The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

He's quite mad, you know.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, suggested that Russians could attack the U.S. and insisted that removing Trump from office was necessary because the integrity of the 2020 election could not be "assured."

Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump's Senate impeachment trial concludes
They're already here, kid.

tRump invited them in.

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988

Or, Teddy Kennedy did in 1988


Teddy and Yuri v. Reagan. They lost.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Don't listen to liberal outlets, they will mislead you....

"In April 2014, Biden's son Hunter joined the board of Burisma Holdings. Hunter served on the board until early 2019."

"From the start, Hunter's role at Burisma was criticized by ethics watchdogs as a conflict of interest for his father, who was still vice president at the time and heavily focused on pressuring Ukraine to do a better job rooting out corruption."

"Yoshiko M. Herrera, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and an an expert on Russia and Eurasia, told The Washington Post: "I think there is a conflict of interest even if it doesn't break any laws. It's a big deal. It's the vice president, who is the point person of the Obama administration's policy on Ukraine, and his son is suddenly hired to be a director on the board of Ukraine's largest private gas producer."

A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of the Trump-whistleblower scandal
I agree there was conflict with Hunter on the board of Burisma. That had nothing to do with Shokin's firing however by the Ukrainian government. Hunter is Joe's Billy Carter but only on steroids.

If you really believe that, then there is no way you can buy this BS against Trump...Not without showing extreme hypocrisy that is...
The two aren't remotely similar. That is just a Trump talking point. I have already explained the difference ad infinitum.

No, you gave a link to a USA Today story from another liberal, spinning it....And you buy that spin...

I agree though, Biden, and his corruption is not similar to Trump....Biden's is real corruption, and Trump's is made up.
You know you just can't respond to every link saying the source is from a "Liberal" outlet. That is just a nonsense deflection. What is it in the article that is incorrect?

unless pigs fly out of Donnie's ass, these people aint eatin' no bacon.
Don't listen to liberal outlets, they will mislead you....

"In April 2014, Biden's son Hunter joined the board of Burisma Holdings. Hunter served on the board until early 2019."

"From the start, Hunter's role at Burisma was criticized by ethics watchdogs as a conflict of interest for his father, who was still vice president at the time and heavily focused on pressuring Ukraine to do a better job rooting out corruption."

"Yoshiko M. Herrera, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and an an expert on Russia and Eurasia, told The Washington Post: "I think there is a conflict of interest even if it doesn't break any laws. It's a big deal. It's the vice president, who is the point person of the Obama administration's policy on Ukraine, and his son is suddenly hired to be a director on the board of Ukraine's largest private gas producer."

A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of the Trump-whistleblower scandal
I agree there was conflict with Hunter on the board of Burisma. That had nothing to do with Shokin's firing however by the Ukrainian government. Hunter is Joe's Billy Carter but only on steroids.

If you really believe that, then there is no way you can buy this BS against Trump...Not without showing extreme hypocrisy that is...
The two aren't remotely similar. That is just a Trump talking point. I have already explained the difference ad infinitum.

No, you gave a link to a USA Today story from another liberal, spinning it....And you buy that spin...

I agree though, Biden, and his corruption is not similar to Trump....Biden's is real corruption, and Trump's is made up.
You know you just can't respond to every link saying the source is from a "Liberal" outlet. That is just a nonsense deflection. What is it in the article that is incorrect?

That's easy, I'll highlight one from your own article....

"Burisma Holdings was not under scrutiny at the time Joe Biden called for Shokin's ouster, according to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, an independent agency set up in 2014 that has worked closely with the FBI."

I already showed where you tried to say that Hunter wasn't working for Burisma when Biden extorted the Ukraine government with aid in 2015, yet Hunter started working for Burisma in April of 2014.

You brushed it off as "it didn't look good".... BS, it was corrupt plain and simple.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
you shift in and out of "foreign" and "russian" as it suits your mantra but ...

nevermind. you are 100% biased and show it every post.

let me ignore you now.
The reason they want Trump out by any means necessary is because he is slowly strangling the gravey train these people enrich themselves with at our expense.

