The Ryan family business: Oh I thought he was born poor?

I haven't seen Ryan say a single thing anywhere about coming from poverty, or anything even comparable.

It was the right-wing nuts on this board who were making those claims.

Where would they get that idea? Maybe because he paid for college with his father's SS?
His family business prospered thanks to the government too.

Liberals Seize Upon News That Ryan’s Family Business Built Partly With Government Subsidies | Mediaite

Are you talking about SS Survivors benefits here? If so, you obviously have no fucking idea how little that is. My dad died in 1980, while I was in hs. I got a piddling amount in SS Survivors Benefts, until SS cuts eliminated it entirely a few years later. It was not enough to buy books for college, let alone pay tuition.

I got 75 dollars.
Well this thread is frothy with envy.

Envy | Define Envy at

en·vy   /ˈɛnvi/ Show Spelled [en-vee] Show IPA noun, plural en·vies, verb, en·vied, en·vy·ing.
1. a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
2. an object of envious feeling: Her intelligence made her the envy of her classmates.
3. Obsolete . ill will.

Envy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it."[1]

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness.[2] Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others. Although envy is generally seen as something negative, Russell also believed that envy was a driving force behind the movement towards democracy and must be endured to achieve a more just social system.[3] However, psychologists have recently suggested that there may be two types of envy: malicious envy and benign envy - benign envy being proposed as a type of positive motivational force.

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are often envious of others or believe others are envious of him or her.[13]

A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person

Envy is known as one of the most powerful human emotions for its ability to control one as if envy was an entity in itself. Countless men and women have fallen prey to brief periods of intense envy followed by anger which then translates into aggression. One of the most common examples is a woman who is envious of another's beauty, such as in the fairy tale "Snow White," in which the evil stepmother is envious of Snow White's youth and beauty, and seeks to kill the young woman in order to once again be the "fairest of them all."

The wealthy get unemployment. I'm sure they get SSi too...

Maybe that's what Romney's hiding...he did brag about being "unemployed" in the Primaries. :razz:

You know what, fuck you! The only way people become rich like that is to work hard and have a strong work ethic where they would ABSOLUTELY REFUSE any kind of hand out or help whatsoever from the government, because they have too much pride in themselves, just like all the right wing lawyers/business owners/former state governors on this very board. It's because of them and their hard work that the rest of the country is able to have unemployement benefits because you want to sit at home all day and smoke weed instead of going out and finding a job even if that means taking a job at McDonalds (who has been constantly hiring and desperately looking for people throughout the entire recession) because you think you're too good for a job like that. You should take a lesson from those millionares. They're not too good to work at McDonalds. They'd do it, and probably work their way up within a year to own the place, off of nothing more than the money they made there.

I smoke weed and I work, have since I was 14, first year I filed taxes. I know alot of people that smoke weed and they all work. So stop trying to blame your failure to understand how the real world works on us weed smokers.
Well this thread is frothy with envy.

Envy | Define Envy at

en·vy   /ˈɛnvi/ Show Spelled [en-vee] Show IPA noun, plural en·vies, verb, en·vied, en·vy·ing.
1. a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
2. an object of envious feeling: Her intelligence made her the envy of her classmates.
3. Obsolete . ill will.

Envy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it."[1]

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness.[2] Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others. Although envy is generally seen as something negative, Russell also believed that envy was a driving force behind the movement towards democracy and must be endured to achieve a more just social system.[3] However, psychologists have recently suggested that there may be two types of envy: malicious envy and benign envy - benign envy being proposed as a type of positive motivational force.

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are often envious of others or believe others are envious of him or her.[13]

A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person

Envy is known as one of the most powerful human emotions for its ability to control one as if envy was an entity in itself. Countless men and women have fallen prey to brief periods of intense envy followed by anger which then translates into aggression. One of the most common examples is a woman who is envious of another's beauty, such as in the fairy tale "Snow White," in which the evil stepmother is envious of Snow White's youth and beauty, and seeks to kill the young woman in order to once again be the "fairest of them all."

No, it's not envy, it is just clarification of distortions that Paul ryan and Mittens were poor in life and became rich, you know that tear jerking rags to riches epics that we should all get up and applaude, but when you catch the rich playing poor to appeal to a voting block, it just a bad joke on us.
Did Paul Ryan say he was poor and became rich? Link?

Or perhaps this is the narcissist at work int eh LOLberal mindset. Where anyone who has wealth is the enemy of the prolateriat. Has somehow schemed or is undeserving of the wealth. Or has other hidden motives to retain their wealth while holding other down.

Narcissistic personality disorderOne characteristic of someone with narcissistic personality disorder is "interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends".
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Where would they get that idea? Maybe because he paid for college with his father's SS?
His family business prospered thanks to the government too.

