The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

He's quite mad, you know.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, suggested that Russians could attack the U.S. and insisted that removing Trump from office was necessary because the integrity of the 2020 election could not be "assured."

Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump's Senate impeachment trial concludes
The Fox spin about the lack of attention is interesting, especially Murkowski's.

But it looks like the Dems are taking a page from the Barr MO and hammering their case home thru repetition before they lose the floor, like Barr did with the Mueller Report no Republican read thru (except Amash). And now the Republicans are pulling the same affected indifference to the Dem charges. The Republican disinterest may cost them though. There are a few polls suggesting the Republican plan of no witnesses may cost a seat or two.

As for the Russians coming...I loved the movie! Think Fox will show those lovable submariners and incompetent islanders again?
He's quite mad, you know.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, suggested that Russians could attack the U.S. and insisted that removing Trump from office was necessary because the integrity of the 2020 election could not be "assured."

Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump's Senate impeachment trial concludes

If I were a democrat, and a republican said BS like that, I'd be screaming that Schiff wants to start WWIII.....Because that's what they do.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
LOL..The EU, the US and international organizations wanted Shokin removed for corruption. Trump was extorting the Ukraine for personal gain. See the difference.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.

Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind.

Why the Dems won’t defend the integrity of our elections with photo ID boggles the mind.

You can lecture us on election integrity when you explain Teddy Kennedy working with the Russians...

"Sen. Ted Kennedy, thinking of running for president in 1988, reportedly offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election. Desperate to stop President Ronald Reagan's re-election, Kennedy, as first reported in The London Times in 1992, reached out via an intermediary to the Soviet KGB.

The London Times revealed a 1983 KGB document from KGB chief Viktor Chebrikov to the then-leader of the USSR, Yuri Andropov. Chebrikov relayed an offer presented to the Soviet leaders from Kennedy, delivered in person by "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant" John Tunney, a former Democratic senator who was Kennedy's law school roommate.

Kennedy, according to the memo, offered to help the Soviets deal with Reagan, whom Kennedy perceived as a warmonger. Kennedy would "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." In exchange, Kennedy wanted Soviet aid in challenging Reagan's re-election. Kennedy offered to use his influential friends in liberal American media to arrange television interviews for Andropov. This would soften the Soviets' image, Kennedy suggested, and help brand Reagan as reckless and dangerous."

Collusion? What About Chinagate and Ted Kennedy's Outreach to the USSR? | RealClearPolitics

Not to mention Democrats involved heavily in schemes like voter roll fraud, and illegal multiple voting...You people have NO, I repeat NO room to talk about anything having to do with election integrity, until y'all get some integrity yourselves.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil.

Funny, did Obama not get that memo when he offered the Ukrainians blankets to defend themselves against the Russians?

The Obama administration sent body armor, vehicles, medical supplies, construction materials, and most importantly cash.

Not "blankets".
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil.

Funny, did Obama not get that memo when he offered the Ukrainians blankets to defend themselves against the Russians?

The Obama administration sent body armor, vehicles, medical supplies, construction materials, and most importantly cash.

Not "blankets".
Thank you for the clarification.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
LOL..The EU, the US and international organizations wanted Shokin removed for corruption.

I've heard that claim made repeatedly in defense of Biden's extortion...While I have seen very little evidence that this is the case, I would note that does NOT make 'ok' the method in which Biden went about it, nor does it lessen the scrutiny Biden should go through due to the fact that this happened when Shokin was investigating the company his son was employed for USVP access...

Trump was extorting the Ukraine for personal gain. See the difference.

No, no I don't....Had Hunter Biden not been working for the firm in which Shokin was investigating, making a boat load of money for nothing, then you may have a point, BUT, it is crystal clear that the only reason the young Biden had that job at all was not for any knowledge in the field, but rather for access to office of the VP of the United States...Then Biden had the balls to brag about extorting the government of Ukraine to quash that investigation....

So, on the one hand you have today, Democrats making up out of whole cloth some alterior motive that President Trump had in his conversation with President Z of Ukraine, and using it to fabricate an impeachment inquiry that didn't even charge Trump with anything impeachable, while on the other hand putting out the narrative that Democrats, and certainly NOT Biden can be investigated for crimes, even when they brag about comitting them....

You people are just laughable...
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.

