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The scientists reply

Could you please elaborate, westwall? I don't quite understand your point in that last post with respect to the latest rdean post you quoted. Brain surgeons ARE a select group that DO know more about the brain than most people.

I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.
Top physicists seem to make a habit of dropping into other fields and pointing out new ways of thinking or correcting old entrenched mistakes. Climate science seems to have a lot of dim bulbs that need to be shaken up by someone with a real grasp of statistics.
If the oncologist has a known history of deliberate misdiagnosis so as to sell expensive unnecessary/ineffective treatments, yeppers I might trust the opinion of the dentist more.

And scientists have that history? Yea, unlike Republicans. Iraq anyone?

Well lets see now, Tuskeegee experiments, Eugenics, the medical establishments ignoring Pellagra and terming it a genetic trait of the lower classes till the rich started suffering from it and it was finally discovered it was a nutritional disorder, Autism caused by vaccines, etc. etc. etc. The list is longer than anything the Republicrats have done boyo.
Much longer. That's why everyone needs to ALLWAYS question everything.

Autism caused by vaccines

Vaccines and Autism - Should Parents Skip Vaccines to Avoid Autism

Question: Should Parents Avoid Vaccines to Avoid Autism?

Should parents avoid vaccines to avoid autism? With all the media hype around this issue, many parents are considering the alternatives. There are some options ... but skipping vaccines is not one of them!

Answer: The short answer to this question is NO!

Vaccinations are key to your child's health, and to the public welfare. Lorry Glen Rubin, MD, a pediatrician and specialist in infectious disease, makes the point, "When you vaccinate, you know you're doing it for a good reason: attempting to prevent diseases. When you don't, you're acting on a theoretical hypothesis."

If you haven't vaccinated your child, you might reconsider.
Could you please elaborate, westwall? I don't quite understand your point in that last post with respect to the latest rdean post you quoted. Brain surgeons ARE a select group that DO know more about the brain than most people.

I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.

Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?
I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.

Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

He may say it a lot, but he makes a valid point. You kinda have to have some education or experience on a topic to speak about it. Knowing nothing about a topic and coming to conclusions is just foolish.
Could you please elaborate, westwall? I don't quite understand your point in that last post with respect to the latest rdean post you quoted. Brain surgeons ARE a select group that DO know more about the brain than most people.

I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.

Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

I havn't a clue how many Republicans are scientists. How was that factoid derived? What was the statistical methodology used? How large was the sample size? Was it random sampling or was it focused on a single field of science? In the geological field I would guess it runs about 50/50. In the engineering fields I would guess the Republican/Democrat ratio at 80% Republican. This is purely anecdotal on my part and certainly not robust in any sense of the word. But if the sample was based on how many psychologists were Dem/Repub I would not be surprised at only a 6% representation of Repubs.

So answer those questions if you please.
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?
I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.

Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

I havn't a clue how many Republicans are scientists. How was that factoid derived? What was the statistical methodology used? How large was the sample size? Was it random sampling or was it focused on a single field of science? In the geological field I would guess it runs about 50/50. In the engineering fields I would guess the Republican/Democrat ratio at 80% Republican. This is purely anecdotal on my part and certainly not robust in any sense of the word. But if the sample was based on how many psychologists were Dem/Repub I would not be surprised at only a 6% representation of Repubs.

So answer those questions if you please.

I'd guess for the fields of Math and hard science is more like 60-65 percent Republican, while the easy arts and field would be more democrat.
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?

If you would care to review a few of my posts STH you would see I rarely respond to subjects I know little about. If a particular thread intersts me I will do research before I answer. If it doesn't I don't bother.
Which is a very good thing to do, certainly. The problem is when people decide to get interested in a topic enough to speak on the topic and NOT have the good judgment you exhibit by researching it first. And it seems those are the types of people rdean is speaking out against.

Now the case can be made that people don't need a formal education and extensive experience in a topic to understand the basic tenets, but the problem still comes when people draw conclusions without seeking evidence with which to support their conclusion, or worse yet IGNORING evidence that happens to refute their conclusion. Such cherry picking of information is commonly done in the political arena, but strongly disparaged in the scientific and academic community.
I am alluding to rdeans continuous diatribes on pretty much every thread he/she is involved in. Invariably he/she will drop the bombshell that only 6% of republicans are scientists and then proceed to blather on. In other words a waste of time. You've been on this board longer than I so if you havn't noticed the pattern you weren't paying attention.

Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

I havn't a clue how many Republicans are scientists. How was that factoid derived? What was the statistical methodology used? How large was the sample size? Was it random sampling or was it focused on a single field of science? In the geological field I would guess it runs about 50/50. In the engineering fields I would guess the Republican/Democrat ratio at 80% Republican. This is purely anecdotal on my part and certainly not robust in any sense of the word. But if the sample was based on how many psychologists were Dem/Repub I would not be surprised at only a 6% representation of Repubs.

So answer those questions if you please.

