The Scientific poof that GOD exists without a doubt.

Ps. How can I remove the space-taking video in my signature but still keep the link to it there?
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Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
closed mind.jpg
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up.
Childish, incoherent lies meant only to soothe yourself.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)
Western religions are bull crappy and they get crappier as they go along. What is this fixation they all have with hats?

Judaism believes in some superstitious shit whereby you are outside of god’s favour if you don’t cover your head while inside the synagogue.

Christianity added its own superstition whereby you are outside of god’s favour if you do cover your head inside the church and also saying you cannot believe in god unless you believe in Jesus.

Islam joined the list of superstitious bull crappy whereby you are outside of god’s favour if you don’t cover your head inside the mosque and saying that you cannot believe in god unless you believe in Mohammad.

Jews: “Dear god …. “

Christians: “Dear Jesus can you please tell god ….. “

Muslims: “Dear Mohammad, can you please tell god ….. “

Let us give Judaism a round of applause. After all, they are the original that all others try to copy and because they can pray directly to god without some shyster skimming off the top of people’s fear and superstition. But then Jews have always had the advantage of dealing in retail.
He seems to be trying to prove god through the bible and torah. That doesn't work. Just because he's a physicist doesn't make it a scientific explanation.
Nah. He's a compromiser, i.e. wrong, who gave up on the global flood and catastrophism.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
The burden of proof is on you.

1). You say god exists but you have no proof.
2). Science has proved the bible is hogwash.

Without the bible your trinity is nothing .... and that is according to your own indoctrination.

False bible (proven by scientific) = no Christian god (proven by you)

The ultimate proof is pain and suffering for you forever. We know life is supernatural.

The proof is in the Bible. How else is it the best selling book year-after-year hm.. me foolish bucko?
When does this "pain and suffering forever" begin? There must be something wrong with your clock. I've been dwelling in this life for 74 years already and the less religious superstition I believe in the better life gets.

Oh, and you failed to notice that the bible is childish fiction and has been utterly disproven. Is it the best-selling book? There you go talking about "pain and suffering" again. While I still have your attention I'd like for you to look up the terms "sell" and "read". There are lots and lots of the latest weight-loss machines on the market and many people buy them. How many people use them do you think? Of course, most people borrow them when they go to church ... I mean training centres ... but they don't own one themselves.
How can God not exist?
By not existing, same as unicorns, fairies, Apollo, dragons....
LMAO. You are one who believes in the fairy tale of evolution. It is because you have no evidence just hypothesis. Your atheists and atheist scientists do not have have any cosmological argument. What kind of fool are you believing in lies?
Need some attention, buddy? Religion section starting to thin out?
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up. How else could science have led to Kalam's Cosmological Argument? I asked for the atheist's logical argument and there was none. It means you are lying by believing in lies .
Science never led to the silly Kalam argument. It's not even an argument. Just a lot of poorly cobbled together philosophical slogans.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
When does this "pain and suffering forever" begin? There must be something wrong with your clock. I've been dwelling in this life for 74 years already and the less religious superstition I believe in the better life gets.

You'll just have to wait. It isn't my clock. My clock is like everyone else's. Time waits for no person.

It doesn't begin until one rises again from the dead. We'll all rise again from the dead in time with the second coming of our Savior. My best guess is 2060. The prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. My best guess is 2060.

As for your religious superstition comment, I have the Bible and KCA. You still have nothing, but false beliefs.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.

It reflects God as our one constant.
How can God not exist?
By not existing, same as unicorns, fairies, Apollo, dragons....
LMAO. You are one who believes in the fairy tale of evolution. It is because you have no evidence just hypothesis. Your atheists and atheist scientists do not have have any cosmological argument. What kind of fool are you believing in lies?
Need some attention, buddy? Religion section starting to thin out?
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up. How else could science have led to Kalam's Cosmological Argument? I asked for the atheist's logical argument and there was none. It means you are lying by believing in lies .
Science never led to the silly Kalam argument. It's not even an argument. Just a lot of poorly cobbled together philosophical slogans.

And your evolution side still has nothing. KCA is the winning argument. Only the foolish fools fools do not understand.
Such juvenile tirades do nothing to support an ancient islamic philosophical argument.
When does this "pain and suffering forever" begin? There must be something wrong with your clock. I've been dwelling in this life for 74 years already and the less religious superstition I believe in the better life gets.

You'll just have to wait. It isn't my clock. My clock is like everyone else's. Time waits for no person.

It doesn't begin until one rises again from the dead. We'll all rise again from the dead in time with the second coming of our Savior. My best guess is 2060. The prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. My best guess is 2060.

As for your religious superstition comment, I have the Bible and KCA. You still have nothing, but false beliefs.
You too can join the long list of charlatans who preyed upon the fears and superstitions of the religious.
When does this "pain and suffering forever" begin? There must be something wrong with your clock. I've been dwelling in this life for 74 years already and the less religious superstition I believe in the better life gets.

You'll just have to wait. It isn't my clock. My clock is like everyone else's. Time waits for no person.

It doesn't begin until one rises again from the dead. We'll all rise again from the dead in time with the second coming of our Savior. My best guess is 2060. The prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. My best guess is 2060.

As for your religious superstition comment, I have the Bible and KCA. You still have nothing, but false beliefs.
B-b-b-b-u-t you said my pain and suffering is forever. How can it be forever if I've never had pain and suffering? You contradict yourself.

So now you say that everyone dies and rises again? ! LOL! Do you think some apostle morons will write about my resurrection in the next edition of the bible? I should start planning now what I will do to make a good impression. I think I'll do some walking on water and I'm definitely going to change a whole lot of water into wine. But not that cheap plonk. I mean some good stuff!

You are definitely wrong about me having nothing against your bible. I have FACTS on my side. All you have is .......

Christian fortune teller.gif
The believers provided the evidence already and science backed them up.
Childish, incoherent lies meant only to soothe yourself.
No, that's for ALL the atheists and their atheist scientists. They'll get their rewards later. I wouldn't call it soothing.

It's truly amazing that we have many foolish people like you here. They believe things which are just scientific babble, i.e. evolution, with absolutely no evidence. I don't know anything soothing in this except maybe they put something over on God --

The only good thing I see is that it helps to get one's sheepskin from college. Just forget about it after taking your final exam.
Cry it all out, then go try to sell your snake oilt to small children and hungry people.
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.
E = m(c x c) is a RELATIONSHIP between Energy & Mass (matter) that includes Velocity (space-time).
God "reveals himself" or herself is cultural make believe that has no relevance to reality other than fictional story telling among those who are too arrogant to admit their ignorance. That was acceptable 2,000 years ago when few were able to read and believed authorities that pretended to know origins, but now?
No excuse if you have an open mind and understand objective philosophical concepts & objective scientific methods for discovery.
An open mind isn't bias but inquisitive.
An open mind is a willingness to consider new information and evidence. I.E., the opposite of a religious person.

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