The Rittenhouse Verdict

So if we agree that none of these people should have been there then why does Rittenhouse deserve special mention in that regard?
Do you really need to ask that question? Kyle is the one who killed two people and maimed another when he should have been home. Yes, there was property damage done by others but no killings.
Rittenhauser wasn't even from the same state.
Yeah, it's ashame that people whether rioter or defender were coming in from everywhere wasn't it ? That's what happens when law and order break down. You think the government of Wisconsin might have learned something in all of this ? It's called " if a window is broken, a fire is attempted to be set or a stone is thrown, then arrest the perps or trouble maker's with prejudice".
Probably because blacks seem to target whites as much as they do their own people.
I'm not so sure....

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


What a clown.
mandela barns
The Wisconsin Lt Gov just gave antifa/blm the green light to burn it down!

mandela barnes, justice was serve in the total acquittal of Rittenhouse. the jury did not kneel before the bml idiots. the jury did their job. the idiots that he shot chased him as he ran away from them. they attacked him and he defended himself. the videos are very clear . the idiots that he shot were not victims, they were aggressors and they assaulted him.
But even if you don’t agree with that, it’s a moot point. He was defending himself against people who attacked him
I disagree. He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe that self-defense exists when you’ve already done something you shouldn’t have to begin with. The moment he left home to visit a riot, armed, he loses any/all moral high ground and sympathy from me.
That is my hope, this child idiot should never have had a gun in the first place.
Pfffft, they'll be to busy lawyering up their king xiden after calling Kyle a white supremacists for race-baiting political points. Your team that is being cheered for is some serious sick people.
I would not have been there to have the gun pointed at me in the first place.

As an American, I believe I can travel as I wish.

And, under the same circumstances, I would hope to have done what this boy did.

Don't dodge the question. You would have done what?
Kid shouldn't have been there. But the ones paid to loot, burn, destroy and possibly maim had to earn their hard earned Soros know, the three stooges Rapist, Thief, Wife Beater. They were not people. They were pond scum. Good riddence.
I disagree. He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe that self-defense exists when you’ve already done something you shouldn’t have to begin with. The moment he left home to visit a riot, armed, he loses any/all moral high ground and sympathy from me.
Oh, so in other words it's against your view that once law and order breaks down, and then innocent people are being beaten, businesses are being burned, then the citizen's are required to just coward inside their home's hoping that they aren't burned alive if the mob turns it's sights on them ??? The fact that people like Kyle was brave enough to come in to a war zone to try and help (because government was to afraid to help), speaks volumes of his character over the known criminal element's that were looting, burning, and hurting people (i.e. threw a brick at an elderly business owner, knocking the person out for just one example), but Kyle is being portrayed as the bad guy eh ??
I disagree. He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe that self-defense exists when you’ve already done something you shouldn’t have to begin with. The moment he left home to visit a riot, armed, he loses any/all moral high ground and sympathy from me.
That's not what happened as shown in the trial. Don't let that stop your lies.
He can be charged on other points. This judge dismissed the fact that he was underage and for carrying a gun in Wisconsin. I don't think the feds will ignore that, since he's proven he's irresponsible.
You sure you wasn't that inept prosecutor in that trial ?? You sure sound like him when grabbing for those straws and such. It's over, justice has spoken.
I would not have been there to have the gun pointed at me in the first place.
Just let that mother burn eh ????

You could have been there in support of law and order, and to lift your voice up high in hopes that they would be freed up to do there job, but maybe you are to scared to attend a supposed protest turned riot, otherwise to at least peacefully voice your opinion while you could in such a matter right ?? Bet you would have loved Rittenhouse if a rioter would have tried to shut your mouth with violence, and Kyle would have stepped in to deal with the violent rioter before he hurt you huh ?
No. “Next time” he should be joined by other people who realize they have the right to be on their own streets and be armed and that they have no obligation to cede the streets to mobs. Next time maybe the Antifa shitheads should consider not trying to impose their Nazi will on anyone.
Speaking the truth earns a downvote from boredtassya. I take that as yet another confirmation of how completely correct I am in this. 👍
I disagree. He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe that self-defense exists when you’ve already done something you shouldn’t have to begin with. The moment he left home to visit a riot, armed, he loses any/all moral high ground and sympathy from me.
Saying he shouldn’t have been there doesn’t really mean anything. The people who got shot shouldnt have been there either. And it certainly doesn’t change any of the legal aspects.

yeah, Kyle probably should’ve stayed home. He was just a 17 year old kid and should have stayed away from such a violent riot. After everything that happened, I’m sure he wishes that he did stay home, even if he can’t say so publicly.

But he *was* there. He had every right to be there, whether he “should” have been there or not. Two completely different things.

It wasn’t murder. It wasn’t even vigilantism. It was self-defense. Self-defense doesn’t stop being self-defense just because you or me or anyone feels he shouldn’t have been there. Self defense is a fundamental right.
Just let that mother burn eh ????

You could have been there in support of law and order, and to lift your voice up high in hopes that they would be freed up to do there job, but maybe you are to scared to attend a supposed protest turned riot, otherwise to at least peacefully voice your opinion while you could in such a matter right ?? Bet you would have loved Rittenhouse if a rioter would have tried to shut your mouth with violence, and Kyle would have stepped in to deal with the violent rioter before he hurt you huh ?
Cowards run in packs because they are too cowardly to do it alone. This place has a lot of packs.

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