The rise of fascism, nationalism and populism today

Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.
It's not "emotion," TN, it is one of our core values and traditions, to welcome people to our free country from other lands. The circumstances are not different at all. America is threatened, has been at war for fifteen solid years against radical Islam/ISIS. We are doing exactly what we did before. Or we will, if we don't put on the brakes. Do you think Trump's administration and a Republican dominated Congress, Senate and soon to be majority conservative Supreme Court will not have its way in these matters? Really?
We cant declare war on a terror group.
Shit happens during war. It is absolutely emotion. Because ANY logical thought would include them abusing Good.
On September 18, 2001, Congress enacted into law, and President George W. Bush signed, what is arguably the broadest declaration of war in our nation’s history. “Whereas on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States,” begins the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF),

The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations, or persons.

Constitutionally, the 9-18-01 Act is a Declaration of War.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
According to that logic the Democrats are 100% fascist and have been for decades.

Christians are treated horribly in this country by the popular culture(Democrats) compared to Muslims , and so have white people who have a sense of worth.

Trump could be an openly anti-Arab bigot who advocates for extreme repression of Muslims beyond anything we ever believed was possible and he still wouldn't hold a candle to what has been done by the media and the education system to Christians and traditional white Americans.
That is just too warped to bother with, besides turning the thread.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.
It's not "emotion," TN, it is one of our core values and traditions, to welcome people to our free country from other lands. The circumstances are not different at all. America is threatened, has been at war for fifteen solid years against radical Islam/ISIS. We are doing exactly what we did before. Or we will, if we don't put on the brakes. Do you think Trump's administration and a Republican dominated Congress, Senate and soon to be majority conservative Supreme Court will not have its way in these matters? Really?
We cant declare war on a terror group.
Shit happens during war. It is absolutely emotion. Because ANY logical thought would include them abusing Good.
On September 18, 2001, Congress enacted into law, and President George W. Bush signed, what is arguably the broadest declaration of war in our nation’s history. “Whereas on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States,” begins the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF),

The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations, or persons.

Constitutionally, the 9-18-01 Act is a Declaration of War.
Do you approve / support it?
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?

Using that logic, cars should be banned.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
According to that logic the Democrats are 100% fascist and have been for decades.

Christians are treated horribly in this country by the popular culture(Democrats) compared to Muslims , and so have white people who have a sense of worth.

Trump could be an openly anti-Arab bigot who advocates for extreme repression of Muslims beyond anything we ever believed was possible and he still wouldn't hold a candle to what has been done by the media and the education system to Christians and traditional white Americans.
That is just too warped to bother with, besides turning the thread.
You are a self-described "old lady", you don't know jack shit about what is going on in today's America.

I am a millennial who has lived in today's America for almost all my life and I know it better than just about anyone.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?

Using that logic, cars should be banned.



So instead, people are talking about banning a religion.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.

Using the same logic: religion doesn't kill, people do. Right? Religion is just a tool.
Historically impaired know-it-all idiots on the left are free to re-define "Fascism" for their own purposes but they are usually wrong. Fascism is government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. "Nationalism" is also re-defined by the angry and possibly psychotic left wing since they lost the election but "nationalism" is a good thing that makes living in the greatest Nation in the world an experience in freedom and democracy. On the other hand "globalism' is a bad thing that ties the production and distribution of goods and services to countries outside of the U.S. Constitutional law.
Fascism seems to have the same definition as socialism, are they the same?

they are the same. Different cosmetic differences depending on the culture and the guy and party in charge....
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?

Using that logic, cars should be banned.



So instead, people are talking about banning a religion.

Pupps doesn't think so. First, it must be a religion - not political dogma wrapped in religious tapestry.

Second, terrorism needs to be stopped / banned. If the "religion" harbors terrorists or promotes terrorism, then it is a terrorist organization.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.

Using the same logic: religion doesn't kill, people do. Right? Religion is just a tool.
So it makes sense to do background checks. Thanks!
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.

Using the same logic: religion doesn't kill, people do. Right? Religion is just a tool.

And those particular tool owners should be registered.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
It's a risk we have the ability to not let happen
You mean like we can reduce the risk of death by gun violence through enacting stricter gun laws? .... but I don't see you calling for that.

IN the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and in 1997 we had 4.7 million people actually carrying guns for self 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and 15 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate went down 49%........enacting strict gun laws does not lower the gun crime rate....facts, truth and reality show this.......we added more guns and had more law abiding people carrying guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....
The myth that gun laws reduce gun crime is just that, a myth.....
But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.

Using the same logic: religion doesn't kill, people do. Right? Religion is just a tool.

And those particular tool owners should be registered.
With a trigger lock and no ammo.
But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
Tell that to the europeans. Trump lives in reality and is well aware of terrorism here. Downplaying 9/11, Boston Marathon, Florida hightclub, Ft. Hood, San Bernadino and God knows what they managed to stop just bizarre!

But down playing the risks of gun violence....isn't bizarre? How about reacting to real risk vs perceived risk?
There's no such thing as gun violence. You are a world class equivocator. No gun has decided to kill in the name of their blood thirsty god.

Using the same logic: religion doesn't kill, people do. Right? Religion is just a tool.

And those particular tool owners should be registered.

Why....what does registration accomplish? So far...all it leads to is eventual confiscation of guns.....with no deterrent effect on gun crime...
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
That was during a declaration of war, coyote.

And that somehow makes it right or different? Now we have the so-called "War against terrorism" or as some would call it war against Islam.

So what exactly are you saying NLT, that you agree with registering American citizens, confiscating their property, interning them indefinately?

No...that is what a democrat did to American citizens...we don't want to let democrats do that again.....
IMO, one of the atrocities of WWII is that we closed our doors to German Jews begging to flee Hitler. So they were exterminated; we could have helped. It's true they weren't American citizens, so apparently you don't care, but I DO. You see what is happening in Aleppo and Mosul. Picture living in it. You've maybe seen what living conditions are like in the refugee camps for families, sometimes for years. So yes, I am bitching that Trump is in favor of closing our doors because of "national security." It is EXACTLY the same excuse we used to keep out the Jews. Should there be a registry of Muslims "for security reasons?" That is what we did in order to collect the Japanese and send them to prison camps. We confiscated their property, their businesses, everything. AND THEY WERE BORN HERE.
I wish you were right, TN, but I don't know what makes you think "it won't happen here." Listen to the people around you. America's done it's share of shit hole stuff, and we are more than capable of doing it again.
Completely different circumstances. You are assuming a HUGE threat would have to happen for POTUS to get that kind of power. Have you ever heard of separation of powers?
We shouldn't register citizens, of course not.
One could never convince me that emotion is better suited to run a country, ESPECIALLY its safety of 320M people than actual safety and logical thought.

But that is exactly what is happening now isn't it?

For example, look at relative risk. The risk of being injured or killed in an Islamic terrorist incident is so low as to be riiculous. You are more likely to be hit by lightening, killed by a drunk driver, or shot in random violence. Yet instead of evaluating and reacting to real risk, we react to percieved risk and call on our politiicans to base their policies on that. That is exactly what Trump is doing.
It's a risk we have the ability to not let happen
You mean like we can reduce the risk of death by gun violence through enacting stricter gun laws? .... but I don't see you calling for that.

IN the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and in 1997 we had 4.7 million people actually carrying guns for self 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and 15 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun murder rate went down 49%........enacting strict gun laws does not lower the gun crime rate....facts, truth and reality show this.......we added more guns and had more law abiding people carrying guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....
The myth that gun laws reduce gun crime is just that, a myth.....

The only gun law that will reduce gun crime is Constitutional Carry.

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