Liberals Seize Upon News That Ryan’s Family Business Built Partly With Government Subsidies | Mediaite

Are you talking about SS Survivors benefits here? If so, you obviously have no fucking idea how little that is. My dad died in 1980, while I was in hs. I got a piddling amount in SS Survivors Benefts, until SS cuts eliminated it entirely a few years later. It was not enough to buy books for college, let alone pay tuition.

I got 75 dollars.

And your age at the time of the beneficiaries death?

I'm looking at my statement from the SSA. I'm 46, retired from the military and now work a decent paying county government job. My July 8, 2009 statement gives an estimation of benefits. For my surviving child, those benefits are $1,196 per month.

My legal spouse doesn't get them of course, thanks to the unconstitutional DOMA.

The wealthy get unemployment. I'm sure they get SSi too...

Maybe that's what Romney's hiding...he did brag about being "unemployed" in the Primaries. :razz:

You know what, fuck you! The only way people become rich like that is to work hard and have a strong work ethic where they would ABSOLUTELY REFUSE any kind of hand out or help whatsoever from the government, because they have too much pride in themselves, just like all the right wing lawyers/business owners/former state governors on this very board. It's because of them and their hard work that the rest of the country is able to have unemployement benefits because you want to sit at home all day and smoke weed instead of going out and finding a job even if that means taking a job at McDonalds (who has been constantly hiring and desperately looking for people throughout the entire recession) because you think you're too good for a job like that. You should take a lesson from those millionares. They're not too good to work at McDonalds. They'd do it, and probably work their way up within a year to own the place, off of nothing more than the money they made there.

I think you need a new name
Are you talking about SS Survivors benefits here? If so, you obviously have no fucking idea how little that is. My dad died in 1980, while I was in hs. I got a piddling amount in SS Survivors Benefts, until SS cuts eliminated it entirely a few years later. It was not enough to buy books for college, let alone pay tuition.

I got 75 dollars.

And your age at the time of the beneficiaries death?

I'm looking at my statement from the SSA. I'm 46, retired from the military and now work a decent paying county government job. My July 8, 2009 statement gives an estimation of benefits. For my surviving child, those benefits are $1,196 per month.

My legal spouse doesn't get them of course, thanks to the unconstitutional DOMA.
I was 17 .......
You progressives are disgusting pathetic losers who cant stand people working for a living.....
I smoke weed and I work, have since I was 14, first year I filed taxes. I know alot of people that smoke weed and they all work. So stop trying to blame your failure to understand how the real world works on us weed smokers.

Did you not see my Phelps post above? Do you not have a good sarcasmeter? Oh, and don't be so sensitive. If I had said "drink beer" instead, do you think anyone would have jumped up and taken my post to somehow be all about an insult to anyone who drinks beer, period?
While Paul Ryan never said he was born poor, nor that he was a beneficiary of whatever branch of the family that inherited the construction company, what he did say was that after his father died his mother went back to work. He worked at various jobs from Mcdonalds to selling Oscar Meyer which indicated that he did not have a trust fund to support him. Admitting to having to work is a claim of being poor. That's how being poor works.
I think you need a new name

Obviously so. The left thinks I'm right. The right thinks I'm left. I'm obviously a damned fool to call myself in the middle.

Nope you seem pretty right leaning to me.

tell us your left attributes?

hahahahahahahaha the most partisan member of this board wants to know someone's left attributes?? You would call him a liar no matter what he said. You are so party blind you can't imagine someone being "in the middle".

^^^This is why your party is going to lose in November.
The Ryan family business: Oh I thought he was born poor?

There you go "thinking" again. Your initial claim is bullshit, as per usual. NO where did Ryan ever indicate he was born poor. You made this up, then went digging with gleeful frothy envious about what you "thought" based on your own perceptions.

So again, unless you can draw up some fact based on the words that came from Paul Ryan on "born poor", you're simply making shit up and lobbing it haphazardly into the forum.

Why do we even entertain TM when she speaks anymore? It's always built off narcissistic projections slanted from a LOLberal mindset of the neoclassical Marxist mentality. It's rather disgusting, really.
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The Ryan family business: Oh I thought he was born poor?

There you go "thinking" again. Your initial claim is bullshit, as per usual. NO where did Ryan ever indicate he was born poor. You made this up, then went digging with gleeful frothy envious about what you "thought" based on your own perceptions.

So again, unless you can draw up some fact based on the words that came from Paul Ryan on "born poor", you're simply making shit up and lobbing it haphazardly into a discussion.

Why do we even entertain TM when she speaks anymore? It's always built off narcissistic projections slanted from a LOLberal mindset of both the neoclassical Marxist mentality. It's rather disgusting, really.

One of the joys of posting on this board is seeing a TM meltdown. :badgrin:

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