The rise of the coloreds - why they outbreed whites


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I was thinking today about why the various colored people of humanity have outbred whites and continue to outbreed them. I mean, there must be a reason for this.

And it occurred to me, that among colored humanity, having a child, or multiple children, is something that is considered natural and a status symbol. They breed as a matter of course, and if you don't have kids you are considered defective and outcast. Even a poor, single black or hispanic female, with hardly any social capital - but she has her kids! Maybe there are a few monks in Asia who don't breed, but that's about it. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics - they all have kids, lots of them, and consider it dutiful to do so.

Among whites, it's different. They certainly would like to have kids, and most often do, but it's not considered something necessary. Whites compete on other things like money, fame, accomplishments. So it's possible for whites to be considered successful socially, but have no or few kids.

This is the simple reason the white race is declining. It's not that they aren't having children, it's because the other races are having more. It really is that simple. For every white person with 1 child, there is a colored person with 2. For every white person with 2 kids, there is a colored person with 3, etc. etc.
I was thinking today about why the various colored people of humanity have outbred whites and continue to outbreed them. I mean, there must be a reason for this.

And it occurred to me, that among colored humanity, having a child, or multiple children, is something that is considered natural and a status symbol. They breed as a matter of course, and if you don't have kids you are considered defective and outcast. Even a poor, single black or hispanic female, with hardly any social capital - but she has her kids! Maybe there are a few monks in Asia who don't breed, but that's about it. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics - they all have kids, lots of them, and consider it dutiful to do so.

Among whites, it's different. They certainly would like to have kids, and most often do, but it's not considered something necessary. Whites compete on other things like money, fame, accomplishments. So it's possible for whites to be considered successful socially, but have no or few kids.

This is the simple reason the white race is declining. It's not that they aren't having children, it's because the other races are having more. It really is that simple. For every white person with 1 child, there is a colored person with 2. For every white person with 2 kids, there is a colored person with 3, etc. etc.
^ This man knows :clap:

Get ready motherfuckers we're going WORLDWIDE!!! :mad:

In 1976, forty years ago, one of my best college pals (negroid) asked me why I thought black people have lots of kids. He told me exactly this - they want to be in the majority one day. Forty years ago. I really liked that guy. Very honest and very kind and polite. He just told me how it was straight up.

He also called me his "corn-fed mark". I'm white because I'm corn-fed, and I'm a mark because the black man has a mark on my back.

So I called him "my oreo". :lol:

Forty fucking years ago. :cool:
I was thinking today about why the various colored people of humanity have outbred whites and continue to outbreed them. I mean, there must be a reason for this.

And it occurred to me, that among colored humanity, having a child, or multiple children, is something that is considered natural and a status symbol. They breed as a matter of course, and if you don't have kids you are considered defective and outcast. Even a poor, single black or hispanic female, with hardly any social capital - but she has her kids! Maybe there are a few monks in Asia who don't breed, but that's about it. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics - they all have kids, lots of them, and consider it dutiful to do so.

Among whites, it's different. They certainly would like to have kids, and most often do, but it's not considered something necessary. Whites compete on other things like money, fame, accomplishments. So it's possible for whites to be considered successful socially, but have no or few kids.

This is the simple reason the white race is declining. It's not that they aren't having children, it's because the other races are having more. It really is that simple. For every white person with 1 child, there is a colored person with 2. For every white person with 2 kids, there is a colored person with 3, etc. etc.
^ This man knows :clap:

Get ready motherfuckers we're going WORLDWIDE!!! :mad:

What are you going to do when we don't feed you no more. What are you going to do
In 1976, forty years ago, one of my best college pals (negroid) asked me why I thought black people have lots of kids. He told me exactly this - they want to be in the majority one day. Forty years ago. I really liked that guy. Very honest and very kind and polite. He just told me how it was straight up.

He also called me his "corn-fed mark". I'm white because I'm corn-fed, and I'm a mark because the black man has a mark on my back.

So I called him "my oreo". :lol:

Forty fucking years ago. :cool:

Mr H. Nice to see you. I amso glad to see you.

How are you going to pay for everything?
Wtf are you talking about? Pay for what?!
I was thinking today about why the various colored people of humanity have outbred whites and continue to outbreed them. I mean, there must be a reason for this.