Obama refused to give Ukraine military aid because he was afraid to upset the Russians. Now under Trump we have given them the aid for the Javelin missiles they needed, and your trying to say he's weak against Russia?
Trump has stood up against them in the way Obama never would. Further more, there is no proof Republicans have asked for foreign interference, yet democrats had nothing to say about Hillary campaign paying money to foreign agents to come up with a story about trump having hookers pee on Obama's bed.
DO you think there were voters who believed that story and voted against Trump in 2016? that is using foreign influence to change an election. It also influenced U.S. Senators to reject Rumps presidency. So we can see now where the real threat to democracy is coming from.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil.

Funny, did Obama not get that memo when he offered the Ukrainians blankets to defend themselves against the Russians?

The Obama administration sent body armor, vehicles, medical supplies, construction materials, and most importantly cash.

Not "blankets".

Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
LOL..The EU, the US and international organizations wanted Shokin removed for corruption.

I've heard that claim made repeatedly in defense of Biden's extortion...While I have seen very little evidence that this is the case, I would note that does NOT make 'ok' the method in which Biden went about it, nor does it lessen the scrutiny Biden should go through due to the fact that this happened when Shokin was investigating the company his son was employed for USVP access...

Trump was extorting the Ukraine for personal gain. See the difference.

No, no I don't....Had Hunter Biden not been working for the firm in which Shokin was investigating, making a boat load of money for nothing, then you may have a point, BUT, it is crystal clear that the only reason the young Biden had that job at all was not for any knowledge in the field, but rather for access to office of the VP of the United States...Then Biden had the balls to brag about extorting the government of Ukraine to quash that investigation....

So, on the one hand you have today, Democrats making up out of whole cloth some alterior motive that President Trump had in his conversation with President Z of Ukraine, and using it to fabricate an impeachment inquiry that didn't even charge Trump with anything impeachable, while on the other hand putting out the narrative that Democrats, and certainly NOT Biden can be investigated for crimes, even when they brag about comitting them....

You people are just laughable...
All this Biden business will disappear like the Will O' The Wisp when the election is over. It is a useful tool to distract from Trump's crimes. It will be like Hillary's e-mails and Benghazi that were just nothing despite investigation after investigation. Useful tools for useful idiots.
He's quite mad, you know.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, suggested that Russians could attack the U.S. and insisted that removing Trump from office was necessary because the integrity of the 2020 election could not be "assured."

Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump's Senate impeachment trial concludes
They're already here, kid.

tRump invited them in.

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988

Talk about a circus. If Nastier and Shifty are the leaders of this coup, the American Patriots have nothing to worry about.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
LOL..The EU, the US and international organizations wanted Shokin removed for corruption.

I've heard that claim made repeatedly in defense of Biden's extortion...While I have seen very little evidence that this is the case, I would note that does NOT make 'ok' the method in which Biden went about it, nor does it lessen the scrutiny Biden should go through due to the fact that this happened when Shokin was investigating the company his son was employed for USVP access...

Trump was extorting the Ukraine for personal gain. See the difference.

No, no I don't....Had Hunter Biden not been working for the firm in which Shokin was investigating, making a boat load of money for nothing, then you may have a point, BUT, it is crystal clear that the only reason the young Biden had that job at all was not for any knowledge in the field, but rather for access to office of the VP of the United States...Then Biden had the balls to brag about extorting the government of Ukraine to quash that investigation....

So, on the one hand you have today, Democrats making up out of whole cloth some alterior motive that President Trump had in his conversation with President Z of Ukraine, and using it to fabricate an impeachment inquiry that didn't even charge Trump with anything impeachable, while on the other hand putting out the narrative that Democrats, and certainly NOT Biden can be investigated for crimes, even when they brag about comitting them....

You people are just laughable...
All this Biden business will disappear like the Will O' The Wisp when the election is over. It is a useful tool to distract from Trump's crimes. It will be like Hillary's e-mails and Benghazi that were just nothing despite investigation after investigation. Useful tools for useful idiots.

Yet, you want to impeach and remove a sitting President for a charge that your side can't even list in the charging document? Talk about alternative reality....Look John, you would have to be a complete imbicile to watch that tape of Biden bragging that he used $1 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son was drawing a salary from, and say nothing to see here....Unbelievable!
He's quite mad, you know.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, suggested that Russians could attack the U.S. and insisted that removing Trump from office was necessary because the integrity of the 2020 election could not be "assured."

Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump's Senate impeachment trial concludes
They're already here, kid.

tRump invited them in.

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988


Right you are....Typo...
So he says, are you that stupid? Let me refer to the muller report and, I’m going to challenge you to give me a page of evidence that you supposed to accept that President mess with aid. No election or election are we entitled to know hey this happened! Sure shit if this was trump and his kids were ill and they would be in trouble but it’s Joe Biden who’s obviously the dumbest person in politics gets a pass

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

So when VP Joe threatened to keep a billion in aid unless a certain Ukrainian prosecutor was fired, he was risking a Russian invasion?
LOL..The EU, the US and international organizations wanted Shokin removed for corruption.

I've heard that claim made repeatedly in defense of Biden's extortion...While I have seen very little evidence that this is the case, I would note that does NOT make 'ok' the method in which Biden went about it, nor does it lessen the scrutiny Biden should go through due to the fact that this happened when Shokin was investigating the company his son was employed for USVP access...

Trump was extorting the Ukraine for personal gain. See the difference.

No, no I don't....Had Hunter Biden not been working for the firm in which Shokin was investigating, making a boat load of money for nothing, then you may have a point, BUT, it is crystal clear that the only reason the young Biden had that job at all was not for any knowledge in the field, but rather for access to office of the VP of the United States...Then Biden had the balls to brag about extorting the government of Ukraine to quash that investigation....

So, on the one hand you have today, Democrats making up out of whole cloth some alterior motive that President Trump had in his conversation with President Z of Ukraine, and using it to fabricate an impeachment inquiry that didn't even charge Trump with anything impeachable, while on the other hand putting out the narrative that Democrats, and certainly NOT Biden can be investigated for crimes, even when they brag about comitting them....

You people are just laughable...
All this Biden business will disappear like the Will O' The Wisp when the election is over. It is a useful tool to distract from Trump's crimes. It will be like Hillary's e-mails and Benghazi that were just nothing despite investigation after investigation. Useful tools for useful idiots.

Yet, you want to impeach and remove a sitting President for a charge that your side can't even list in the charging document? Talk about alternative reality....Look John, you would have to be a complete imbicile to watch that tape of Biden bragging that he used $1 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son was drawing a salary from, and say nothing to see here....Unbelievable!
Here is how USA Today explained it:

" The actions at the center of Trump's allegation occurred in late 2015 and early 2016, when U.S. aid was critical to Ukraine. Russia had seized control of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and was supporting separatists who were fighting Ukrainian forces in the eastern part of the country.

Biden took an interest in Ukraine, said Steven Pifer, a William J. Perry fellow at Stanford University and former ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton.

"You saw the vice president begin to emerge as really sort of the senior policy lead on Ukraine," Pifer said. "It's good to have attention at that level."

At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani claim Biden did this to quash Shokin's investigation into Ukraine's largest gas company, Burisma Holdings, and its owner, oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.

They say this benefited Biden's son, Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma's board of directors – for which he was paid $50,000 a month.

Their assertion is contradicted by former diplomatic officials who were following the issue at the time.

Burisma Holdings was not under scrutiny at the time Joe Biden called for Shokin's ouster, according to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, an independent agency set up in 2014 that has worked closely with the FBI.

Shokin's office had investigated Burisma, but the probe focused on a period before Hunter Biden joined the company, according to the anti-corruption bureau.

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014."

What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor

Please do not get your facts from Sean Hannity and Breitbart. They will mislead you.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil.

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back, eh?
How much aid did Obama give to Ukraine during his 8 years? Was it a lot?
I agree with Schiff that we need to take action against foreign interference in our elections; my comments about Ukraine was a clarification as to what I think he meant.

I have written many times that I thought Obama was feckless and weak with Russia. If Obama refused to send over arms to the Ukraine authorized by Congress then he should have gotten into deep shit trouble for that as well.

If Obama refused to send over arms to the Ukraine authorized by Congress then he should have gotten into deep shit trouble for that as well.

He must have really been pushing to send weapons to Ukraine, eh?
Cause Russia is yucky and stuff.

Mean Republicans probably resisted his heroic efforts to help Ukraine. Right?

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