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The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Yes policemen and firemen and teachers never take responsibility for themselves. That is the description of a ceo who spends their days golfing. Those people actually are in the trenches working.

I am not attacking the working Police Teacher Fireman. The system is out of control. they are simply caught up in it. Who would not take that deal? If you don't speak up against the built-in unfairness then you must be for it. I am against it. I am against Ryan/Boner continued spending. I hope "they" fix something soon.

What "deal" would that be?

Crappy pay and dwindling benefits?

Teachers pay for classroom supplies out of their own money and they're paid shit.

Firefighters and cops risk their lives for shit pay.

What does the RWNJ traitor want to do about that?

They want to take more away from them. Next thing, we'll be hearing about how its an "entry level job" so they shouldn't expect to be able to live on the pay.
Oh look someone cut and paste a whole article full of bullsh!t again.
It's the spectrum of the left wing folks.

First....they try to convince you to see it their way.

And it fails. Because liberalism is literally a mental disorder that science has confirmed.

SOO....they get mad.

And the next phase on the spectrum....is they decide they'll just force you to see it and do it their way.

That's where censorship comes in.
That's where forced income redistribution comes in.

That's how left wing communist regimes who slaughter masses rise to power.
Not just you, Twinkie boy. Some of your fellow RWNJ traitors are here every day, sucking on the family or govt teat and bitching and whining and crying and refusing to take responsibility for themselves while saying that children, elderly, disabled, vets should not get govt assistence

I don't mind my tax dollars used to help the truly needy (especially Children). I am against the massive overhead or those who scam the system. I would pay more to help if it truly went to need.
"The Rise of Intolerant Liberals"

This fails as a straw man fallacy – nothing but a ridiculous lie.

Indeed, given the right's hostility toward gay Americans and Hispanic immigrants, the privacy rights of women, and the popularity of Trump's bigotry and hate among republicans, conservatives are in no position to accuse others of being 'intolerant.'

Obama, Hillary and other Dems are on record saying they disapprove of gay marriage. They changed their rhetoric when it was politically advantageous to do so. Obama only evolved after Biden opened his mouth and claimed Obama would support gay marriage. Personally, I think he should have done it sooner and the fact that he didn't tells me he isn't sincere.

No liberal has come out and condemned the slaughter of gays in Muslim countries.

You don't understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration. The majority want the borders secured.

No illegal aliens are being denied anything because they have no right to anything here. Maybe you should direct your criticism to the Mexican government since they do nothing for their people. Despite having no right to sneak through our borders, they get a huge share of tax dollars for welfare, education and healthcare. I won't bring up what the prisoners cost us.
What's sad and telling is that during the 50s and 60s many of those liberals fighting for the rights of Americans were republicans, before the advent of the bane of the social right and religious fundamentalism, when republicans of good faith and good conscience understood correctly that citizens' rights were not subject to popular vote, that the Constitution and its case law are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states, and when republicans were once true advocates of limited government and individual liberty, unlike today.

Today we must suffer republican and conservative ideologues and reactionary extremists – their ignorance, intolerance, fear, and hate, as exhibited by the lie and fallacy that is this thread's premise, and the rightist fools who agree with it.
Not just you, Twinkie boy. Some of your fellow RWNJ traitors are here every day, sucking on the family or govt teat and bitching and whining and crying and refusing to take responsibility for themselves while saying that children, elderly, disabled, vets should not get govt assistence

I don't mind my tax dollars used to help the truly needy (especially Children). I am against the massive overhead or those who scam the system. I would pay more to help if it truly went to need.

If that were true, you would leave the poor alone and go after the real welfare queens.

Not just you, Twinkie boy. Some of your fellow RWNJ traitors are here every day, sucking on the family or govt teat and bitching and whining and crying and refusing to take responsibility for themselves while saying that children, elderly, disabled, vets should not get govt assistence

I don't mind my tax dollars used to help the truly needy (especially Children). I am against the massive overhead or those who scam the system. I would pay more to help if it truly went to need.

