The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.
I'm admittedly not a gun person and I would never own one but this decision by the San Francisco board of supervisors comes across to me as irresponsible and unnecessary. It's a divisive action in my opinion that isn't going to end up creating any real semblance of good or healing.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.

In some districts, like Pelosi's in Sodom or Maxine's in Gomorrah, the voters agree with Draconian gun control.

The NRA is a point of positivity for those broads' electability.

In other districts which are less extreme, its an entirely different story. And if the congressmen there vote for Gun Confiscation, the voters will also know. The NRA will make sure they can't keep it a secret.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.

In some districts, like Pelosi's in Sodom or Maxine's in Gomorrah, the voters agree with Draconian gun control.

The NRA is a point of positivity for those broads' electability.

In other districts which are less extreme, its an entirely different story. And if the congressmen there vote for Gun Confiscation, the voters will also know. The NRA will make sure they can't keep it a secret.

Well that's how gun laws should stay--local. If you are stupid enough to vote anti-gun representatives in, and end up getting beat up, robbed or raped, then perhaps it's about time to consider other representation.

Most of our major gun laws in my state were signed by a Democrat Governor. Why? Because not signing them would have been political suicide. That's not the case with Massholes or New Yorkers. Their voters would support any gun legislation.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

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What do you expect, from the ex officio capital of the Land of Fruits and Nuts?
And proving that the job is far safer than many others

Other nations are inferior and irrelevant which makes your comparison a fallacy
It proves our police are killed at an unacceptable rate thanks to guns.
No it does not as that is strictly a subjective opinion
You must really hate the police.

The police are not stupid like you think. Even they know that disarming the society will not disarm criminals. In fact it will make the guns they carry even more valuable worth killing a cop over.
Then why are so few law enforcement killed in countries with strong gun control? Why does law enforcement also shoot so fewer people?
Ask the british

Could be they are too busy covering up the crimes of Muslim rape gangs while locking people up for thought crimes
I am stating facts you are the one lying.


Only 53 killed by gunfire last year.

Jesus you are truly one dishonest and ignorant POS
Only? That’s one per week. Way more than countries with strong gun control. They have single digits if any.
And proving that the job is far safer than many others

Other nations are inferior and irrelevant which makes your comparison a fallacy
It proves our police are killed at an unacceptable rate thanks to guns.

It's not thanks to guns, it's thanks to criminals who will find a way to kill no matter what you take from them.

If you take two societies, one middle-class whites and the other poor blacks. Make a law that everybody in the middle-class community must own a gun, and nobody in the poor community is allowed to own a gun, the crime statistics in both neighborhoods won't change.
Of course it's thanks to guns. Police are shot regularly and by all sorts of people.
As demonstrated no they are not

You for proven a liar on that one
San Francisco is full of shit.
And proving that the job is far safer than many others

Other nations are inferior and irrelevant which makes your comparison a fallacy
It proves our police are killed at an unacceptable rate thanks to guns.
No it does not as that is strictly a subjective opinion
You must really hate the police.

The police are not stupid like you think. Even they know that disarming the society will not disarm criminals. In fact it will make the guns they carry even more valuable worth killing a cop over.
Then why are so few law enforcement killed in countries with strong gun control? Why does law enforcement also shoot so fewer people?
We are a violent nation. With hundreds of ethnic and cultures expanded massively more by Progs over the last 55 years and divided by the same. We even have two major languages now. More reasons to kill each other and eventualy have civil discourse or a reformation of government into more tyranny.
It proves our police are killed at an unacceptable rate thanks to guns.
No it does not as that is strictly a subjective opinion
You must really hate the police.

The police are not stupid like you think. Even they know that disarming the society will not disarm criminals. In fact it will make the guns they carry even more valuable worth killing a cop over.
Then why are so few law enforcement killed in countries with strong gun control? Why does law enforcement also shoot so fewer people?
We are a violent nation. With hundreds of ethnic and cultures expanded massively more by Progs over the last 55 years and divided by the same. We even have two major languages now. More reasons to kill each other and eventualy have civil discourse or a reformation of government into more tyranny.

If we remove the gun crimes committed by minorities in this country, we are pretty much in line with other countries he's talking about.

