The Rittenhouse Verdict

Actually, when you start to interject hypotheticals and create a new narrative,
it is no longer about the case or verdict of the topic.
Hypothetically mens rea was not present in the minds of the jury. Taking into consideration:
  • the defendant asked another to buy him a weapon
  • he then crossed into Wisconsin from his home state with said firearm
  • he used it killing two human beings and maiming another.

No one can read the mind of any other person, yet common sense suggest to me that these factors were his intention to be seen as a hero, much like Zimmerman.

Was there sufficient and necessary facts beyond a reasonable doubt to acquit KR? Apparently the jurors thought so, and I didn't hear any of the testimony; thus I have nothing to decide first degree homicide.

However, the consequences of this decision are very disturbing.
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The idiot goes Scott free, there is no justice in America anymore.
That "idiot" went on the stamd on national television and defended his life and the jury took 3 days and did their DD, beyond it IMO. But that goes to show you this jury took 3 days and came to the correct conclusion. We all seen the evidence
Hypothetically mens rea was not present in the minds of the jury. Taking into consideration:
  • the defendant asked another to buy him a weapon
  • he then crossed into Wisconsin from his home state with said firearm
  • he used it killing two human beings and maiming another.

No one can read the mind of any other person, yet common sense suggest to me that these factors were his intention to be seen as a hero, much like Zimmerman.

Was there sufficient and necessary facts beyond a reasonable doubt to acquit KR? Apparently the jurors thought so, and I didn't hear any of the testimony to decide to convict.

However, the consequences of this decision is very disturbing.
Rye, I see you're just following the flawed narrative of your preferred media.
Kyle DID NOT cross into Wi. with a firearm.
The firearm WAS legal for him.
He fired in self defense, Rye.

I do hope you never serve on a jury, Rye, there is no way in hell you
could ever be an impartial juror.
I am their only hope.
So, tell us again, Obi-Wan, how you figure that Rittenhouse had no right to be in Kenosha, but the domestic terrorists DID?

You see, I am saddled with the heartbreak of having a rational mind, so see the world in terms of cause and effect. The CAUSE is most obviously the terrorists burning down Kenosha, whereas Rittenhouse was only the effect.

Addressing the effect without applying the same standards to the cause is hypocritical.
So, tell us again, Obi-Wan, how you figure that Rittenhouse had no right to be in Kenosha, but the domestic terrorists DID?

You see, I am saddled with the heartbreak of having a rational mind, so see the world in terms of cause and effect. The CAUSE is most obviously the terrorists burning down Kenosha, whereas Rittenhouse was only the effect.

Addressing the effect without applying the same standards to the cause is hypocritical.

The only issue worth pursuing is the moment when the prosecution's witness admitted pointing a gun at the defendant before being shot.

That is the essence of the case, nothing more....'else we might ending up blaming the creation of Adam and Eve.
What is a "clear case of self defense"?

Rosenbaum, for example, threw a bag at Rittenhouse.

A bag. Was Rittenhouse in danger from a dude throwing a bag?

But the thing here is on what scale do you describe "self defense"?

If you go to a place where you know there's going to be a fight, are you defending yourself? Or is your confrontation in itself a lack of self defense? Had Rittenhouse not wanted to have been hurt, he could have stayed in his own state.

I think for people who see self defense as justifiable in almost any circumstance, then they'll see self defense here. For those who see self defense as requiring it to be justifiable and a last resort, they won't see it as self defense.

Rosenbaum, for example, threw a bag at Rittenhouse.

Rosenbaum, for example, grabbed for the gun.
After earlier saying he'd kill Rittenhouse if he caught him alone.

If you go to a place where you know there's going to be a fight, are you defending yourself?

Only if someone attacks you.

Had Rittenhouse not wanted to have been hurt, he could have stayed in his own state.

Had Huber not wanted to have been hurt, he could have not attacked with his skateboard.

Had Grosskreutz not wanted to have been hurt, he could have kept his concealed weapon....concealed.

For those who see self defense as requiring it to be justifiable and a last resort,

Rittenhouse didn't shoot any of the criminals until they were attacking him, that was justification.
He was running away, they made shooting the last resort.
That "idiot" went on the stamd on national television and defended his life and the jury took 3 days and did their DD, beyond it IMO. But that goes to show you this jury took 3 days and came to the correct conclusion. We all seen the evidence
STATEMENT: "We all seen the evidence"

RESPONCE: Post what evidence you believe the defendant had in his mind the need to a) Buy a firearm; b) go to another state; and, c) walk away after he killed two and maimed one?
That would be correct

Wow, you're twisted.

trying to stop pimple boy from killing others

Who was in imminent danger from Rittenhouse?
Anyone who looked cross eyed at pimple boy anyone around him. , he was there to kill. He was attacked by the second two because he had just shot a guy 4 times twice in the back for no reason other then the first guy threw paper at him. The next two were there to stop pimple boy from shooting someone else for throwing paper at him. You don't have the facts , you are making them up Q-anon.
Rosenbaum, for example, threw a bag at Rittenhouse.

Rosenbaum, for example, grabbed for the gun.
After earlier saying he'd kill Rittenhouse if he caught him alone.

If you go to a place where you know there's going to be a fight, are you defending yourself?

Only if someone attacks you.

Had Rittenhouse not wanted to have been hurt, he could have stayed in his own state.

Had Huber not wanted to have been hurt, he could have not attacked with his skateboard.

Had Grosskreutz not wanted to have been hurt, he could have kept his concealed weapon....concealed.

For those who see self defense as requiring it to be justifiable and a last resort,

Rittenhouse didn't shoot any of the criminals until they were attacking him, that was justification.
He was running away, they made shooting the last resort.
Given your thoughts above do you have one on the precedence of RK's actions?
This would have all been resolved if Grosskreutz would have just shot pimple face instead of trying to disarm him .

The criminal pulled out his concealed weapon to try to disarm Rittenhouse?

It is a shame because he could have stopped two of the shootings.

He pulled out his gun after the first two criminals were dead.
Your full of bullshit , I gave you a chance to correct your lies but you didn't. Everyone who knows about this knows you are a bullshitter and it can easily be proved . Mr. Q-anon. Or it can easily be corrected by you bullshitter!
You know what’s ironic about this? If they had not chased and assaulted Rittenhouse, there wouldn’t have been two more people shot. Rosenbaum would be the only one.
Trying to stop pimple boy from killing other for throwing paper at him is not Assault. Nor was even part of the defense of pimple boy. You people look like idiots. It's lies or dumb as fuck comments like yours.
I’ve seen the videos and it was a clear case of self defense.

The allusion and comparison to the Southpark episode is not apt because Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse was trying to get away from him. You do know that Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse, yes?

As for the other two, they chased Rittenhouse as well and actually assaulted him. So, once again, he fired in self defense.
So, tell us again, Obi-Wan, how you figure that Rittenhouse had no right to be in Kenosha, but the domestic terrorists DID?
They didn’t. I’ve never said they did. In fact I’ve commented several times that they shouldn’t have been their either. Nobody needed to be on those streets that night.

The fact that the protesters were there inappropriately doesn’t make Kyle’s presence there any more acceptable. It definitely doesn’t make shooting anyone (for any reason) an acceptable act.
I dunno, those are places where you shouldn't even be at IMHO. When the rocks start flying and things are getting out of hand, I think it's time to get your ass outta there. Cuz if your side is carrying and their side is carrying then the chances for carnage kinda go way up. Now, if it's your property and your family then that's different IMHO.

What if it's your country?


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