The Scientific poof that GOD exists without a doubt.

No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
I fail to see your reasoning for the bible being proof because a lot of people buy it?
Abiogenesis is a foregone conclusion. Once there was no life, then there was life. Only goofballs throw up their hands and declare "magic!" and walk away.
Haha. You are such a joke. Abiogenesis is a joke. At least you admit it's only goofballs who think abiogenesis happens.

How can abiogenesis provide even the chick for the egg? We discovered that the chicken came before the egg already (another evidence for how science backs up the Bible).
Science never led to the silly Kalam argument. It's not even an argument. Just a lot of poorly cobbled together philosophical slogans.
Sure it did. KCA is only one evidence. We also have 24-hr days. We have how complex a bird embryo is which could only happen by creation; It blows your simple abiogenesis hypothesis out of the water lol, lol, lol.

No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
I fail to see your reasoning for the bible being proof because a lot of people buy it?
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
Funny that science has thoroughly and decisively disproved the bible and yet bible bashers now are trying to claim that the bible proves science. :auiqs.jpg:
You are wrong in so many ways. The Bible is not a science book, but we find is science backs up the Bible. Why shouldn't science back up what is true. However, science does not back up evolution.

By debunking the bible science has proved that the Jew/Christian/Islam god does not exist and never did.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

1. You are too dumb to realize science has already provided the proof with KCA.
2. We have 24-hr day and night, we see the ridge like around the world for a global flood and found oceans underneath the sea flood (fountains of the deep), the universe is expanding and accelerating, the EMS provides all the energy in the universe (where does evolution ever provide the universe's energy?), and more.

What we do not have are aliens that would show abiogenesis. You are such a tool.
* God didn't create the 24-hr day and night. Science created it.
* Aliens were created by religion, not by science.
* It was Science that discovered the earth, not religion.

Your ignorance is standard primitivo. That is to say that you believe the same as primitive man. It is universally knowns as "SUPERSTITION"
How can God not exist?
By not existing, same as unicorns, fairies, Apollo, dragons....
LMAO. You are one who believes in the fairy tale of evolution. It is because you have no evidence just hypothesis. Your atheists and atheist scientists do not have have any cosmological argument. What kind of fool are you believing in lies?
Need some attention, buddy? Religion section starting to thin out?
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up. How else could science have led to Kalam's Cosmological Argument? I asked for the atheist's logical argument and there was none. It means you are lying by believing in lies .
Science never led to the silly Kalam argument. It's not even an argument. Just a lot of poorly cobbled together philosophical slogans.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
Such juvenile tirades do nothing to support an ancient islamic philosophical argument.
You still have nothing. Maybe you can find something here (I doubt it because you're brainless haha) -- Cosmological Argument (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.

When did you ever have an open mind? You can't even admit abiogenesis does not happen. For example, there are no aliens because abiogenesis does not happen. Also, God didn't create any aliens.
By debunking the bible science has proved that the Jew/Christian/Islam god does not exist and never did.
You just make statements that are not true. The Bible was not debunked by science.

God didn't create the 24-hr day and night. Science created it.
* Aliens were created by religion, not by science.
* It was Science that discovered the earth, not religion.
Haha. This is too stupid that no response is necessary. No one ever made this dumb an argument. Anyway, we can just ignore your "science" posts in the future.
How can God not exist?
By not existing, same as unicorns, fairies, Apollo, dragons....
LMAO. You are one who believes in the fairy tale of evolution. It is because you have no evidence just hypothesis. Your atheists and atheist scientists do not have have any cosmological argument. What kind of fool are you believing in lies?
Need some attention, buddy? Religion section starting to thin out?
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up. How else could science have led to Kalam's Cosmological Argument? I asked for the atheist's logical argument and there was none. It means you are lying by believing in lies .
Science never led to the silly Kalam argument. It's not even an argument. Just a lot of poorly cobbled together philosophical slogans.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
Such juvenile tirades do nothing to support an ancient islamic philosophical argument.
You still have nothing. Maybe you can find something here (I doubt it because you're brainless haha) -- Cosmological Argument (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Your childish attempts at insult do nothing to make a defendable argument for philosophical rambling.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
I fail to see your reasoning for the bible being proof because a lot of people buy it?
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
Science is forever fact-checking and double fact-checking its own findings and in that way, the credibility of Science remains strong and up-to-date. You, on the other hand, are content with lying and the church refuses to keep itself up-to-date because the church is a house of false cards which requires lies and dishonesty to get where it is.
By debunking the bible science has proved that the Jew/Christian/Islam god does not exist and never did.
You just make statements that are not true. The Bible was not debunked by science.

