The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate

Sure there guys lost WI, MI, IL too along with CO, AZ, NM.
Right, and you think that is going to hold up come the next election cycle ? Parents have no rights when it comes to their children's education, teaching preteens gender fluidity, Men competing in women's sports, inflation, the rising costs on everything. The loons that are controlling the narrative on the left are doubling down on shit that is going see a slaughter at the polls.
They've lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes. Clearly whatever message they have has become incredibly unpopular.
It's the free stuff and being inferior but giving the real privilege benefits out that gets Progs the votes. In all of history it is the same thing but the elites package it differently for power. Anyone who warns you is dismissed and added to the hate list. Fiat currencies cause nations to become despot ones and if they were that in the beginning, become worse.
So I guess you are saying that Americans are so stupid, they will vote for a candidate who refused to debate.

Glad to see you have faith in the American collective intelligence.
Well, that's quite a topic.

I believe that ideology is definitely not necessarily a function of intelligence. It's more of a condition that distorts perceptions, thought processes and actions, almost like some kind of an intellectual virus that could potentially infect anyone. This is one of the specific topics I think about when observing and analyzing ideological and political behaviors. I think about that regularly when I'm here.

I'm glad you brought that up. Anyway, yes, I have no doubt that you would happily vote for a person who refused to debate.

The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate​

When you have no policy to run on, and your entire strategy is “be the opposite of whatever Democrats are” you have no need to debate - your voting base are already mindless insurrectionists anyhow and will vote for you either way.

Donald Trump skipped a debate and already used this strategy if you remember.
Well, this is interesting.

If you want to avoid tough questions about your behaviors and positions in debates, just don't show up to debate. Then say the debate was unfair, as an excuse.

The Republicans have threatened not to debate in the Presidential debates. Now Cawthorn and Walker are doing it. Who's next, do you suppose?

America's electoral process is being destroyed in real time. Right in front of us. A relatively small group of people who want to rip it all down are winning.

So 2 GOP candidates who didn't show up to debate other GOP candidates and the RNC's objection to who the Presidential debates are run is evidence that GOP candidates writ large don't want to debate anyone? Umm. ok.
They've lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes. Clearly whatever message they have has become incredibly unpopular.
Why would the GOP try to sell REAL American ideals to the filth you’ve planted and manifested in the cesspools of America?
The free shit you twisted unAmericans offer foreign beggars trumps American ideals all day everyday.
So I guess you are saying that Americans are so stupid, they will vote for a candidate who refused to debate.

Glad to see you have faith in the American collective intelligence.

Most Americans reside in a Political Echo Chamber

They only hear political opinions consistent with what they believe. Debates offer an opportunity to hear both sides.

That is why Republicans oppose them
304-227 in 2016...

But, Trump cheated, right?

And what happened 4 years later? He lost by 9 M only a few states did he get a larger % of the vote than he got in 2016. Not just blue states as well.

Texas... 2016: Trump got 52.23% of the vote. In 2020, he got 52.06.
Alabama 2016: Trump got 62.08%, in 2020, he got 62.03
He was down by similar amounts ini Tennessee, Mississippi...pretty much all of Dixie.

But the Dems cheated, right?
It is just a continuation of Republicans trying to destroy our political process

You can’t trust our elections
The media is the enemy
Political debates are biased
Have you actually looked at the complaints the RNC is making and their ask? I doubt it as their requests are far from unreasonable.
It is a dumb move but so is ineffectually trying to explain whatever it is the GOP stands for right now. They have rightly calculated that it is less damaging to their campaign to look like fools than to open their mouths and confirm it.
Here’s what the GOP doesn’t “stand for”…….
Chicks with dicks
Drug users
Begging degenerates
Higher taxes
High fuel costs
High energy costs

Just to name a few….basically, everything the party of foreigners and filth is for the GOP is against.
It's the free stuff and being inferior but giving the real privilege benefits out that gets Progs the votes. In all of history it is the same thing but the elites package it differently for power. Anyone who warns you is dismissed and added to the hate list. Fiat currencies cause nations to become despot ones and if they were that in the beginning, become worse.

You mean like tax breaks for Millionaires? That sort of free stuff?
It's more than 2. You can dismiss it if you'd like, I don't care.
You only posted 2 and the 2 you posted skipped GOP primary debates. Sorry, but that's not convincing anyone that the GOP writ large doesn't want to debate the Democrats. Do you have an example of a GOP candidate refusing to debate a Democrat candidate in a major election?
You only posted 2 and the 2 you posted skipped GOP primary debates. Sorry, but that's not convincing anyone that the GOP writ large doesn't want to debate the Democrats. Do you have an example of a GOP candidate refusing to debate a Democrat candidate in a major election?
Please see post 9.

If you don't like the topic of this thread, tough shit.
Well, this is interesting.

If you want to avoid tough questions about your behaviors and positions in debates, just don't show up to debate. Then say the debate was unfair, as an excuse.

The Republicans have threatened not to debate in the Presidential debates. Now Cawthorn and Walker are doing it. Who's next, do you suppose?

America's electoral process is being destroyed in real time. Right in front of us. A relatively small group of people who want to rip it all down are winning.

Debates are so fucking rigged, it's a goddamn waste of time for everyone..


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