The S&L Crisis Ripoff and Rape of America


Apr 6, 2012
The Savings and Loan Crisis of 1988 - 1991 in which the taxpayers paid multi Billions to bail out the Federally chartered institutions. What was it all about? Easy, bad loans on Real Estate and unsecured loans to "friends of the banks" (I.e. Republiscams.)

You might remember, Republiscam John McCain was rebuked by the Senate Ethics Committee for his role in the corruption. Neil Bush, son of the former President was directly responsible for the multi-Billion dollar loss of one savings and loan because he loaned hundreds of millions to his corrupt "friends" without informing the board of directors of his complicity in their criminal behavior. Over a hundred million of that money was lost. Bush being the son of the Republiscam President was not indicted and was allowed to pay a ridiculous $50,000 fine for his outrageous behavior. His friends had paid him Millions to get the illegal loans in the first place. Gosh it must be great to be totally corrupt in a totally corrupt administration! Reagan allowed the S&L's to operate as banks under Federal Charter and the industry was repeatedly raped by Republiscam bankers who were all "new found friends of the President."

Gosh that reminds me of what happened recently under the horribly corrupt administration of Dubya Bush. The entire family was and is corrupt as hell and they all belong in Prison for life. But then again, the entire Republiscam Party is corrupt as hell. When Dubya was elected in 2000, we just knew that we would be revisited with unbelievable banking corruption just like we had under Reagan-Bush (up to that time the most corrupt administration in American History! Dubya, of course, surpassed that in spades!). Only this time it wasn't hundreds of Billions in losses the taxpayers had to pick up, it was TRILLIONS of Dollars that we had to add to the national debt to bail out all of the horribly corrupt money institutions. We need to put the entire Dubya administration on trial for Treason against these United States.

When are we going to eliminate the open criminality in this country? When?
This post seems vaguely familiar. Where might we have seen it before? :confused:

Oh, wait. I remember now...

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