Yet, you want to impeach and remove a sitting President for a charge that your side can't even list in the charging document? Talk about alternative reality....Look John, you would have to be a complete imbicile to watch that tape of Biden bragging that he used $1 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son was drawing a salary from, and say nothing to see here....Unbelievable!
Here is how USA Today explained it:

" The actions at the center of Trump's allegation occurred in late 2015 and early 2016, when U.S. aid was critical to Ukraine. Russia had seized control of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and was supporting separatists who were fighting Ukrainian forces in the eastern part of the country.

Biden took an interest in Ukraine, said Steven Pifer, a William J. Perry fellow at Stanford University and former ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton.

"You saw the vice president begin to emerge as really sort of the senior policy lead on Ukraine," Pifer said. "It's good to have attention at that level."

At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani claim Biden did this to quash Shokin's investigation into Ukraine's largest gas company, Burisma Holdings, and its owner, oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.

They say this benefited Biden's son, Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma's board of directors – for which he was paid $50,000 a month.

Their assertion is contradicted by former diplomatic officials who were following the issue at the time.

Burisma Holdings was not under scrutiny at the time Joe Biden called for Shokin's ouster, according to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, an independent agency set up in 2014 that has worked closely with the FBI.

Shokin's office had investigated Burisma, but the probe focused on a period before Hunter Biden joined the company, according to the anti-corruption bureau.

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014."

What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor

Please do not get your facts from Sean Hannity and Breitbart. They will mislead you.

Don't listen to liberal outlets, they will mislead you....

"In April 2014, Biden's son Hunter joined the board of Burisma Holdings. Hunter served on the board until early 2019."

"From the start, Hunter's role at Burisma was criticized by ethics watchdogs as a conflict of interest for his father, who was still vice president at the time and heavily focused on pressuring Ukraine to do a better job rooting out corruption."

"Yoshiko M. Herrera, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and an an expert on Russia and Eurasia, told The Washington Post: "I think there is a conflict of interest even if it doesn't break any laws. It's a big deal. It's the vice president, who is the point person of the Obama administration's policy on Ukraine, and his son is suddenly hired to be a director on the board of Ukraine's largest private gas producer."

A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of the Trump-whistleblower scandal
I agree there was conflict with Hunter on the board of Burisma. That had nothing to do with Shokin's firing however by the Ukrainian government. Hunter is Joe's Billy Carter but only on steroids.

If you really believe that, then there is no way you can buy this BS against Trump...Not without showing extreme hypocrisy that is...
The two aren't remotely similar. That is just a Trump talking point. I have already explained the difference ad infinitum.
So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
It’s illegal if it’s state or federal. You are not even allowed to transport an illegal in a vehicle nor are they allowed to transport themselves.

No reason to allow them to have licenses unless you are trying to register them to vote.

It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB

Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
Dude that dumbfuck implied russia could physically attack us because of Trump.
You are just as stupid as he is.
What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil. Yeah, well isn’t that what proxy wars are all about? I mean wasn’t that the rationale of W’s Iraqi War that was enthusiastically supported by all you Repubs. Better to fight them over there than over here.

All I am saying is that Schiff said nothing that hasn’t been said before and which all you Repubs haven’t said or agreed with at one time or another.

What he said, or rather implied, based on the Fox story alone, is that it was better to confront Russia in the Ukraine than on home soil.

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back, eh?
How much aid did Obama give to Ukraine during his 8 years? Was it a lot?
I agree with Schiff that we need to take action against foreign interference in our elections; my comments about Ukraine was a clarification as to what I think he meant.

I have written many times that I thought Obama was feckless and weak with Russia. If Obama refused to send over arms to the Ukraine authorized by Congress then he should have gotten into deep shit trouble for that as well.

