The Second Amendment Was A Failure From The Start, And Should Have Been Repealed 200 Years Ago

You don't know a damn thing about Heller, do you Moon Bat?

Let me explain it to you so that you won't embarrass yourself with your ignorance any more.

Dick Heller was a retired DC policeman. Never had any trouble with the law and was in fact a very responsible individual.

Heller wanted a firearm in his home for protection because as we all know DC is a Democrat run city with enormous crime. Being a former policeman he very well knew the danger.

The fucking asshole Democrats in DC said that Heller could not have the firearm in his own home. They infringed upon his right to keep and bear arms as is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

He sued and the Supreme Court took the case.

DC argued they had the right to infringe upon Heller's right to keep and bear arms for several reasons, one of them being that he was not a member of a "well regulated militia".

The Supreme Court found that Dick Heller was denied his Constitutional rights. The majority opinion of the Court was the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right and that it was not connected in any shape or form to any membership in any organization, including a militia.

They order DC to let Dick Heller to keep and bear his arm.

Later the Court found the same thing in the McDonald case because the filthy ass Democrats in Chicago were doing the same oppressive anti Constitutional shit as the Democrats in DC were doing.

That is the law of the land now.

However, as we have learned over and over again we can't trust the Courts to protects our Liberties any more than we can trust the Legislative or Executive branches.

Libtards are hell bent in destroying our Liberty and one day may be able to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. Stealing the 2020 election showed us what they are capable of doing. Heaven help us all if the goddamn Liberals ever get majority control of the Supreme Court because we can kiss our Liberty goodbye.
Thanks for all that, but I've read it before and agree with Dick's right to protect his home. I keep a baseball bat at my front door - just in case.

As for your generalizations about other Americans, I'm not impressed.
But but Pancho Villa could have taken 1/4 of Texas if there was no 2A/RTKBA ( notice I said “ Take” not Hold
Yes, but back then things were different.

Remember when the world was flat? Remember when you could rape a woman on the excuse of looking for the mark of the devil? Remember when blacks were bought and sold like horses? Remember when good Catholics placed bad Protestants on a rack to be stretched? Remember when wealthy aristocrats could buy their way out of defending the country? Remember when Native Americans were Indians, cowards who hid behind rocks and trees with their bows rather than face our long rifles like real men? Remember when you had to own land to vote? Remember the KKK and the good old days when the rule of law meant a rope and a tree? Remember when ten-year-olds worked in the factories?

When will MAGA deliver us to those good times? Just kidding, of course.
It was given to accommodate a well-regulated militia.

And yet, specified the right was the people's, not the militia's.

If it was granted purely as individual right, the prefatory clause would not be there.

If it was meant to be limited by the militia, they could have stated that.
They did so state with the inclusion of the prefatory clause that you continually ignore.

The Second Amendment Was A Failure From The Start,​

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