The Ryan family business: Oh I thought he was born poor?

Shit. JFK, FDR, Rockefeller all came from money and were big in politics. Hell. Loads of money men in the Dem party now. Congress is full of em.

Last I heard they were all Dems.

Of course Splatters won't be painting them with the same brush she's painting Romney and Ryan with.

Of course she is a biased idiot.
he came from money

While his folks may have had money, he was not that wealthy until he married someone with wealth. His net worth to that time was less than $400,000. That is hardly wealthy. More like middle class.

I do not like Ryan because his policies suck for the working American. However, there is no reason to smear him with a brush that does not apply. And even were he born rich, and had great wealth from the git-go, that is hardly reason to reject him. Think FDR and Theodore Roosevelt.


It is his family history.

WHY is this candidate trying to pretend it doesnt exsist?
Clinton came from money
jfk came from butt tons of money
carter came from money

damn bitch, if you hate the higher ups gaining power, vote TEA Party, they want everyday people in office.

hell, they put a veternarian in ofc down in FL just today

that was a primary election

Yea and we all know how poor John Kerry was. :D

but but butt

[ame=]Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)" - YouTube[/ame]
Paul Ryan came from money because the democrats need for him to come from money. They need it for their class warfare position.
Shit. JFK, FDR, Rockefeller all came from money and were big in politics. Hell. Loads of money men in the Dem party now. Congress is full of em.

Last I heard they were all Dems.

Of course Splatters won't be painting them with the same brush she's painting Romney and Ryan with.

Of course she is a biased idiot.

And they NEVER tried to pretend their hitory was something else.

Why did Ryan do so?
lying is such a shitty thing to do

Ryan isn't the only pub who has tried to pass for poor. Remember the Clown Car Candidates? Remember how every single one of them tried to make us think they had been born in a log cabin.

The GObP/R/pots are liars.
Who cares how much many the guy has or had anyway? That's his business. If he is rich, good for him. That shouldn't bother this OP or anyone else. If you're not trying to get rich, you're likely an Entitlement Thief. And i have no respect for Entitlement Thieves. America is the Land of Opportunity. It really is.
Shit. JFK, FDR, Rockefeller all came from money and were big in politics. Hell. Loads of money men in the Dem party now. Congress is full of em.

Last I heard they were all Dems.

Of course Splatters won't be painting them with the same brush she's painting Romney and Ryan with.

Of course she is a biased idiot.

And they NEVER tried to pretend their hitory was something else.

Why did Ryan do so?

Having money is not the point. Never has been. Its that they lie and they work to take money away from the middle class.

Its the rw voter who is not paying attention.

And, all their nasty name calling won't help them learn what their vote will cost them.
I think you need a new name

I think you need a new GAME!

$ 1 5 , 9 2 2 , 0 2 7 , 4 4 6 , 3 7 7 . 1 3

THAT is 15.922 TRILLION dollars and it is the national DEBT.

$ 5 0 , 8 1 6 . 6 9

THAT is nearly 51 THOUSAND dollars and it's the MINIMUM debt that every single baby born on this day in this country owes with their FIRST BREATH! are a tax payer in America YOU OWE $ 1 4 3 , 9 3 5 . 0 0


YOU...need a new GAME. Cause I got to say, this divide, distract and deflect shit is getting TIRED!

There are 750 Billion dollars or so of uncollected Tax revenue because the IRS is under funded and under manned.

That's just the beginning. There are billions that could be realized by getting rid of tax breaks to oil companies for exploration. They do not need it. At all.

Then we could start on the military. We maintain over 700 foreign US bases. For what? We also ship billions overseas to support the militaries of other countries, like Pakistan, Israel and Eygpt. We've sunk some 300 billion into developing the Joint Strike Fight, a plane that never materialized and 70 billion or so into the missile defense program..a system that doesn't work. That's in addition to continuing to build weapon systems like Submarines..which are no longer very useful. They are easily detected and defeated by most major navys.

But probably voted for the guy who, basically on a lark, conquered Iraq and proceeded to go through every conservative doctrine to "rebuild" it using the money of American Tax Payers. Each and everything Bush did there..failed..and failed big time. It wasn't until Robert Gates and James Baker came in, probably at the behest of poppa, that things changed.

You guys are a laugh..sometimes.
he came from money

While his folks may have had money, he was not that wealthy until he married someone with wealth. His net worth to that time was less than $400,000. That is hardly wealthy. More like middle class.

I do not like Ryan because his policies suck for the working American. However, there is no reason to smear him with a brush that does not apply. And even were he born rich, and had great wealth from the git-go, that is hardly reason to reject him. Think FDR and Theodore Roosevelt.


It is his family history.

WHY is this candidate trying to pretend it doesnt exsist?
Miss Matters, sometimes people with rich or famous relatives do not participate in the rich part, but are stuck with the famous. Look at President Obama's poor relatives in Africa. Some of them live in little better than a metal outhouse, which is better than some of their neighbors. Family wealth when a father dies and the family has to live off welfare probably didn't exist. Back in those days, lawyers gave a lot of their money away to people on the skids, and there were people quite destitute back then. Having a billion dollars to fall back wasn't there. The family depended on welfare checks, which children are entitled to in the event their parent dies.

