The Sanders are almost as crooked as the Clintons


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Well DUH, Fake social/justice like the rest of the lefts B/S...

May 5, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Bernie and Jane Sanders are some of the some country's greatest grifters. Between Bernie's Revolution scam and the FBI investigation of his wife, the Sanders are almost as crooked as the Clintons.

The FBI is looking closely into what Jane Sanders did to Burlington College. Here's why.


Burlington College closed. Jane Sanders walked away with $200K. This is the sort of thing that Bernie fulminates about in the business world. Except his wife did it to non-profits. And the FBI is investigating.

Here's part of how the scam went down.


If you loved the Clintons and their grifting, wait until you get a load of the Sanders clan.


Let's see how much of that money can be recouped from Bernie's new summer home.

How Bernie Sanders' Wife Took Advantage of a 77-Year-Old Woman, a Catholic Diocese and Destroyed a College
May 4, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good thing there are flights daily leaving to Cuba. Isn't it?

When news broke of the FBI investigation, Sandernistas tried to pretend that it wasn't about Bernie's spouse. But no. It very much is. Here's the background again.


Wealthy and powerful politicians abusing the system for their own benefit is one of the reasons why the American people are disgusted.

FBI: Did Jane Sanders Falsify Records in Order to Get the Loan from the Bank?
Trump is by far the most corrupt president this country has ever had...Period...

Sanders just wants to help people and you have no fucking clue.

Really? And how do you know this about Trump after a very short time he has been in office? It's impossible.

And I guess you have a clue??? :rofl: :rofl:
Trump is by far the most corrupt president this country has ever had...Period...

Sanders just wants to help people and you have no fucking clue.

Really? And how do you know this about Trump after a very short time he has been in office? It's impossible.

And I guess you have a clue??? :rofl: :rofl:

How many promises does he have to break for you to come to the realization, Trump's the phoniest President in this lifetime? He thought the job entailed photo ops, hand shakes with foreign leaders, and signing legislation he expected to be passed with a snap of his fingers! He's learning real fast that "who knew it was this hard?" I won't even bring up the outright lies of that silly wall and Mexico paying for it! If anyone believed that, all concerned should be locked up along with the true "Grifters" of our generation, The TRUMPS! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Trump is by far the most corrupt president this country has ever had...Period...

Sanders just wants to help people and you have no fucking clue.

Really? And how do you know this about Trump after a very short time he has been in office? It's impossible.

And I guess you have a clue??? :rofl: :rofl:

How many promises does he have to break for you to come to the realization, Trump's the phoniest President in this lifetime? He thought the job entailed photo ops, hand shakes with foreign leaders, and signing legislation he expected to be passed with a snap of his fingers! He's learning real fast that "who knew it was this hard?" I won't even bring up the outright lies of that silly wall and Mexico paying for it! If anyone believed that, all concerned should be locked up along with the true "Grifters" of our generation, The TRUMPS! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

You mean like the Clinton's, and Obama's??

I am so sorry you are still so butthurt. It will pass eventually....maybe.
i've known bernie a long time, the campaign changed him, and not for the better.
Well DUH, Fake social/justice like the rest of the lefts B/S...

May 5, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Bernie and Jane Sanders are some of the some country's greatest grifters. Between Bernie's Revolution scam and the FBI investigation of his wife, the Sanders are almost as crooked as the Clintons.

The FBI is looking closely into what Jane Sanders did to Burlington College. Here's why.


Burlington College closed. Jane Sanders walked away with $200K. This is the sort of thing that Bernie fulminates about in the business world. Except his wife did it to non-profits. And the FBI is investigating.

Here's part of how the scam went down.


If you loved the Clintons and their grifting, wait until you get a load of the Sanders clan.


Let's see how much of that money can be recouped from Bernie's new summer home.

How Bernie Sanders' Wife Took Advantage of a 77-Year-Old Woman, a Catholic Diocese and Destroyed a College
Bernie Sanders is 100% hypocrite
politics is about POLICY, stoopit. :itsok:

President Donald Trump will sign executive orders this week aimed at expanding offshore oil drilling and reviewing national monument designations made by his predecessors.

The orders could expand oil drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans and upend public lands protections put in place in Utah, Maine and other states. The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the president to declare federal lands of historic or scientific value to be "national monuments" and restrict how the lands can be used.

Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

Cato Institute has an excellent article summarizing Donald Trump’s shameful history of promoting eminent domain abuse for the purpose of seizing property from homeowners and businesses who refuse to sell to him.

The oil and gas industry is quickly amassing power in Trump’s Washington

Big Oil Gets a Huge Role in Trump's Administration
politics is about POLICY, stoopit. :itsok:

President Donald Trump will sign executive orders this week aimed at expanding offshore oil drilling and reviewing national monument designations made by his predecessors.

The orders could expand oil drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans and upend public lands protections put in place in Utah, Maine and other states. The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the president to declare federal lands of historic or scientific value to be "national monuments" and restrict how the lands can be used.

Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

Cato Institute has an excellent article summarizing Donald Trump’s shameful history of promoting eminent domain abuse for the purpose of seizing property from homeowners and businesses who refuse to sell to him.

The oil and gas industry is quickly amassing power in Trump’s Washington

Big Oil Gets a Huge Role in Trump's Administration
You urban people have no say in what goes on in rural areas... you don't live here and will never visit here. So mind your own fucking business
politics is about POLICY, stoopit. :itsok:

President Donald Trump will sign executive orders this week aimed at expanding offshore oil drilling and reviewing national monument designations made by his predecessors.

The orders could expand oil drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans and upend public lands protections put in place in Utah, Maine and other states. The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorizes the president to declare federal lands of historic or scientific value to be "national monuments" and restrict how the lands can be used.

Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

Cato Institute has an excellent article summarizing Donald Trump’s shameful history of promoting eminent domain abuse for the purpose of seizing property from homeowners and businesses who refuse to sell to him.

The oil and gas industry is quickly amassing power in Trump’s Washington

Big Oil Gets a Huge Role in Trump's Administration

You sure like to misdirect, don't you, lol.

Name one area of land Trump has nationalized since being in office...............and in fact, has Trump not returned the land STOLEN by using the antiquities act by Barack, Hussein, Obysmal?

You are a phony-baloney. green, green, anti American machine, trying to spin it your way. Not gonna happen lady. (if you really are a woman)

By the way, do you know who is leading your party? You don't, do you, lol! Neither does anyone else, hehehehehehehehehehehehe!

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