The Seditionists' Indictment You Can Read For Yourselves

Read the indictment, dipshit. I realize it is a tremendous strain on your intellect since it is longer than a tweet, but read it.

They had arms stashed all around DC for their "Quick Reaction Forces" that day.
Fuck your indictment fool.
You can deny the truth all you like, but it does not change reality, dipshit.

Volume V of the report, with 966 pages, was released to the public on August 18, 2020, albeit heavily redacted.[14][15] The report concluded that "the Russian government engaged in an aggressive, multi-faceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence, the outcome of the 2016 presidential election".[14] The report investigated "many aspects of the counterintelligence threat posed by the Russian influence operation", which targeted both the Trump campaign and the election.

You can read Volume V for yourself here, but of course you won't:

You can read the Mueller report which also established Russian interference in the 2016 election here:

Of course you won't read any of it because you steadfastly refuse to let reality impinge on your delusions. And those reports are longer than a tweet, so well beyond your intellectual capabilities.
So let me get this straight? You claim that our elections were rigged against Hillary Clinton even though she rigged her primaries against Bernie Sanders?

You say our elections are not secure, but you go forward with legislation that makes our elections LESS Secure?

Are you people insane or do you have your heads so far up Xi's and Putin's asses that you get confused about which lies to tell at which time?

Did your mother have any children that lived?
DemNazis: "81 Million voted for Joe Biden"

Also DemNazis: "Voter suppression is an existential threat and our Democracy is under siege."

DemNazis: "Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election but for "Russian Collusion"

Also DemNazis: "Joe Biden is a legitimate president and our elections are secure."
Let us know if anyone is arrested and tried for sedition. Hope you hold your breath.
Um...retard? They were arrested last Thursday.

You really should have read this topic before broadcasting your stupidity in public.
I bet not one of the Trumptards will read the indictment.

Not one.

Just like they have never read the Constitution.

I don't read fiction in general. The COTUS I read, you wipe your ass with it.
Uh...hey genius...that's exactly what the indictment in the OP is.
Meh.....that is just more Russian Collusion Redox to distract from the following:

"I wonder if in the future peanut DNA can be merged with human DNA, and I could make a clone of myself and get another shot at being president again."


40 Years Later


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Read the indictment, dipshit. I realize it is a tremendous strain on your intellect since it is longer than a tweet, but read it.

They had arms stashed all around DC for their "Quick Reaction Forces" that day.

It's FICTION, asshat! The DOJ is provably corrupt, I give them as much creedence as I give you, which is ZERO!
You are confused again. You worship your orange God. I don't worship politicians.
Yes, you do worship politicians. By your constant repeating of the same mantra you are claiming in your own mind that people could not possibly support a politician or their policies unless they worship that politician.

Your limitations in thought betray you. You indeed worship EmperorShitzHizPantz. The senile fascist fake that let Jimmy Carter off of the hook for being worst president in US History, is in fact your god, and your messiah.
Why thank you. Let us know if they are convicted. Thanks.
It will be all over the news when they are convicted. Don't worry. You won't need to hear from me.

But then again, it was all over the news when Rhodes was arrested and your propagandists didn't tell you...

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