I think it's a bad idea to politicize somebody's childhood that wasn't the best. JFK's silver spoon was never crammed down his throat. Don't go cramming down welfare pie on someone who was able to pull himself up, dust himself off, get a college degree, and earn his way into fortune and fame with hard work.

Let's be glad we have a potential vice president who has winning ways after a truly rotten run of luck when his dad passed away when he was only 15. The family came together and made sure he got educated instead of going to work to support the lot of them. They acted wisely, and they saved his future. ;)
Please provide a link which would show all of us where, at any point, Ryan claimed to have come from a poor background.
There are 750 Billion dollars or so of uncollected Tax revenue because the IRS is under funded and under manned.

That's just the beginning. There are billions that could be realized by getting rid of tax breaks to oil companies for exploration. They do not need it. At all.

Then we could start on the military. We maintain over 700 foreign US bases. For what? We also ship billions overseas to support the militaries of other countries, like Pakistan, Israel and Eygpt. We've sunk some 300 billion into developing the Joint Strike Fight, a plane that never materialized and 70 billion or so into the missile defense program..a system that doesn't work. That's in addition to continuing to build weapon systems like Submarines..which are no longer very useful. They are easily detected and defeated by most major navys.

But probably voted for the guy who, basically on a lark, conquered Iraq and proceeded to go through every conservative doctrine to "rebuild" it using the money of American Tax Payers. Each and everything Bush did there..failed..and failed big time. It wasn't until Robert Gates and James Baker came in, probably at the behest of poppa, that things changed.

You guys are a laugh..sometimes.

Here's what really IS that simple, Obamacare funded the hiring of 25 THOUSAND new IRS agents. Has that fixed that mythical collection problem?

The fed BORROWED as much money last year to pay for unfunded liabilities and social engineering programs as it took in from federal income tax. And make no mistake, defense spending is only about 13% of the budget and it is one of the VERY FEW things the fed is doing that is is SUPPOSE to be doing constitutionally!

And it's true, the tax code is SCREWED. However, ALL tax deductions, exemptions or exceptions for EVERYONE should END. A flat 8% tax on gross income for every dollar earned IN this country or FROM this country would have produced MORE revenue last year than the current "progressive" income tax system would.

Unless ya have a's just WHINING brother!

As to the joint strike fighter and the rest of that diatribe, that's a joke...right? The British took delivery of their first F-35 joint strike fighters this year and there are orders for more than 200 of them from more than 10 different countries at an average cost of 125 to 150 million a copy, depending on the variant. And that 300 billion...INCLUDES the fact that the R-35 is a variant of the F-22 Raptor development program. The fastest, highest flying, most bad ass fighter on the planet!

Oh, and if that missile defense system doesn't work...just exactly WHY was Obama caught in an open mic moment reassuring the Russians that it would not be deployed if he's re-elected? OR why is it Israel and a dozen other countries either HAVE or ARE purchasing the systems? It's because they WORK and they are the best defensive system in the world.

If we don't understand that our national defense is one of the very few things the fed is directed TO do by the's going to be hard to have an intelligent discussion on the subject!

Are there bases that no longer need to be there? HELL yes, but to make it sound like our national security is not served by any of those bases is just STUPID! claim that we don't need overseas bases AND we don't need to maintain and develop a offensive Naval force either!?!? Well, that is beyond stupid. It's dangerously naive and idealistic!

And Iraq...REALLY? Can we just DRIVE ON! That is as lost in the past ideology as the democrats who can't let go of the Nam era and are driving this country into the damn ditch!

I don't care who you voted for, but to claim that Gates and Baker saved Iraq and in the same statement claim that EVERYTHING that Bush did in Iraq failed...well, the overt ideological incongruity in that speaks for it's self!

AND it's just further proof that there really ARE thoughts that should NOT be spoken out loud!
Still no proof from the liar OP that Ryan ever said he came from poverty. That's typical of TM:

Step 1: Lie
Step 2: Ignore anything that rebukes the lie.
Step 3: Lie about the lie.
Step 4: Run from the thread.
Still no proof from the liar OP that Ryan ever said he came from poverty. That's typical of TM:

Step 1: Lie
Step 2: Ignore anything that rebukes the lie.
Step 3: Lie about the lie.
Step 4: Run from the thread.

Here's the part I find puzzling: why is it such a damning indictment for him NOT to have been poor? The leftist twits on here aren't pissed about - or not JUST about - the idea that he might have said he was poor and then wasn't. They're actively pissed simply at the idea that his family might have had money when he was growing up. It was insane enough when they were viewing it as tantamount to a felony conviction simply for a grown adult to be financially successful in his own right, but NOW it's apparently a scandal equivalent to finding out he used to torture neighborhood pets to find out that a politician had financially successful parents? WTF?!

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