The Russians have won.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid.
On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid.
You don't see the irony in going after educated people for their dumbness, while supporting a president who has problems with communicating finished sentences let alone thoughts?
Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma

Still pissed off at flappers I see...


On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid.

How’s the Trump Health Care Plan coming? Oh yeah, the President of the US has no plan.

Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 8.42.08 AM.png

Solves problems? No.
Gets things done? No.
The Russians did win. They got their guy in the White House.
You don't see the irony in going after educated people for their dumbness, while supporting a president who has problems with communicating finished sentences let alone thoughts?
Everything is Trump's fault.

True story....... :rolleyes:
I wasn't aware I was blaming anybody when I pointed out the irony of thinking educated people are dumb, when supporting someone who's communication skills suspect to say the least. It's like saying you are capable of understanding quantum physics. Not saying it's impossible but your posts don't exactly fill me with confidence.
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On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid.

The US fought the Nazi Socialists and then the Russian Communists, only to then devolve into a Bernie Sanders society. You know, Bernie, the guy that took his honeymoon in Moscow.

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On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid. the Russians have 'won' because of the complicit actions / lack of actions, due to the aiding and abetting of the Obama administration.

EVIDENCE shows Obama, US AG Holder, FBI Director MUELLER, and Secretary of State Clinton all knew about Russians involved / perpetrating numerous crimes associated with their successful attempt to acquire Uranium one and a sizeable portion of the US' supply of Uranium....yet they hid those crimes, did not voice them to the committee (Holder and Hillary were on) responsible for allowing / denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians...until AFTER the sale had gone through.

EVIDENCE shows that at least as early as 2015 Obama and his administration KNEW the Russians were engaging in military style Psychological Operations (PsyOps) using Social media to get Democrats to organize and march for them...that the Russians paid Liberal groups to successfully spread racial division, hate, and violence yet did nothing and allowed it to continue....that the Russians attempted to hack the communications of Senior Level US politicians yet did nothing to stop it - he didn't even warn them it was happening....and that the Russians attempted to hack the US power grid and, once again, did nothing to stop it.

WHY? At the time Barry was seeking to kiss the ring of Vladimir Putin to get his permission to be able to Un-Constitutionally and without Congressional approval invade Syria, dragging the US into another Un-Constitutional 'Barry-War' to help terrorists.

Trump is being investigated with the liberal intent to find collusion between him and the Russians.....while evidence of illegal collusion between Barry and Russia 'litters the ground' in piles around the Trump investigators.
I wasn't aware I was blaming anybody when I pointed out the irony of thinking educated people are dumb, when supporting someone who's communication skills suspect to say the least. It's like saying you are capable of understanding quantum physics. Not saying it's impossible but your posts don't exactly fill me with confidence.
Highly educated people aren't necessarily dumb.

But many of them lack basic common sense. .... :cool:
On October 4th 1957 the Russians first began influencing American culture and politics. They launched sputnik, the first low orbit satellite, into orbit and initiated a nationwide panic among politicians and academics. The great fear was that the Russians were pulling ahead in the space race so the government swung into action and got into the student loan business.

The prospect of lifetime employment for college professors by sending everyone to college has since devolved into a sad reality where a liberal arts degree may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average American. It was quickly realized that academic standards had to be diminished to accommodate the flood of students who would otherwise have become productive citizens so traditional coursework was supplanted with all kinds idiosyncratic, basket-weaving, glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies and Black History.

Socially awkward intellectuals saw this as a grand opportunity to create a society in their own image by indoctrinating young minds with all kinds of hateful struggles: Men against women, blacks against whites, homosexuals against heterosexuals, old against young etc. As time passed and inept social engineering continued to grind the minds of college students, the placement on the bell curve of liberal arts graduates has degraded to a level about the same as a hospital patient in an induced coma.

They can barely read the contents of a restaurant menu and are unable to put anything in writing that qualifies as a respectable grocery list. A few decades ago US leadership realized the cultural wounds inflicted by the War on Poverty and the Great Society were so severe that American borders and national sovereignty had to be abandoned in order to import foreign talent to do the work necessary to maintain a functioning society.

The Russians have won because Sputnik introduced such mental impairment into US society that the average college graduate is a knuckle dragging true believer that can’t read or write but can throw rocks and bottles with accuracy.

The Russians must be overjoyed that education in America has become tantamount to a serious head injury. Now millions of Americans are so dumb that they can’t comprehend a president that actually solves problems and gets things done.

There is no doubt that the Russians are to blame for this unfortunate state of affairs; not through collusion but pollution of our educational apparatus. The Russians just made us too stupid.

The US fought the Nazi Socialists and then the Russian Communists, only to then devolve into a Bernie Sanders society. You know, Bernie, the guy that took his honeymoon in Moscow.


Nazis were authoritarian fascist. Fascist hated Socialist and Communist. In fact the Nazi's banned the Socialist and Communist political parties.

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