God didn't create the 24-hr day and night. Science created it.
* Aliens were created by religion, not by science.
* It was Science that discovered the earth, not religion.
Haha. This is too stupid that no response is necessary. No one ever made this dumb an argument. Anyway, we can just ignore your "science" posts in the future.
What part of my reply is "too stupid"?

* Science created the 24-hr day and night. (The Egyptians) :eusa_dance:
* Religion created aliens. (Jesus, god, the devil, etc.) :19:
* Science discovered the earth. (Navigated, explored, and discovered it). :deal:

I pushed you against the wall. Now you're screwed with no response to the facts I gave you. :45:
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
Humans are only human. They hope against hope and are suckers if you can promise them ... 1). they can lose weight ... 2) they can become a millionaire .... 3) they can go to heaven.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
I fail to see your reasoning for the bible being proof because a lot of people buy it?
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
One has to have faith first. After that, they see the truth in the Bible and how science backs it up.

For example, we know what happened with Jesus ascending to heaven. If someone disproves that, then they destroy Christianity.

Another is we know non-believers will go to hell and suffer forever. I think most non-believers don't believe that.
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
Humans are only human. They hope against hope and are suckers if you can promise them ... 1). they can lose weight ... 2) they can become a millionaire .... 3) they can go to heaven.

Heh. I'm promising you that you'll go to hell and live in pain and suffering forever.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
One has to have faith first.

Yep. Truth doesn't matter to you. Faith in lies is the A to Z to it for you.

"But there are no WMD's in Irak!"
"Don't matter! I have faith that there are lots of WMD's over there so let's bomb the piss out of the place!"
Humans are only human. They hope against hope and are suckers if you can promise them ... 1). they can lose weight ... 2) they can become a millionaire .... 3) they can go to heaven.

Heh. I'm promising you that you'll go to hell and live in pain and suffering forever.
Sonny Boy, If I take you to the chocolate shop I'd have to hold your hand or you'll get lost at the first corner.
Yep. Truth doesn't matter to you. Faith in lies is the A to Z to it for you.

"But there are no WMD's in Irak!"
"Don't matter! I have faith that there are lots of WMD's over there so let's bomb the piss out of the place!"
It just goes to show how stupid you are and why people end up ignoring you. No one wants to be bored and keep rolling their eyeballs in their sockets.

Maybe if there are aliens, then they should do their probe upon you. That would provide some kind of cheap entertainment for us believers here. Ha ha. Hee hee.

Sonny Boy, If I take you to the chocolate shop I'd have to hold your hand or you'll get lost at the first corner.

You can't even get your insults right. You are the boy here while I am the adult. However, you would not make it to the ice cream shop for your chocolate sundae because you've been a bad boy. You did not learn your lesson wekk.

Thus, you'll just have to learn better next time by experiencing more pain and suffering with no ice cream and other treats.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
I fail to see your reasoning for the bible being proof because a lot of people buy it?
People buy the Bible because it is the truth and full of wonderful things to explain our lives. They don't buy Darwin's books anymore because much of it was proven wrong by science.
But how is it the truth? Or do people just hope it's the truth?
The Bible shows one the truth in many ways. In Genesis, for example, we are given the origins of the universe, Earth, and everything in it. What would you like to know, Mr. Joe?

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