The Rubes Paid For A Repeal/Replacement, Huckster Trump Is Giving Them A Forgery


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill are repeals or replacements of ObamaCare.

They are hack jobs. They remove the taxes which pay for ObamaCare, so it will run up even huger deficits. They water down the health insurance requirements at the state level. States can waive them.

Why would you need to waive the ObamaCare minimum coverage requirements if ObamaCare is repealed? Such questions never occur to the rubes who think this is a repeal and replacement.

Yet again, the rubes have not caught on they are being massively hoaxed.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

And then he danced a little jig and crowed, "I'm the President, can you bleev it?"

Because he knew the only reason he was elected is because he promised his Chumps he would repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Trump lied to your fat faces. This abortion isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare, much less a replacement.

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.
Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill are repeals or replacements of ObamaCare.

They are hack jobs. They remove the taxes which pay for ObamaCare, so it will run up even huger deficits. They water down the health insurance requirements at the state level. States can waive them.

Why would you need to waive the ObamaCare minimum coverage requirements if ObamaCare is repealed? Such questions never occur to the rubes who think this is a repeal and replacement.

Yet again, the rubes have not caught on they are being massively hoaxed.

You know as well as I do about the only thing most of them knew or knows about obamacare is the individual mandate and as long as that is gone they could care less. Until their premiums go up more than they would have under obamacare, then they'll say WTF?

But they are pulling the wool over their eyes. Jokes going to be on them.
Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill are repeals or replacements of ObamaCare.

They are hack jobs. They remove the taxes which pay for ObamaCare, so it will run up even huger deficits. They water down the health insurance requirements at the state level. States can waive them.

Why would you need to waive the ObamaCare minimum coverage requirements if ObamaCare is repealed? Such questions never occur to the rubes who think this is a repeal and replacement.

Yet again, the rubes have not caught on they are being massively hoaxed.

You know as well as I do about the only thing most of them knew or knows about obamacare is the individual mandate and as long as that is gone they could care less. Until their premiums go up more than they would have under obamacare, then they'll say WTF?
What's hilarious about the individual mandate is that it affected very few people. Mostly the wealthy, and the young who think they are invulnerable.

Most of the uninsured were INVOLUNTARILY uninsured.

It's isn't like some low income earner wants to have no insurance.
Trump last October: "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill are repeals or replacements of ObamaCare.

They are hack jobs. They remove the taxes which pay for ObamaCare, so it will run up even huger deficits. They water down the health insurance requirements at the state level. States can waive them.

Why would you need to waive the ObamaCare minimum coverage requirements if ObamaCare is repealed? Such questions never occur to the rubes who think this is a repeal and replacement.

Yet again, the rubes have not caught on they are being massively hoaxed.

Haaaa little sneaky behind the Doors Nothing Burger..:laugh2:

Here is the bill:

It's longer than a tweet, so I know with absolute certainty not a single Trump Chump will read it. They will parrot what they are told to parrot, and they will bleev what they are told to bleev.

Trump won't read it, either.

"Just sign your name where the yellow sticky arrows are, boss. Then hold it up for a photo."
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cuts more from Medicaid than the House bill. LOL Opoid abuse too.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

And then he danced a little jig and crowed, "I'm the President, can you bleev it?"

Because he knew the only reason he was elected is because he promised his Chumps he would repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Trump lied to your fat faces. This abortion isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare, much less a replacement.

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.
These lemmings are WILLINGLY going along for the fatal joyride...

They are in a self-induced trance.

cuts more from Medicaid than the House bill. LOL Opoid abuse too.
Medicaid block grants have been on Paul Ryan's agenda for a very long time. His fingerprints are all over this.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

And then he danced a little jig and crowed, "I'm the President, can you bleev it?"

Because he knew the only reason he was elected is because he promised his Chumps he would repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Trump lied to your fat faces. This abortion isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare, much less a replacement.

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.
These lemmings are WILLINGLY going along for the fatal joyride...

