The Scourge Makes A Comeback


Sep 23, 2010
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Confronts Al Gore With His Failed Global Warming Predictions
Michael Bastasch
11:22 AM 06/04/2017

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Confronts Al Gore With His Failed Global Warming Predictions [VIDEO]

Thanks to President Trump renouncing the Paris Climate Accord the scourge of hotel masseuses crawled out from under his rock. Al Gore is the spokesman for himself and for every other environmental parasite; so I had to ask myself why any TV show would give a naked huckster face time? My only answer is that Al Gore’s appearances are paid commercials.

Never forget that nearly everything you see on television is a paid commercial. When viewers look at a product commercial they know it is a commercial, but how many viewers know that 99 percent of everything they hear on a news show said by the host and guests is a commercial. Damn little is reported for free. When you see a movie star promoting a movie, or an author plugging a book, rest assured that somebody is paying for the air time.

When viewers see anybody pitching a political cause you can bet that an activist group is paying for the air time. Television destroyed print journalism’s income because television’s technology made it easy to program political advertising as though it is news. Nothing is better at fusing together news and advertising than television. Nobody is better than Al Gore selling the same scam for decades.
Glad Gore was confounded.

Indeed, we are in the predicted new Ice Age.

It's just a lot warmer than we thought it would be.
I happened to be channel surfing last night and caught this gem of an interview. Gore was actually stating crap about the current drought in Florida......almost 20 years later and he's still hitting the public with the same non-sense that caused people to tune him out by 2009. Of course, Wallace, being a liberal fraud himself folded like a cheap wallet.......I would have made the guy look like Boob McNut sitting naked on a bar stool.

Wallace conveniently failed to mention the fact that over the next 3 decades, China and India will be increasing coal production like it is going out of style. Wallace posted a chart showing China cutting 100 plants in the next 10 years........but not mentioning that 400 were planned on being built between now and 2040. Ghey.

All fakeness...........

Gore was a hero for the fools for a year or two around he's seen by the public at large as an epic loser/fake.
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Nobody is better than Al Gore selling the same scam for decades.

Watching Chris Wallace's interview this week with the man who almost became our president, I wonder how many Americans realize that this man is either a complete fool or a superb con man.


The whole global warming, climate change brouhaha is not the first time that fake science panic has seized the world's intellectuals and celebrities. It is actually the third and hopefully will not be as devastating as the previous ones because the truth is out there for us to uncover and decipher.


That theory was eugenics which the Germans adopted in their reign of terror in the concentration camps.


The second pseudoscience theory that created havoc is not as well known because it mostly affected Russia after Joseph Stalin fell for the pseudo science of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko. Lysenko claimed to have discovered a new way of fertilizing the fields without fertilizer or minerals. This procedure was called vernalization and became the basis of Russian agricultural biology. The result was famine that killed millions and purges that sent any scientist dissenters to gulags or firing squads.


President Trump is not a scientist but thank the Lord, he can think rationally and for that we should be eternally grateful.

It's the theory of Global Warming that's really dangerous
Alicia Colon
By Alicia Colon
Published June 8, 2017

It's the <I>theory</I> of Global Warming that's really dangerous - Alicia Colon
President Trump is not a scientist but thank the Lord, he can think rationally and for that we should be eternally grateful.
Be eternally grateful to the Lord for making every dirty little Democrat moralist as nutty as a fruit cake:


WASHINGTON – Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor to President Obama, said the Trump administration is “abdicating” the United States’ role as the “world leader” and the “beacon of hope” by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord.

“It is unrefuted science that there are man-made consequences that are leading to the degradation of our planet.​

Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'
By Nicholas Ballasy
June 8, 2017

Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'
“It is unrefuted science that there are man-made consequences that are leading to the degradation of our planet.
Population control is the only thing that is “unrefuted”:

Over the past few years, outlets such as NPR, the Atlantic Monthly, the Huffington Post, and the Guardian have written articles with headlines like “Should We Be Having Kids in the Age of Climate Change?,” “The Climate Change Solution No One Will Talk About,” “Voluntary Birth Control Is a Climate Change Solution Nobody Wants to Talk About,” and “Though Climate Change is a Crisis, the Population Threat is Even Worse.”

June 10, 2017
Climate Alarmists: Abort Your ‘Extra’ Children
By Timothy Benson

Articles: Climate Alarmists: Abort Your ‘Extra’ Children
Gore Rule invoked.

Anyone who brings up Gore forfeits the thread and topic for their side.

Those who can talk about science, do.

Those who can't, they scream deranged nonsense about whoever their cult told them to demonize. After all, cults need enemies. The cultists have to be kept in a state of bug-eyed hysteria, and that's done by terrifying them with various demon-figures.
Nobody is better than Al Gore selling the same scam for decades.
Gore Rule invoked.

Anyone who brings up Gore forfeits the thread and topic for their side.
To mamooth: I, too, would not want to bring up Al Gore if I was an environmental parasite.
Those who can talk about science, do.

Those who can't, they scream deranged nonsense
To mamooth: Abortion and population control are not science.

Tax dollar funded abortion was a gold mine for parasites before the Soviet union imploded. John Kerry let the cat out of the bag when he combined abortion with population control:

But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

But Kerry says he personally opposes abortion. Where is he exhibiting his pride in what he stands for? Whom has he counseled against abortion? A nun somewhere, out of earshot?​

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

William F. Buckley - Crooked thought

It is no wonder that environmental parasites are looking for new sources of income.
Climate Alarmists: Abort Your ‘Extra’ Children
Note that tax dollars funding Planned Parenthood’s butcher shops is on the ropes. That reduces environmental parasites down to 2 sources of revenue.

1. Alternative energy scams like Solar and Wind.

2. Promoting population control and abortion in Third World countries.

about whoever their cult told them to demonize. After all, cults need enemies. The cultists have to be kept in a state of bug-eyed hysteria, and that's done by terrifying them with various demon-figures.
To mamooth: I would not invoke the word cult if I was you. Environmental wackos are members of the largest cult within domestic and foreign parasite classes.

cult (noun)

1.a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. b. The followers of such a religion or sect.

2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.

3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.

4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

5.a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. b. The object of such devotion.

6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

noun, attributive
Often used to modify another noun: a cult figure; cult films.

cultic or cultish (adjective)
cultism (noun)
cultist (noun)
To mamooth: Abortion and population control are not science.
So you're saying the current conservative eugenics fad isn't based on religion.

I agree. Conservative rage at how to preserve white America from contamination by those swarthy people is based on racism, not religion.
President Trump is not a scientist but thank the Lord, he can think rationally and for that we should be eternally grateful.
Be eternally grateful to the Lord for making every dirty little Democrat moralist as nutty as a fruit cake:


WASHINGTON – Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor to President Obama, said the Trump administration is “abdicating” the United States’ role as the “world leader” and the “beacon of hope” by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord.

“It is unrefuted science that there are man-made consequences that are leading to the degradation of our planet.​

Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'
By Nicholas Ballasy
June 8, 2017

Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'

Hey Flanders..........cartoon is hysterical. Fascinating that progressives can look at the same cartoon and be completely clueless about its meaning!!:2up: As I have said...........we are dealing with mental cases in here!:deal:
To mamooth: Abortion and population control are not science.
So you're saying the current conservative eugenics fad isn't based on religion.

I agree. Conservative rage at how to preserve white America from contamination by those swarthy people is based on racism, not religion.
I love it when a white person tells his/her race to fk off. It's spectacular theater.

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