The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push

It's really funny that you guys think all the ethanol nonsense is Obama's fault.

It's been going on since the 70s.

Obama doubling down on it

How so?

What has Obama done to change the ethanol industry in this country?

The EPA today has announced it will increase the legal limit on ethanol content in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent to encourage the use of renewable fuels and following testing proving the safety of the new blend, dubbed E15

'Little guy' wins high court fight over property rights -
Obama doubling down on it

How so?

What has Obama done to change the ethanol industry in this country?

The EPA today has announced it will increase the legal limit on ethanol content in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent to encourage the use of renewable fuels and following testing proving the safety of the new blend, dubbed E15

'Little guy' wins high court fight over property rights -

First of all, that quote isn't from your link, I'm not sure why you posted that.

Secondly, ethanol exists as it does because of the subsidies and tariffs that have been in place since the 70s. Obama has not changed them.

Your quote describes the EPA's decision in 2010 to allow car manufacturers to build vehicles designed to use 15% ethanol fuel, which as far as I can see is removal of regulations, rather than additional regulations.
How so?

What has Obama done to change the ethanol industry in this country?

The EPA today has announced it will increase the legal limit on ethanol content in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent to encourage the use of renewable fuels and following testing proving the safety of the new blend, dubbed E15

'Little guy' wins high court fight over property rights -

First of all, that quote isn't from your link, I'm not sure why you posted that.

Secondly, ethanol exists as it does because of the subsidies and tariffs that have been in place since the 70s. Obama has not changed them.

Your quote describes the EPA's decision in 2010 to allow car manufacturers to build vehicles designed to use 15% ethanol fuel, which as far as I can see is removal of regulations, rather than additional regulations.

oops sorry I'm on two threads

EPA OKs Increase in Gasoline/Ethanol Blend to E15 for Newer Vehicles
How so?

What has Obama done to change the ethanol industry in this country?

The EPA today has announced it will increase the legal limit on ethanol content in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent to encourage the use of renewable fuels and following testing proving the safety of the new blend, dubbed E15

'Little guy' wins high court fight over property rights -

First of all, that quote isn't from your link, I'm not sure why you posted that.

Secondly, ethanol exists as it does because of the subsidies and tariffs that have been in place since the 70s. Obama has not changed them.

Your quote describes the EPA's decision in 2010 to allow car manufacturers to build vehicles designed to use 15% ethanol fuel, which as far as I can see is removal of regulations, rather than additional regulations.

"Removal":lol: Ethanol is a mandate genus:eusa_eh:
For the genus...

Why everybody hates the ethanol mandate

This week, the EPA is expected to announce changes to the ethanol mandate, a 2007 law that requires energy companies to mix billions of gallons of ethanol into gasoline and diesel fuels. After six years in the mix, corn-based ethanol has lost its popularity, and a diverse group of critics is calling for the law's repeal.

A proposal for the EPA's changes, leaked in October, would significantly scale back the ethanol-gas blend requirement to 2012 levels. "If approved, the proposed cut in the biofuel mandate in 2014 to 15.21 billion gallons from 18.15 billion would mark an historic retreat from the ambitious 2007 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) law that charted a path toward ever-greater use of clean, home-grown fuel," said Reuters at the time.

But many think such a "historic retreat" would be not nearly enough. An extensive investigation by the Associated Press, published by accident Monday, outlined a variety of ways the mandate is "badly hurting the environment." Though ethanol fuel releases less carbon dioxide than other kinds of gas, many question if the side effects of production are worth it. "n the president's push to reduce greenhouse gases and curtail global warming, his administration has allowed so-called green energy to do not-so-green things," says the AP.

Why everybody hates the ethanol mandate

The pressure is on for scale back
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First of all, that quote isn't from your link, I'm not sure why you posted that.

Secondly, ethanol exists as it does because of the subsidies and tariffs that have been in place since the 70s. Obama has not changed them.

Your quote describes the EPA's decision in 2010 to allow car manufacturers to build vehicles designed to use 15% ethanol fuel, which as far as I can see is removal of regulations, rather than additional regulations.

"Removal":lol: Ethanol is a mandate genus:eusa_eh:

The "mandate" was passed in 2007, and doesn't exist the way you think it does - and the quote you posted has nothing to do with any "mandate".
First of all, that quote isn't from your link, I'm not sure why you posted that.

Secondly, ethanol exists as it does because of the subsidies and tariffs that have been in place since the 70s. Obama has not changed them.

Your quote describes the EPA's decision in 2010 to allow car manufacturers to build vehicles designed to use 15% ethanol fuel, which as far as I can see is removal of regulations, rather than additional regulations.

"Removal":lol: Ethanol is a mandate genus:eusa_eh:

The "mandate" was passed in 2007, and doesn't exist the way you think it does - and the quote you posted has nothing to do with any "mandate".

Ummm....Ok.... Ethanol is a government mandate understand? oil companies don't want it, car companies don't want's not good for autos anyway
Feel good legislation. Unintended consequences. Too many people now invested in it to be able to stop the damage, much less reverse it.

Sound familiar?
"Removal":lol: Ethanol is a mandate genus:eusa_eh:

The "mandate" was passed in 2007, and doesn't exist the way you think it does - and the quote you posted has nothing to do with any "mandate".

Ummm....Ok.... Ethanol is a government mandate understand? oil companies don't want it, car companies don't want's not good for autos anyway

Besides, corn belongs in cattle, not cars.
He signed the damn stupid law. It's nice too know you let repubs have a free ride on their history.

It doesn't matter if Booooosh did it, stop with the "Boooosh did it" mantra.

what else does he know? He a clone and not too bright

was what he said not true?

your disagreement doesn't mean any lack of intellect on anyone else's part.

you are entitled to your own opinion.... not your own set of facts.

so if you want to do a little rant about something this president allegedly does, you might want to make sure who you're complaining about.

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