They are in a self-induced trance.

Yep. I've been calling Trump a Pied Piper since last year.

Don't worry. Trump is leading his Chumps into the far left camp. He already has them worshiping a KGB thug with great zeal.

He will eventually lead them to single payer health care, and they will be very vocal supporters of it when the time comes.
The only thing that matters to the turnips is that "Republicans Win".
What I see so far in my reading of the bill is that ObamaCare's health care exchanges, and the subsidies, survive.

Also, the Medicaid program is given many tens of billions of dollars to keep the state expansions going for a few more years.
McConnell did something really fucking cowardly.

In the bill, the Medicaid expansion is funded for another five years. Just long enough to get Trump through the next election, and to get the GOP through the next two elections, before the real pain of the cuts in this bill set in.

Check it out, in Section 106:

SHORT-TERM ASSISTANCE TO ADDRESS COVERAGE AND ACCESS DISRUPTION AND PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR STATES.— ‘‘(1) APPROPRIATION.—There are authorized to be appropriated, and are appropriated, out of monies in the Treasury not otherwise obligated, $15,000,000,000 for each of calendar years 2018 and 2019, and $10,000,000,000 for each of calendar years 2020 and 2021, to the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (in this subsection and subsection (i) referred to as the ‘Administrator’) to fund arrangements with health insurance issuers to address coverage and access disruption and respond to urgent health care needs within States. Funds appropriated under this paragraph shall remain available until expended.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Senate Republicans just spent $50 billion of your money to get themselves and Trump re-elected.

The fucking stench of hypocrisy emanates from these pigs once again.
There is one MASSIVE policy that would immediately change the fortunes of America. A border tariff for all nations, a scale from say 10% to 30% for instance. This would fill the Feds coffers, bring back jobs (and tax payers). Couple that with lower tax rates for workers and you will have a true "American First" agenda.

With increased funds and employment, you can fund anything and everything while even tackling the budget deficit. There is no choice as far as I am concerned, since globalism has quickly become "exploit Americaism".
I've said since the unaca passed, the Rs will do NOTHING to actually get rid of it. They will never, ever give up power/control that the Ds gave big gov't. Where is the outrage from the right over this?? I just heard they are 3 votes short in the Senate, Rand and two others.
What I see so far in my reading of the bill is that ObamaCare's health care exchanges, and the subsidies, survive.

Also, the Medicaid program is given many tens of billions of dollars to keep the state expansions going for a few more years.
Currently if you are in your 50's, the ACA said the max percentage of your income paid for premiums was 9.5% (I think). From what I saw, Turtleman's plan made it up to 16.5%. Older people are really going to get hit big time.
There is one MASSIVE policy that would immediately change the fortunes of America. A border tariff for all nations, a scale from say 10% to 30% for instance. This would fill the Feds coffers, bring back jobs (and tax payers). Couple that with lower tax rates for workers and you will have a true "American First" agenda.

With increased funds and employment, you can fund anything and everything while even tackling the budget deficit. There is no choice as far as I am concerned, since globalism has quickly become "exploit Americaism".
That's a separate topic covered here: Lowering Corporate Tax Rates The Coward’s Way
What I see so far in my reading of the bill is that ObamaCare's health care exchanges, and the subsidies, survive.

Also, the Medicaid program is given many tens of billions of dollars to keep the state expansions going for a few more years.
Currently if you are in your 50's, the ACA said the max percentage of your income paid for premiums was 9.5% (I think). From what I saw, Turtleman's plan made it up to 16.5%. Older people are really going to get hit big time.
The Senate bill, which I am still reading, continues to provide ObamaCare subsidies. They change the benchmark for increases in the subsidies, and they limit the subsidies to 350 percent of FPL, down from 400 percent.

The Medicaid expansion program is funded through 2021, so the Chumps won't feel any pain until after they are stupid enough to re-elect Trump and the GOP Congress. Then the bottom falls out from under them.

"Surprise, suckers!"

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