If that were true, you would leave the poor alone and go after the real welfare queens.


I am not out to deprive the poor. I am against those using the poor to make a great living and expect me to pay for it. The gig is up. You can choose to ignore it, support it, vote for more of it, Maybe you are part of "it"? sigh. Public sector pay package has been exposed throughout USMB, you should know? Notice how they simply spend any amount pulled out of thin air to $20T? Make us the slaves to the debt. 8 years of BHO, not one thing fixed bad about Govt. Only cuts to military spending.
The 17 "new" taxes in ObamaCare started to kick in. More revenue for them. Don't worry they will give you what you need.
Oh you poor conservatives :itsok:

Mr. Boner is an progressive...
Yes you sheeple do certainly detest anyone you've heard the media label RINO's! :rofl:

I wish you'd hated the Boner 15 years ago when him and his ilk were the ones calling people RINO's and running the country into the ground with Dubya and his handlers.
More hypocrisy.

Lowe's advertised during the show "All-American Muslim" but when the ratings for the show went in the dumpster, Lowe's pulled their advertising. This is always how it goes and with good reason. It's foolish to throw money away on advertising that so few will see.

Of course, this bought angry remarks from CAIR and the left. No appreciation for Lowe's being a sponsor of the show to begin with, just anger because they didn't stick with a sinking ship. Upset idiots are calling for a boycott of Lowe's for pulling the ads.

I'm not surprised the show didn't do well. Many just hate politically correct bullshit, but I wonder why the libs didn't become faithful viewers. Funny that Lowe's is being criticized for parting ways with a lousy show, but yet the big mouths bashing them didn't do their part to make the show popular. But then, liberals didn't even listen to the ultra-liberal Air America so, apparently, they don't even buy their own bullshit.

LOL I'm a writer. You have to know the venue. If your style is posting up War and Peace on a message board have at it. Readership for this venue falls off past a few moderate paragraphs.

To each his own.

Comparing a post to the length of War and Peace is hysterical. People post much longer articles all the time and dare to hope people will read them and engage in an actual debate. Sad that too many prefer hit and run insults, which makes the point of being here moot.

People can claim what they want as far as their personal lives. You say you are a writer yet cannot be bothered to read or even type out a meaningful reply.

Clementine: No one wants to read your "liberals are mean to me" manifesto. It's cry baby stuff ... "oh woe is me, all I want to do is discriminate against gays and stuff like that, but they won't tolerate it!" How can you "dare to hope" that your post entitled, "The Rise of Intolerant Liberals" followed by eye-rolling cry baby nonsense would generate any meaningful debate? You lost my attention with the first inane paragraph and then it goes on and on and on. It's a scroll by post that generates the ridicule it deserves. Pick out just one sentence in your post that merits discussion. Even you would be hard-pressed to do that one thing.
People to the left of you don't tolerate your intolerance

Which makes them intolerant. In reality we're all intolerant. Some moreso than others.

If liberals like you claim to be tolerant and inclusive, then you would also tolerate the intolerant. Accept they have views and opinions different than yours and move on.

No champion of tolerance would be intolerant. Think about that.

I have no problem with conservative views, opinions, or beliefs. They are free to apply those things to their own lives. I object, however, when they work so hard to impose those views, opinions, or beliefs on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws. Gays don't criminalize your adult consensual relationships, so don't criminalize their relationships. Gays don't tell you who you can marry, so don't tell them they can't marry the person they love because it somehow offends you. Why can't conservatives keep their noses out of other people's bedrooms? or other people's reproductive decisions? Why can't conservatives who operate businesses in the public square serve all members of the public? just bake the damn cake .... how hard is that for a cake-baking business? If you're intolerant, I will not tolerate your intolerance. That's a pretty simple concept.
More hypocrisy.

Lowe's advertised during the show "All-American Muslim" but when the ratings for the show went in the dumpster, Lowe's pulled their advertising. This is always how it goes and with good reason. It's foolish to throw money away on advertising that so few will see.