About the Survey

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: About the Survey - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press


The original number was several times what was actually used. The reason so many were left out was because they excluded anyone not based within the US and teachers. Remember, teachers voted 12 to 1 for Obama.

The real question is why would Republicans think that more scientists are Republican? Seriously? Can anyone name a famous conservative scientist?

Actually, I can. Michael Behe. But his co-workers and college put up a website calling his views bogus.


For one, the Republican Party is more into mysticism than science.

For another, you can go online and find groups of scientists who identify as "gay" and "black" and "Hispanic" and "women", but not one "conservative.

To be a scientist you have to study. You have "look at facts". Theories aren't something "just made up", like "Magical Creation".
Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

I havn't a clue how many Republicans are scientists. How was that factoid derived? What was the statistical methodology used? How large was the sample size? Was it random sampling or was it focused on a single field of science? In the geological field I would guess it runs about 50/50. In the engineering fields I would guess the Republican/Democrat ratio at 80% Republican. This is purely anecdotal on my part and certainly not robust in any sense of the word. But if the sample was based on how many psychologists were Dem/Repub I would not be surprised at only a 6% representation of Repubs.

So answer those questions if you please.

I'd guess for the fields of Math and hard science is more like 60-65 percent Republican, while the easy arts and field would be more democrat.

I'm curious. Why would you think that? It's Republicans who push mysticism.

Give us a link to a science website that's "conservative".

Here are some examples:

National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals - MySciNet, an Inclusive Science Careers Community

Black Scientists Association Marks 10th Anniversary, August 31, 2004 NIH Record - National Institutes of Health (NIH)

SACNAS - Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science

Association for Women in Science

Republican scientists: where are you?
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?
And, that appears to be Westall's point - make no decisions until there is adequate evidence - but it went right over your and deanie-do's head.
Do you deny that only 6% of scientists are Republican? Why would you think there would be more?

97% of scientists believe we "evolved" over time and less than half of the Republicans. Just that one fact proves that Republicans aren't really connected to science. Why would they want to their children to work in a field they believe is a lie?

I havn't a clue how many Republicans are scientists. How was that factoid derived? What was the statistical methodology used? How large was the sample size? Was it random sampling or was it focused on a single field of science? In the geological field I would guess it runs about 50/50. In the engineering fields I would guess the Republican/Democrat ratio at 80% Republican. This is purely anecdotal on my part and certainly not robust in any sense of the word. But if the sample was based on how many psychologists were Dem/Repub I would not be surprised at only a 6% representation of Repubs.

So answer those questions if you please.

I'd guess for the fields of Math and hard science is more like 60-65 percent Republican, while the easy arts and field would be more democrat.

Its all acedemic s0n...........thats the only thing that matters!!!

Crap and Tax legislation is in the toilet..........and all the k00k graphs, data, statistics yada..........yada..........wont change it for shit!!!! Global warming is radioactive in Washington DC because of two things: 1) Americans found out that their electric rates would double and 2) The green economy would cost another 2.3 million jobs!!!

But go right ahead there and jump on the k00k badwagon...................

Man Made Global Warming Climate Change Disruption, fuels from fossils, man evolved from monkeys, yeah that all sounds like Democrat party science to me.
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?
And, that appears to be Westall's point - make no decisions until there is adequate evidence - but it went right over your and deanie-do's head.

My, my, what a threesome to draw to, Walleyes, Kookybill, and ol' Si. All full of yap-yap, and no evidence.

Nice to see the Geo-sciences people are much better based in reality, and have only 4% that buy into the present Repuke crap. Maybe, someday, the Republican Party will once more become the party of Eisenhower. Then again, maybe it will become the party of the Alaska Loon, the Delaware Dingbat, and Bitchin' Bachman.
When you have a cancer, you give equal weight to the opinion of a dentist to that of an oncologist? For that is what you are suggesting.


If the oncologist has a known history of deliberate misdiagnosis so as to sell expensive unnecessary/ineffective treatments, yeppers I might trust the opinion of the dentist more.

And scientists have that history? Yea, unlike Republicans. Iraq anyone?

yeppers a good many 'scientists' will say damn near anything to advance their career. Its a human thing.
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?
And, that appears to be Westall's point - make no decisions until there is adequate evidence - but it went right over your and deanie-do's head.

And at what point is there "adequate science". If you followed that reasoning, that point would never come.

Scientists don't deal in "absolutes", like the right wing. Of course, "absolutes" makes things so much more, well, "simple".
see now you're asking for evidence so you can educate yourself better on the topic. this is generally needed before announcing a conclusion about that topic. again, that appears to be his point, no?
And, that appears to be Westall's point - make no decisions until there is adequate evidence - but it went right over your and deanie-do's head.

And at what point is there "adequate science". If you followed that reasoning, that point would never come.

Scientists don't deal in "absolutes", like the right wing. Of course, "absolutes" makes things so much more, well, "simple".

Like I said asshole.........................:lol::lol:


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