The truth of the matter is we have culture clash in the US, and the melting pot is pretty much a failure.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

View attachment 277457
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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

I'm part of the civilian population, and have never been intimidated by the NRA in any way. All they do is communicate the interests of their dues paying membership to the politicians. And the politicians make their own decisions. There are two dozen radical leftist presidential candidates promising gun confiscation against the wishes of the NRA. They don't sound that "intimidated" to me.

The NRA communicates the interest of whom they market for which is gun manufacturers. The membership keeps them tax free.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

View attachment 277457
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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.

Politicians fear the ignorance of voters. The NRA thrives on ignorance. For instance; Gun registration is a form of confiscation.
f we remove the gun crimes committed by minorities in this country, we are pretty much in line with other countries he's talking about.

The truth of the matter is we have culture clash in the US, and the melting pot is pretty much a failure.

NO, we wouldn't. Most industrialized countries have less than 100 gun deaths a year.

We have 10's of thousands, about half committed by white people shooting their friends, family members and neighbors.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

View attachment 277457
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The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.

Politicians fear the ignorance of voters. The NRA thrives on ignorance. For instance; Gun registration is a form of confiscation.

I don't recall anybody saying that. What has been said is registration will lead to confiscation. After all, the only way they'd be able to get nearly every gun is if they know where they are.
f we remove the gun crimes committed by minorities in this country, we are pretty much in line with other countries he's talking about.

The truth of the matter is we have culture clash in the US, and the melting pot is pretty much a failure.

NO, we wouldn't. Most industrialized countries have less than 100 gun deaths a year.

We have 10's of thousands, about half committed by white people shooting their friends, family members and neighbors.

We are also a population of 325 million people. Also since half of our deaths are suicides and people do use guns for that reason, or course we are going to have more deaths. Only a liberal would think that suicide victims choosing another way of dying is a success of some sort.
I am not a member of The NRA. Though I may or may not own firearms, I have no intention of ever joining The NRA. Furthermore, I'm not particularly fond of Wayne LaPierre, though I can't really put a finger on why...

I fully support the 2nd Amendment...

All that being said, I have to think that, given all that is wrong within the City of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors must have better things to do than pass idiotic, misinformed, and toothless resolutions that are full of blatant lies...

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani wrote the resolution and shared her thoughts on the NRA with KTVU. "The NRA has it coming to them," she said. "And I will do everything I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization..."

SF Board of Supervisors declare National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization

Treat yourselves to the "Comments", some may surprise you...

The Resolution:;GUID=DF64490F-D8BC-4BF7-A43D-287F02BECCCA

View attachment 277457
View attachment 277458
View attachment 277459

The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

I'm part of the civilian population, and have never been intimidated by the NRA in any way. All they do is communicate the interests of their dues paying membership to the politicians. And the politicians make their own decisions. There are two dozen radical leftist presidential candidates promising gun confiscation against the wishes of the NRA. They don't sound that "intimidated" to me.

The NRA communicates the interest of whom they market for which is gun manufacturers. The membership keeps them tax free.

No, they communicate the interest of gun owners. Gun manufacturers benefit from that message as well.
We are also a population of 325 million people. Also since half of our deaths are suicides and people do use guns for that reason, or course we are going to have more deaths. Only a liberal would think that suicide victims choosing another way of dying is a success of some sort.

Well, yeah, it would be, because you have a better chance of surviving other methods of suicide.

The reality- we have 15,000 gun homicides, and only half of those are committed by minorities. So even if you factor out minorities for whatever racist reasons you think that's a good idea, we still have 7000 gun homicides committed by white folks.

While the UK has about 50.

And Japan has about 10
Another load of horse shit brought to you by governing idiots.

The NRA are terrorists?? Horse shit.

Statistically few are killed. There are far more dangerous jobs.

Clearly you are the one who lies about everything
Your lies are growing:

But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
I am stating facts you are the one lying.


Only 53 killed by gunfire last year.

Jesus you are truly one dishonest and ignorant POS
Only? That’s one per week. Way more than countries with strong gun control. They have single digits if any.
And proving that the job is far safer than many others

Other nations are inferior and irrelevant which makes your comparison a fallacy
It proves our police are killed at an unacceptable rate thanks to guns.
the left really needs to make up their mind if the police are the bad guys or not. this flip flop wishy washin crap gets so very old.

not unexpected mind you - inconsistency for your emotional needs is the hallmark of the lefts consistency.

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