Of course, this bought angry remarks from CAIR and the left. No appreciation for Lowe's being a sponsor of the show to begin with, just anger because they didn't stick with a sinking ship. Upset idiots are calling for a boycott of Lowe's for pulling the ads.

I'm not surprised the show didn't do well. Many just hate politically correct bullshit, but I wonder why the libs didn't become faithful viewers. Funny that Lowe's is being criticized for parting ways with a lousy show, but yet the big mouths bashing them didn't do their part to make the show popular. But then, liberals didn't even listen to the ultra-liberal Air America so, apparently, they don't even buy their own bullshit.

More lies and fallacies from the right.
I'm guessing that "intolerant Liberals" arose about the same time Comservatives took up shooting abortion doctors and blowing up federal buildings. After all, aren't those 'tolerant' acts of Conservatism?
LOL I'm a writer. You have to know the venue. If your style is posting up War and Peace on a message board have at it. Readership for this venue falls off past a few moderate paragraphs.

To each his own.

Comparing a post to the length of War and Peace is hysterical. People post much longer articles all the time and dare to hope people will read them and engage in an actual debate. Sad that too many prefer hit and run insults, which makes the point of being here moot.

People can claim what they want as far as their personal lives. You say you are a writer yet cannot be bothered to read or even type out a meaningful reply.

Clementine: No one wants to read your "liberals are mean to me" manifesto. It's cry baby stuff ... "oh woe is me, all I want to do is discriminate against gays and stuff like that, but they won't tolerate it!" How can you "dare to hope" that your post entitled, "The Rise of Intolerant Liberals" followed by eye-rolling cry baby nonsense would generate any meaningful debate? You lost my attention with the first inane paragraph and then it goes on and on and on. It's a scroll by post that generates the ridicule it deserves. Pick out just one sentence in your post that merits discussion. Even you would be hard-pressed to do that one thing.

I find it incredible that Obama can praise BLM after all the violence they incited. Cops have been murdered. Their actions have not done anything to unite or even invite discussion on how to improve things. It's been cop and white bashing and they even stated it was too late for an apology. That leaves revenge and it would seem that is the goal with all the violence. Why did Obama praise and encourage them?

I also notice that Christians get bashed a lot and it's constantly put out there by numerous liberals that they are hateful to gays and are radical in their pro-life views. All pro-life people were put on the spot after some lunatic was shooting at a Planned Parenthood. The media and many libs had no problem lumping all pro-life groups and Christians into one group and demanding explanations. I notice that when there are Muslim terrorist attacks, the only concern on the left is protecting the image of Muslims. They are never lumped together or pressed for an explanation or statement.

The war on poverty has created a class of people who know nothing but government dependence. We have generations of people who have been on welfare. The work requirement is often criticized by the left. More freebies are always added to the pot. It seems obvious that the goal is to make people more comfortable on welfare instead of going the more difficult route of getting them to work.

The left has declared that there is no more debate on global warming. They also refuse to debate on the real problem, which is their solution to global warming. The "evil" Goldman Sachs will gain a grotesque amount of wealth during the "trade" part of cap and trade. I am pretty sure they helped design the cap and trade. The left's own experts have admitted over the last couple years that none of the proposed solutions will make any measurable difference in the climate, yet a lot of money will be redistributed. It's logical to assume it's more about the money and control over energy than it is about helping the earth.

Any criticism of Obamacare, border security, Muslims, BLM and other minority groups, global warming and welfare will get you attacked and the liberals will not discuss or debate those things.
Yes, liberals are literally communists and hate gun carrying middle class white conservative evangelicals.
More liberal posts that prove my point. No one ever specifically points out what they disagree with or offers an explanation. Just more insults hurled at those who expose their beliefs.

If they wanted to end poverty, it would be ended. If they wanted to unite people, we wouldn't have a deeper racial divide than ever before. No admission of failure, just keeping up the same rhetoric and programs that continue to make things worse.

