The Scientific poof that GOD exists without a doubt.

Isn't all of the cosmos proof of a creator? A smart logical person would say so since nothing else
could explain "creation" .

Is the idea of an ultimate "programmer" absurd? Not as absurd as an uncreated universe that just
happens to be.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
Here you go, James!

View attachment 497964
Abiogenesis is the religion of GOATS.
Abiogenesis is a foregone conclusion. Once there was no life, then there was life. Only goofballs throw up their hands and declare "magic!" and walk away.
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.
And that is why you don't believe in GOD, because you are a "religious" zealot of abiogenesis and evolution from imagined "simple" lifeforms to the "imagined" more complex.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
Here you go, James!

View attachment 497964
Abiogenesis is the religion of GOATS.
Abiogenesis is a foregone conclusion. Once there was no life, then there was life. Only goofballs throw up their hands and declare "magic!" and walk away.
So, you have created a biological creature from rock and water. I'd love to see this religiously held conclusion performed for the general public. PS> Create your own rocks and water first...
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.
And that is why you don't believe in GOD, because you are a "religious" zealot of abiogenesis and evolution from imagined "simple" lifeforms to the "imagined" more complex.
As every bit of evidence shows. I don't believe in magical gods because I see no reason to believe in them. there may be gods. But I don't need them to explain abiogenesis or evolution.
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.
And that is why you don't believe in GOD, because you are a "religious" zealot of abiogenesis and evolution from imagined "simple" lifeforms to the "imagined" more complex.
Most 7th grade biology classes introduce students to the science of evolutionary biology and how populations evolve over time. Your madrassah apparently did not.

So, we're now on page 12 and there's still no 'pwoof of the gods'.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.

It reflects God as our one constant.
The one constant is your belief in a made-up entity that has NO explanation to differentiate from other made-up ideas, like
"There are 2 Gods; a male personality & female personality" (we are made in Gods' image?) OR
there are MANY "Gods" that reflect powerful beings/aliens from other galaxies that are VERY advanced in their evolution.
So, we're now on page 12 and there's still no 'pwoof of the gods'.
12 pages of martyrdom, I suppose.

The Romans
The lions
The Jews
The religion section of the discussion forum
The off-top section of the discussion forum

"Yea, though I enter uninvited into the valley of logic, I will fear no reasoning for the foundation of proof and deduction are mere principles of earnest validity put before me to test my faith from which I will never diverge!"

Little Nipper.jpg
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.
And that is why you don't believe in GOD, because you are a "religious" zealot of abiogenesis and evolution from imagined "simple" lifeforms to the "imagined" more complex.
As every bit of evidence shows. I don't believe in magical gods because I see no reason to believe in them. there may be gods. But I don't need them to explain abiogenesis or evolution.
Honestly, I don't believe in "magical" "gods" either. Explaining and proving are entirely two different things. If you cannot create life, how would the environment. You can create an artificial environment to mimic any known type of environment. I can tell you that GOD spoke and by HIS WORD everything that is came to be. You can tell me that lighting struck saltwater. Seems like you believe in a magical environment.
Honestly, I don't believe in "magical" "gods" either. Explaining and proving are entirely two different things. If you cannot create life, how would the environment. You can create an artificial environment to mimic any known type of environment. .....
Bla ... bla ... bla :th_waiting:

..... I can tell you that GOD spoke .....
Now we're at the crux of the problem. Your lies. :yapyapyapf:
Funny that science has thoroughly and decisively disproved the bible and yet bible bashers now are trying to claim that the bible proves science. :auiqs.jpg:
You are wrong in so many ways. The Bible is not a science book, but we find is science backs up the Bible. Why shouldn't science back up what is true. However, science does not back up evolution.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

1. You are too dumb to realize science has already provided the proof with KCA.
2. We have 24-hr day and night, we see the ridge like around the world for a global flood and found oceans underneath the sea flood (fountains of the deep), the universe is expanding and accelerating, the EMS provides all the energy in the universe (where does evolution ever provide the universe's energy?), and more.

What we do not have are aliens that would show abiogenesis. You are such a tool.
Funny that science has thoroughly and decisively disproved the bible and yet bible bashers now are trying to claim that the bible proves science. :auiqs.jpg:
You are wrong in so many ways. The Bible is not a science book, but we find is science backs up the Bible. Why shouldn't science back up what is true. However, science does not back up evolution.
Science does not "back up" the bible. Does science back up a flat earth?

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