And it occurred to me, that among colored humanity, having a child, or multiple children, is something that is considered natural and a status symbol. They breed as a matter of course, and if you don't have kids you are considered defective and outcast. Even a poor, single black or hispanic female, with hardly any social capital - but she has her kids! Maybe there are a few monks in Asia who don't breed, but that's about it. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics - they all have kids, lots of them, and consider it dutiful to do so.

Among whites, it's different. They certainly would like to have kids, and most often do, but it's not considered something necessary. Whites compete on other things like money, fame, accomplishments. So it's possible for whites to be considered successful socially, but have no or few kids.

This is the simple reason the white race is declining. It's not that they aren't having children, it's because the other races are having more. It really is that simple. For every white person with 1 child, there is a colored person with 2. For every white person with 2 kids, there is a colored person with 3, etc. etc.
^ This man knows :clap:

Get ready motherfuckers we're going WORLDWIDE!!! :mad:

What are you going to do when we don't feed you no more. What are you going to do
Use you all for fertilizer after surviving the nuclear winter. That's what. :mad:
In 1976, forty years ago, one of my best college pals (negroid) asked me why I thought black people have lots of kids. He told me exactly this - they want to be in the majority one day. Forty years ago. I really liked that guy. Very honest and very kind and polite. He just told me how it was straight up.

He also called me his "corn-fed mark". I'm white because I'm corn-fed, and I'm a mark because the black man has a mark on my back.

So I called him "my oreo". :lol:

Forty fucking years ago. :cool:

Mr H. Nice to see you. I amso glad to see you.
Ahhhhhh.... shaddap. :slap:

It's sad to see the lower IQ idiots come out of the woodwork and use "race" as a means boost their pathetic lives.
Can you imagine all these years later they're mockinbg us. I have a hard time now. Actually I'm really pissessed off. I marched,
This has got to be written by Republicans.

Donald Trump Finally Wins a Newspaper Endorsement - From the KKK

In the latest edition of the KKK’s official newspaper, “the Crusader,” the one with a picture of Donald Trump gracing the cover, the editors gave Donald J. Trump a “glowing endorsement” and support for his candidacy and promised that Trump is finally bringing about “a resurgence of white supremacy.”

It is noteworthy that the KKK is second only to the Republican Party as America’s largest “de facto white identity organization.” It is only the past year that the GOP abandoned its typical electoral strategy of using subtle “dog whistles” to garner a majority of white racists’ votes and opted for overt white racism. Since that abandonment is primarily due to Donald Trump abandoning any pretense of “dog whistle” racism and bigotry, the Ku Klux Klan feels emboldened that one of their brethren is seeking the highest office in the land. Trump has given white supremacists a clear signal that “making America great again” means making America white and Christian; something the Founding Fathers opposed and the Constitution prohibits.
This has got to be written by Republicans.

Donald Trump Finally Wins a Newspaper Endorsement - From the KKK

In the latest edition of the KKK’s official newspaper, “the Crusader,” the one with a picture of Donald Trump gracing the cover, the editors gave Donald J. Trump a “glowing endorsement” and support for his candidacy and promised that Trump is finally bringing about “a resurgence of white supremacy.”

It is noteworthy that the KKK is second only to the Republican Party as America’s largest “de facto white identity organization.” It is only the past year that the GOP abandoned its typical electoral strategy of using subtle “dog whistles” to garner a majority of white racists’ votes and opted for overt white racism. Since that abandonment is primarily due to Donald Trump abandoning any pretense of “dog whistle” racism and bigotry, the Ku Klux Klan feels emboldened that one of their brethren is seeking the highest office in the land. Trump has given white supremacists a clear signal that “making America great again” means making America white and Christian; something the Founding Fathers opposed and the Constitution prohibits.

In 1976, forty years ago, one of my best college pals (negroid) asked me why I thought black people have lots of kids. He told me exactly this - they want to be in the majority one day. Forty years ago. I really liked that guy. Very honest and very kind and polite. He just told me how it was straight up.

He also called me his "corn-fed mark". I'm white because I'm corn-fed, and I'm a mark because the black man has a mark on my back.

