The Science is Settled; It is counterproductive to keep schools closed


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Among many salient points...

"Dr. Daniel Halperin, a public health professor at the University of North Carolina, told The Atlantic last month: “It’s logical that schools should open in the fall and summer camps, if it’s still possible, should open… I’m worried about my daughter driving, but I wouldn’t keep her home because there’s a one-out-of-a-million chance that she’s gonna die in a car accident."
If students return to school with healthy measures taking place (Masks, mini distancing and card board "Offices that sit on the desks with a window of plastic facing the teacher) for safety, parents can return to work and start paying taxes instead of getting stimulus funds.

We need to return to normalcy.
Please produce a link - from ANY source, I don't care - that provides data indicating that asymptomatic infected children pose a danger to adults in their households (or otherwise) by spreading the virus.

I won't hold my breath; there is no such link, no such data. It does not exist.

How pricelessly ironic that the self-described "party of science" rejects ALL SCIENCE AND DATA when it comes to this pandemic, because politically, they see exacerbating the threat as advantageous.

You are all scum - except for the stupid ones. Can't tell the difference from here.
Make it mandatory teachers wear m95 masks, gowns, and gloves. No coming into contact with students all teachers teach behind glass barriers. It could work.
"Settled science" an oxymoron? Did you ingest a controlled substance before typing that?

The force of gravity still up for debate? Chemical composition of water? The nature of electricity? Not settled?

You really think that no scientific principles are settled?

But as for the OP, it is KNOWN that healthy children have NOTHING TO FEAR from Covid 19. The risk of serious illness or death is LESS THAN THAT FOR THE FLU. That is not speculation; it is KNOWN.

Further, the HARMS to both the children and their families are REAL, not speculative. Losses of jobs and income, the expense of babysitters, mental illness, domestic abuse. These are not SPECULATION; they are real, demonstrated.

Wake the fuck up.
Zero cases of children transferring covid to a teacher. But, I am sure the democrats have fabricated some lies and seeded google with them.
So, in other words, you can't prove your claim and anyone who proves you wrong is using fixed faulty data. Everything is a big global conspiracy for making you as an individual look stupid.
So, in other words, you can't prove your claim and anyone who proves you wrong is using fixed faulty data. Everything is a big global conspiracy for making you as an individual look stupid.
No, not at all. In other words there are zero cases of 7 year old little girls sick with covid passing the disease to a teacher anywhere in the world. And my comment was not fabricated by a global team of intellects as you believe. I made it hoping some real stupid idiot would respond with an outrageously. dumb rant hence adding credibility to my fact. Thank you for taking the part.
Our school board here, mostly older white conservative males, has voted to begin the year virtually due to the safety of all involved.

The true test of whether someone is smart is whether they agree with me. Stop paying the teachers, then poll them individually about whether they are willing to come to work.

Fuck their unions. They are an abomination.
Erika, please do a little research. YOU are in no danger from the Corona thing, and neither are your schoolmates. The numbers of people under 20 who are getting sick are a fraction of one percent of those infected, and fatalities are almost too tiny to measure. For YOU it is less dangerous than the flu, and FAR less dangerous than going out in a car on a Saturday night with your friends. Have a little perspective.

Your teachers are probably about as safe as you are, unless they are elderly or have pulmonary conditions, in which case THEY will be working from home. If you have a lot of contact with your grandparents or other elderly people, you and they will want to take precautions when they are around you, because there is a good chance that you will become a "carrier" at some time during the next year, and you could infect them if you and they are careless.

Unless your teachers are incompetent, you will learn much more gooder if you are in the classroom rather than at home. Virtual learning is like a virtual hug - it's mainly just pretend.

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