilisation before the Arabs arrived. After Arabs coming, foreign technique replace the local earthenware techniques (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286). The first Islamic earthenware (recognised as most characteristic of the thirteenth century) was a mottle glaze applied over a light slip that had incised hatched patterns (Garlake 1966: 53). This was followed in the fourteenth century, in Kenya particularly, by the “black on yellow” earthenware, which existed until the fifteenth century when it was supplanted by the blue and green glazed earthenware (Garlake 1966: 53, Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286). This can be compared with the introduction in the mid-thirteenth century of Chinese yellow and black glazed earthenware, and blue and white celadons (Garlake 1966: 53, Masao & Mutoro 1992: 286).

An unbiased reading of the Arabic sources reporting on this period reveals that contrary to the old belief of the East Coast being an Arabo-Persian colony or an Islamic cultural appendix in which the locals contributed little, nowhere is there a mention of large Islamic settlements or colonies of Muslim expatriates (Masao & Mutoro 1992: 287, 288). Indeed, these sources inform us that the coast was both inhabited and ruled by the indigenous Zandj population."
Who said large sttlements or colonies?

They spread their culture.

We will skip the next few parts as you keep quoting the same faulty source.
Imhotep looks just like a Northeast African, like some Somalis, Bejas and Ethiopians in his facial features depicted


That isn't the face of white man nor an Arab.
Looks semitic to me, and does not resemble a black man at all.

Looks like you are seeing what you want to see, which was the bases of jefferie's crack pot theories.

Let me guess, you also buy into his 'black man is the superior sun race, and white people are the inferior ice people' nonsense.
[ame=]YouTube - white man tells truth[/ame]
"Imohotep" is translated to mean "Perfect Black one" not perfect caucasian one!

And it's 'Imhotep' not 'Imohotep.' :cuckoo:

'Imhotep' translate to 'the one who comes in, with peace' not perfect anyone. :lol:

He wasn't a king or pharaoh, he was an engineer who served under Khufu who designed the first great pyramid.

I am telling you Imhotep one of the African translation means "Perfect Black one" do the
linguistic research on it!.Not perfect or imperfect White one , which is how the Egyptians saw
White people as being "imperfect", because of their "White Skin", that burned in the Egyptian Sun, and their "Blue Eyes", that glowed as embers in coal.So there is no way Egyptians can be classified as being "White" , some of you people have been watching to
many Hollywood movies with Elizabeth Taylor, and Richard Burton.
"Imohotep" is translated to mean "Perfect Black one" not perfect caucasian one!

And it's 'Imhotep' not 'Imohotep.' :cuckoo:

'Imhotep' translate to 'the one who comes in, with peace' not perfect anyone. :lol:

He wasn't a king or pharaoh, he was an engineer who served under Khufu who designed the first great pyramid.

I am telling you Imhotep one of the African translation means "Perfect Black one" do the
linguistic research on it!.Not perfect or imperfect White one , which is how the Egyptians saw
White people as being "imperfect", because of their "White Skin", that burned in the Egyptian Sun, and their "Blue Eyes", that glowed as embers in coal.So there is no way Egyptians can be classified as being "White" , some of you people have been watching to
many Hollywood movies with Elizabeth Taylor, and Richard Burton.

Wow ... actually Ancient Egyptians were closer to the coloring of Native Americans, many stayed in doors to prevent darkening as it was seen as beautiful to be different. As a matter of fact, they also prevented many of their servants from going out in the daylight hours to keep them from getting too dark. To them a light tan was a sign of wealth, since the laborers would have to work in the sunlight. Also, Imhotep was Ancient Egyptian, the language was lost for quite some time, and the name means 'the one who comes in, with peace' in the ancient dialect (which I happen to read). It was a name he also earned. Ancient Egyptians also did not see white or black as being perfect or imperfect, to them it was a status within the culture based on each culture they encountered (which were many). They saw the Greeks as great warriors, and even took one of the half-grecian, half-egyptian offspring as a queen just before the Romans (who they did hate) cam and slaughtered them. How they saw the Greeks and Romans was not based on skin color, but on how they acted toward them. Greeks came with open arms, said let's form trade agreements and share cultures, while the Romans came with swords drawn. They also saw the lesser tribes in the area (most were of pitch colored skin) as ... well ... lesser, even to the extent of being lower life forms, because of their uncivilized natures. So yeah, learn your own history a bit more, please, you embarrass Egyptians by your idiotic assumptions.

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