If Obama refused to send over arms to the Ukraine authorized by Congress then he should have gotten into deep shit trouble for that as well.

He must have really been pushing to send weapons to Ukraine, eh?
Cause Russia is yucky and stuff.

Mean Republicans probably resisted his heroic efforts to help Ukraine. Right?
Obama did send over $100,000,000 in security assistance including defense and military equipment.

It is lie that all he sent over were blankets.

The only person I can see that resisted "heroic" efforts to help the Ukraine was Trump himself.

Obama did send over $100,000,000 in security assistance including defense and military equipment.

You have a link to military equipment he sent?
It’s illegal if it’s state or federal. You are not even allowed to transport an illegal in a vehicle nor are they allowed to transport themselves.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

So you approve of Voter ID! Best thought you ever had on USMB
my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
I'll just say this: No illegal should vote. Voting is for US citizens only. If at some future date it is determined that illegals are using their state drivers licenses to vote, than that practice should be stopped.

However, my feeling is that most illegals want to remain underground. Most illegals are probably too fearful to get a drivers licenses for fear they will be put on ICE radar. A state may issue a drivers license to an illegal but there is nothing the state can do to protect them from federal law enforcement which is the way it should be.
But The states do engage in Felony Crimes to protect Illegals.

Immigration LAW 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324

It’s illegal if it’s state or federal. You are not even allowed to transport an illegal in a vehicle nor are they allowed to transport themselves.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

my bet is still a NO but he'll have a different reason to say that vs. RUSSIA.
C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
I'll just say this: No illegal should vote. Voting is for US citizens only. If at some future date it is determined that illegals are using their state drivers licenses to vote, than that practice should be stopped.

However, my feeling is that most illegals want to remain underground. Most illegals are probably too fearful to get a drivers licenses for fear they will be put on ICE radar. A state may issue a drivers license to an illegal but there is nothing the state can do to protect them from federal law enforcement which is the way it should be.
But The states do engage in Felony Crimes to protect Illegals.

Immigration LAW 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324

It’s illegal if it’s state or federal. You are not even allowed to transport an illegal in a vehicle nor are they allowed to transport themselves.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

C'mon, .... I have never voted in any election where I did not have to show an ID. The question with these ID laws deals with the form of IDs. Yes, everyone who votes should have an ID. Who can question that. The issue concerns something like the North Dakota law where the requirement of an address effectively disenfranchised thousands of native Americans. The law was aimed at them. It worked.

Russian interference on the other hand is a foreign nation interfering in our elections. Why would anyone say that is okay is beyond me. I don't see any remote simularity.

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
I'll just say this: No illegal should vote. Voting is for US citizens only. If at some future date it is determined that illegals are using their state drivers licenses to vote, than that practice should be stopped.

However, my feeling is that most illegals want to remain underground. Most illegals are probably too fearful to get a drivers licenses for fear they will be put on ICE radar. A state may issue a drivers license to an illegal but there is nothing the state can do to protect them from federal law enforcement which is the way it should be.
Without researching this beyond what you posted the federal law applies to the states. A sanctuary city of state designation does not overrule federal law. For instance, based on quick research, California's sanctuary state law only applies to misdemeanors not to the serious crimes contained in your link.
But The states do engage in Felony Crimes to protect Illegals.

Immigration LAW 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324

It’s illegal if it’s state or federal. You are not even allowed to transport an illegal in a vehicle nor are they allowed to transport themselves.
It’s a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with a Drivers License. So why are Sanctuary States allowing this?

I presume that issuance of a drivers license is a state issue and not a federal one. My own guess why they would do this is for public safety purposes. Better to have illegals registered and with insurance then not.
I'll just say this: No illegal should vote. Voting is for US citizens only. If at some future date it is determined that illegals are using their state drivers licenses to vote, than that practice should be stopped.