So I called him "my oreo". :lol:

Forty fucking years ago. :cool:

Mr H. Nice to see you. I amso glad to see you.
Ahhhhhh.... shaddap. :slap:


Oh darlin you give missH a big hug.

Life has not been the same without you.
Where have you been
This has got to be written by Republicans.

Donald Trump Finally Wins a Newspaper Endorsement - From the KKK

In the latest edition of the KKK’s official newspaper, “the Crusader,” the one with a picture of Donald Trump gracing the cover, the editors gave Donald J. Trump a “glowing endorsement” and support for his candidacy and promised that Trump is finally bringing about “a resurgence of white supremacy.”

It is noteworthy that the KKK is second only to the Republican Party as America’s largest “de facto white identity organization.” It is only the past year that the GOP abandoned its typical electoral strategy of using subtle “dog whistles” to garner a majority of white racists’ votes and opted for overt white racism. Since that abandonment is primarily due to Donald Trump abandoning any pretense of “dog whistle” racism and bigotry, the Ku Klux Klan feels emboldened that one of their brethren is seeking the highest office in the land. Trump has given white supremacists a clear signal that “making America great again” means making America white and Christian; something the Founding Fathers opposed and the Constitution prohibits.
While it's true there are fuckwad racists among Republicans, there are plenty of fuckwad racists among the Democrats. Care to place a $25 bet I can give you a few names of them on this forum?
In 1976, forty years ago, one of my best college pals (negroid) asked me why I thought black people have lots of kids. He told me exactly this - they want to be in the majority one day. Forty years ago. I really liked that guy. Very honest and very kind and polite. He just told me how it was straight up.

He also called me his "corn-fed mark". I'm white because I'm corn-fed, and I'm a mark because the black man has a mark on my back.

So I called him "my oreo". :lol:

Forty fucking years ago. :cool:

Mr H. Nice to see you. I amso glad to see you.
Ahhhhhh.... shaddap. :slap:


Enter the genius
I was thinking today about why the various colored people of humanity have outbred whites and continue to outbreed them. I mean, there must be a reason for this.

And it occurred to me, that among colored humanity, having a child, or multiple children, is something that is considered natural and a status symbol. They breed as a matter of course, and if you don't have kids you are considered defective and outcast. Even a poor, single black or hispanic female, with hardly any social capital - but she has her kids! Maybe there are a few monks in Asia who don't breed, but that's about it. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics - they all have kids, lots of them, and consider it dutiful to do so.

Among whites, it's different. They certainly would like to have kids, and most often do, but it's not considered something necessary. Whites compete on other things like money, fame, accomplishments. So it's possible for whites to be considered successful socially, but have no or few kids.

This is the simple reason the white race is declining. It's not that they aren't having children, it's because the other races are having more. It really is that simple. For every white person with 1 child, there is a colored person with 2. For every white person with 2 kids, there is a colored person with 3, etc. etc.
I think it is a little more complicated than that. For one thing, female education plays a significant role in a female's child-bearing decisions: the more access females have to advanced education, the fewer children they have. This is one of the reasons IQ is dropping in some populations.

Evolution also plays a role. In Europe and other northern climes, since the big enemy of reproductive success was wintertime, reproductive success was more dependent on a woman finding a man who would stick around and help raise his own children by helping them survive the winter.

As you go toward the equator, gathering food and building shelters becomes less and less important until eventually, it's not important at all and the big enemy of reproductive success becomes disease. In a hot steamy jungle, organisms and pathogens have the opportunity and conditions necessary for mutations to occur and their carriers to survive and flourish. With pestilence regularly sweeping through and wiping out huge chunks of an area's population, the best strategy for reproductive success was as many children as possible with as many women as possible spread over as large an area as possible.

Even with that strategy, the population of Africa in 1900 was only about 130 million people, while Europe had over 400 million inhabitants. With the arrival in sub-Saharan Africa of European medicine, housing, public health, plumbing, agriculture, and so on, the old enemy of the Africans, disease, doesn't play the culling role it once did. But the evolutionary reproductive strategy is still there. The result is Africa is the only place access to education for women has not had the effect of slowing population growth, and Africa will have four billion people by the end of this century.

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