The Rittenhouse Verdict

Don't dodge the question. You would have done what?
I would not have been there. It is my lifestyle to avoid areas of civil unrest at all costs. It’s not my job to police the general public or public spaces.
Oh, so in other words it's against your view that once law and order breaks down, and then innocent people are being beaten, businesses are being burned, then the citizen's are required to just coward inside their home's hoping that they aren't burned alive if the mob turns it's sights on them ???
Once law and order has broken down, it’s everyone for themselves. I’m not going to help anyone else and I don’t want any help from anyone else. I will defend what’s mine and leave you to defend what’s yours.,
I would not have been there. It is my lifestyle to avoid areas of civil unrest at all costs. It’s not my job to police the general public or public spaces.

Once law and order has broken down, it’s everyone for themselves. I’m not going to help anyone else and I don’t want any help from anyone else. I will defend what’s mine and leave you to defend what’s yours.,

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
Just let that mother burn eh ????
If the local government ceases to perform its functions, yes. I pay for police/fire/end in my taxes. I expect them to do their jobs or face termination and legal action.
Bet you would have loved Rittenhouse if a rioter would have tried to shut your mouth with violence, and Kyle would have stepped in to deal with the violent rioter before he hurt you huh ?
I wouldn’t be there to begin with. I fail to understand how people can’t get this through their heads. No, I wouldn’t want Kyle “protecting “ me. I’d rather die.
If the local government ceases to perform its functions, yes. I pay for police/fire/end in my taxes. I expect them to do their jobs or face termination and legal action.

I wouldn’t be there to begin with. I fail to understand how people can’t get this through their heads. No, I wouldn’t want Kyle “protecting “ me. I’d rather die.
You are so full of it that it ain't funny.

So you aren't truly a participant in this great experiment, because otherwise when it comes to standing up, you would rather let other's do the fighting for you eh ? Not so sure that they would like doing that, because next you would be coming out trying to accuse them of atrocities, although they might have saved your American ace from your enemies when having to engage in what you might call atrocities, even though they were necessary acts to save your country or your skin.
You want to see stupid "Grosskreutz was carrying illegally." so was the pimple boy."Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist" Ya 20 years ago. Was Rosenbaum trying to rape pimple boy. Is that your point. He was a hero at this action, tried to stop pimple boy from killing others. That makes him a hero. "Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either." what a hoot. Neither could pimple boy.
I think he was talking about the concealed weapon Grosskreutz was carrying.
If the local government ceases to perform its functions, yes. I pay for police/fire/end in my taxes. I expect them to do their jobs or face termination and legal action.

I wouldn’t be there to begin with. I fail to understand how people can’t get this through their heads. No, I wouldn’t want Kyle “protecting “ me. I’d rather die.
Really. Do you have a spouse? Children? Elderly parents? Do they volunteer to die along with you, you coward?
I disagree. He was somewhere he shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe that self-defense exists when you’ve already done something you shouldn’t have to begin with. The moment he left home to visit a riot, armed, he loses any/all moral high ground and sympathy from me.
Been some where, where he shouldnt have been may give the police a reason to arrest him. that doesnt not give other people the right to chase him and attack him and if attacked he has the right to defend himself. you say that, because of what he did showing up at a place where he should not have been ,you have no sympathy for him. well that is your opinion and you have a right to have an opinion. But as they say in the US Army opinions are like a--holes everybody has one. People who chase someone who is armed with a semi-automatic weapon are idiots.
I'm not so sure....

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


So Dem Congress gonna launch a Nadsless Shitts investigation on verdict and Piglousy gonna hold hearings.
Lib land really starting to feel their power go away and are desperate.
They are evading or ignoring the law with Mandates that have zero teeth to them other than voluntary participation by frightened drones and trying in full panic to keep productive Americans under the tyranny by moving forward with mandates even though declared unlawful. Trying to make the population take a highly experimental drug-Garish . Libs loved the courts when they were screwing with Trump over personality; but when it comes to application of law they Hate the courts. No wonder so many “vent” in ignorant revolt-their leaders do also just via a different venue.
Now it’s the trial outcome they have set their sights on. More fake and tantruming over their latest “cause”
These “philosophies ” that he was somewhere he should not have been therefore instigated therefore cannot offer defense is so child silly ludicrous and arbitrary judgement assessment that it’s embarrassing to see “adults” are rendering such hypothetical feelings and stringing them all together as some form of “fact” argument when it’s really feelings blubberings.
Here are the lessons I have learned from this thread by listening to the uneducated Stalinists.

1 -- black thugs have every right to beat the living daylights out of their baby Mommas. It's because they are black, yo.

2 -- if a white policeman tries to protect a black woman from harm, he's a racist.

3 -- since the white cop is a racist for protecting the black woman, people have every right to burn down the business of people who have never caused them any harm. It's because of the racism inherent in a white cop protecting a black woman.

4 -- when a teenager shows up to protect the property of a friend, he has no right to be there, as the only people who have that right are those burning down businesses.

5 -- when this kid has a white child rapist try to murder him because he tried to prevent the burning of innocent people's property, he has no right to protect himself because pedophiles are a protected class, and besides -- since they are both white, it's obviously racism.

6 -- When two other white individuals also intent on burning down property subsequently try to murder him, he again has no right to protect himself, because once again, they were both white so we get to say

Youd think BLM would be more focus on the black on black murder of Young Dolph then a white on white crime that had nothing to do with their movement at all. The whole BLM movement is just weird. You have Hawk Newsome that promotes burning of the streets and when their activists get killed their panties get all in a bunch

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