However, my feeling is that most illegals want to remain underground. Most illegals are probably too fearful to get a drivers licenses for fear they will be put on ICE radar. A state may issue a drivers license to an illegal but there is nothing the state can do to protect them from federal law enforcement which is the way it should be.
Without researching this beyond what you posted the federal law applies to the states. A sanctuary city of state designation does not overrule federal law. For instance, based on quick research, California's sanctuary state law only applies to misdemeanors not to the serious crimes contained in your link.
It is a felony to harbor or protect an Illegal from being apprehended by ICE or Border Patrol in any way, so even applying so called Sanctuary Status to Misdemeanors is a Felony.

The Mayors, Governors, Police Sheriffs should all be brought up on charges for engaging in such activities, and for not honoring detainers which is a Lawful Federal Statute and Instrument of apprehension and prosecution of Illegal Aliens.

People who illegally help illegal aliens obtain drivers licenses in The BMV for instance should be prosecuted. This is MASS LAWLESSNESS.

Not only is it Illegal and thumbing your nose at The Law, but it is EVIL and represents a Wicked Rebellion against Lawful and Orderly Society.
Schiff is right. Why Repubs want to surrender our sovereignty to the Russians is beyond me? Why the Repubs won’t defend the integrity of our elections against foreign interference boggles the mind. I suppose if Repubs see Russian interference as a benefit for them, they are for it. You know why? Because it is party over country for them.
so you go yelling at people for every little thing you can call a LIE and go apeshit crazy on people for their "exaggerations" - and then you support this crap?

you cry out the repubs won't defend the integrity of elections but it's the dems who do NOT want voter ID cards and other measures put in place to do just that.

lord people like you are annoying little phucs.
Let me explain the difference between Russian interference in our elections and voter ID laws. I will make this as simple as possible considering to whom I am addressing this to:

One deals with Russian interference in our elections; the other doesn't.
Russian interference that the left conveniently forget included fake support for Hillary as well-
Pretending to be Americans, the Russians persuaded people in the U.S. to attend their events, and sometimes paid their expenses, according to the indictment. They allegedly used social-media names including Facebook group “Being Patriotic” and Twitter handle @March_for_Trump. Two such rallies were held in New York in July 2016, under the names “March for Trump” and “Down with Hillary,” it said.

One Facebook group called “United Muslims of America” was allegedly created by the Russians to plan a rally called “Support Hillary. Save American Muslims” in July 2016 in Washington.

The group arranged for one American to hold a sign depicting Clinton and a fake quote attributed to her saying, “I think Sharia Law will be a powerful new direction of freedom,” according to the indictment.

And, now knowing how much of the Mueller report was less than unbiased, I suspect there was probably even more than mentioned...
They also did mention another rally in favor of Clinton post election, which seems odd, post election...-

The Russians were also accused of promoting discord after the election by simultaneously holding New York rallies, one in support of Trump’s victory and another under the name “Trump is NOT my President!” according to an indictment released Friday by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller. There was a separate post-election, anti-Trump rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Russian-Organized Rallies Cited as Part of Election Meddling
and no mention of the fact China also had a disinformation campaign going on as well. Strange they never told us who that disinformation was in favor of.

China's Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance
And really odd, considering testimony by the intelligence community did confirm it, but offered no more info. And yet their attempted influence in Australia’s politics as well as New zealand has made the news

[URL=""]Chinese interference in New Zealand at 'critical' stage, says Canada spy report
Citizens and Senators of sound mind have already made their decision regarding the second and third hand "evidence" presented. The House Democrat's storytime has changed no one's view.
Gee, I wonder why the Democrats didn't go straight to the first hand 'evidence' instead of the key staffers who told the second and third hand to hold the funding that upset them and even caused some to quit. And Billy, your view wouldn't change if you had a certified letter from God attesting to the 'this for that' extortion HE saw!
Haven't seen it in years. I wonder if there is something un-PC about it I've forgotten.

Darn funny movie. I had it on video tape and never replaced it on DVD. Now I'm sorry I didn't...along with Buckaroo Banzai.

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