Some want to make it illegal for global warming to even be debated. They claim they are 100% correct on everything and anyone who doubts that is labelled a denier. Some liberals have called for deniers to be charged. They want it accepted without question. More to the point, they want their bogus solutions accepted without protest. Money redistribution is all they offer and experts admitted that nothing proposed would make a measurable difference. No wonder they don't want it debated.

Obama praised BLM and never once acknowledged the violence toward police. Very telling. So irresponsible to heap praise on a group that has promoted and committed so much violence. But, the agenda comes first. Anyone who says that all lives matter are called racists. This is aimed at silencing people.

Muslims participated in polls and the results were alarming. Too many want sharia law and believe that insulting their religion should be a crime punishable by law. Many support jihadists and terrorist attacks as a means of furthering their religion. The majority in Muslim countries do not believe women and children have rights. Despite this, the left vilifies those who have concerns about bringing more anti-constitution people over here. While no one on the left will express the slightest concern over the obvious problem of radicals in the Muslim community, they are quick to bash all Christians over things that happened centuries ago and for the actions of a single maniac. And yet, it's those who point out the problems with Islam that get ridiculed.

The left is seeking to make new laws to protect Muslims from such criticism. Any mention of radical Islamic terrorism is considered an insult to all Muslims. And mention of radical right-to lifers is accepted as a description of all Christians.

High murder rates in Chicago and other inner cities get ignored. Those who mention it are called racist profiling bigots while one single cop being questioned for shooting a minority is reason to paint all cops as bad. Even when the shooting is deemed justified after an investigation, the left still continues to cite it as evidence of racist cops.

The left can take their political correctness and shove it.
If they wanted to end poverty, it would be ended.
It's literally impossible to end poverty. We can, however, make sure we help those in poverty and make sure less people fall into it.
If they wanted to unite people, we wouldn't have a deeper racial divide than ever before
Yeah, this has nothing to do with police brutality or the way conservatives look at black communities.
No admission of failure, just keeping up the same rhetoric and programs that continue to make things worse.
Oh, really? Which ones?
Some want to make it illegal for global warming to even be debated.
And some conservatives want to literally make it illegal to have anal sex. Crazies on both sides.
They claim they are 100% correct on everything and anyone who doubts that is labelled a denier.
And partisan hacks from the right are different?
More to the point, they want their bogus solutions accepted without protest.
Money redistribution is all they offer and experts admitted that nothing proposed would make a measurable difference.
Liberals are wrong on this, federal tax dollars aren't even used to fund things. That doesn't mean income inequality is healthy. An economy can't function if more and more dollars flood to the top to people who save more then spend.
Obama praised BLM and never once acknowledged the violence toward police.
Obama signs 'Blue Alert' law to protect police
President Obama has signed into law a measure that will require instant nationwide "Blue Alerts" to warn about threats to police officers and help track down the suspects who carry them out.
So irresponsible to heap praise on a group that has promoted and committed so much violence.
Not the entire group, a minority. Just like violent right wingers.
Anyone who says that all lives matter are called racists.
No, they're called stupid. Do all houses matter?
Muslims participated in polls and the results were alarming.
Religion does lead people to do crazy things, but you have to realize "sharia" doesn't always mean what you think.
believe that insulting their religion should be a crime punishable by law.
Evangelicals want to force women to carry fetuses to birth, stop lgbt individuals from marrying, stop gay adoptions. Quit your stupid shit.
Despite this, the left vilifies those who have concerns about bringing more anti-constitution people over here.
You assume refugees will be able to institute sharia. Oh, I forgot, the jesus humpers don't care about middle eastern refugees.
Any mention of radical Islamic terrorism is considered an insult to all Muslims.
To who?
And mention of radical right-to lifers is accepted as a description of all Christians.
Oh, the hilarity of this..
High murder rates in Chicago and other inner cities get ignored.
Not ignored by anyone.

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