The Senate should have a secret vote of impeachment.

These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Yeah - Who could forget the Obama Administration's scandal ridden years. :lol:

You chart is pure horseshit. Clinton alone had about 40 people in his admin indicted.


1) Roger Clinton: Bill Clinton brother; drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

2) Dan Lasater: governor Bill Clinton contributor and state contractor: drug trafficking conviction (Wall Street Journal "The Foster Test" January 14, 1994)

3) Dan Harmon: Arkansas Seventh Judicial District prosecuting attorney and Bill Clinton friend and political ally: five federal racketeering, extortion, and drug distribution convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Justice" June 13, 1997)

4) Bill McCuen: Bill Clinton political ally: former Arkansas Secretary of State; bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks convictions (Wall Street Journal: Whitewater: "The Prosecution Rests" May 7, 1996)


5) Webster Hubbell: Bill Clinton friend and political ally; Hillary Clinton Rose Law Firm partner: embezzlement; fraud; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Whither Whitewater?" October 18, 1995)

6) Jim Guy Tucker: fraud; three felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Second-Term Stall" February 11, 1997; Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

7) William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner; one conspiracy conviction (Associated Press "Whitewater Defendant Pleads Guilty" August 28, 1997)

8) Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: eighteen felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

9) Susan McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend; former wife of Jim McDougal: four felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)

10) David Hale: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally: two felony convictions of conspiracy and mail fraud (Wall Street Journal "The Arkansas Machine Strikes Back" March 19, 1996)

11) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker; two felony convictions (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

12) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide; one conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

13) Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent; fraudulent loans (Wall Steet Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)

14) Robert Palmer: Madison appraiser; one conspiracy felony conviction (Wall Street Journal "Hale Predicts Hillary Conviction" October 21, 1996)

15) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president; embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign; two misdemeanor convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas Bank Shot" May 4, 1995)

16) John Latham: Madison Bank CEO; bank fraud conviction (Wall Street Journal "Smoke Without Fire" January 12, 1996)

17) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker; misdemeanor guilty plea; tax fraud (Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)

18) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of trying to bribe David Hale; is appealing a ten month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)

19) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of bribery, served fourteen months of a sixteen month prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February 22, 1998)


20) Tyson Foods: guilty plea; $6 million federal court fines and investigative costs (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

21) Sun-Diamond Growers: $1.5 million fine for illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

22) Richard Douglas: former Sun-Diamond Growers official; several bribery convictions and guilty pleas(Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Lobbyist Pleads guilty in Espy Case" March 17, 1998)

23) James H. Lake: Sun-Diamond Growers lobbyist; three convictions regarding illegal campaign contributions to Espy's brother (Associated Press "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

24) Ron Blackley: Espy's chief of staff: financial fraud conviction; twenty-seven month prison sentence (Washington Post "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997; Associated Press: "Judge Sentences Espy Aide to Jail" March 18, 1998)

25) Smith Barney: improper payments to Espy; $1 million-plus fine (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

26) Crop Growers Corporation: $2 million fine for money laundering to Henry Espy's campaign (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

27) Brook Keith Mitchell Sr. (with his company Five M Farming Enterprises: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

28) Five M Farming Enterprises (with owner Brook Keith Mitchell: four counts) for fraud (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

29) John J. Hemmingson, former head of Crop Growers Corporation: three counts relating to illegal campaign contributions to Henry Espy (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

30) Alvarez T. Ferrouillet, Jr., Louisiana lawyer and Henry Espy campaign finance head: ten count conviction (Associated Press: "A Look at Mike Espy Investigation" August 27, 1997)

31) Municipal Healthcare Cooperative: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)

32) Ferrouillet & Ferrouillet: Ferrouillet-related company; perjury, bank fraud, money laundering convictions (Washington Post: "Tyson Foods Admits Illegal Gifts to Espy" December 30, 1997)


33) Michael Brown (Ron Brown's son): money laundering; misdemeanor conviction (Los Angeles Times, "Ron Brown's Son Pleads Guilty to Illegal Donation" August 29, 1997)

34) Eugene Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

35) Nora Lum: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; felony conviction; money laundering (Los Angeles Times, "First Fund-Raising Sentences Meted Out" September 10, 1997)

36) Johnny Chung: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office with mainland Chinese associates; several illegal campaign contributions, money laundering, tax fraud, and bank fraud guilty pleas (Associated Press: "Democrat Fund-Raiser Pleads Guilty" March 17, 1998)

37) Roger Tamraz: Clinton/Gore campaign contributor and colleague; many visits to Clinton White House and Oval Office; fugitive from Lebanon embezzlement convictions; target of French government financial investigation; BCCI connections (The Wall Street Journal: "Integrity of the Institutions" March 20, 1997, et. al.) CISNEROS:

38) Linda Jones: Henry Cisneros mistress; conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice federal felony guilty pleas; sentenced to three and one-half years in prison (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

39) Patsy Jo Wooten: Linda Jones sister; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)

40) Allen Wooten: Linda Jones brother-in-law; one conspiracy guilty plea (Associated Press: "Cisneros Ex-Mistress Sentenced" March 25, 1998)
You cool with a secret vote on abortion?
Do you leftists ever think beyond how you feel at any giving moment?
Ask your self this question, why is abortion still around? the Supreme Court is filled with conservatives . It should have been overturned years ago.

That wasn't my point.
Mighty quiet there. I will trade a secret vote on abortion for the same on impeachment in a new York minute.
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people
Spying on a president elect is not a peaceful transfer of power asshole.
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo
Really? Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

It's right there in the stuff you quoted.
You need bail if all you're doing is protesting? By your standards she is guilty of whatever crimes happened during those protests she supported.
At least one of those bailed out has been picked up for being a pedo...

The Hoe bailed out Pedo Joe?
Well, they don't.

Suck it.
Those who excuse criminal behavior are just as guilty as those who commit it.
Does that include our selected VP Kamala Harris who not only excused the behavior of those burning and looting American businesses but also provided material support to them?
Fake news, kiddo

Bullshyte Komrade. She said it.
Fake news, kiddo. She supported protesting and spoke against rioting.
Quote her condemning the riots.
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.

The jury deliberates, then when they come to a unanimous decision, they bring it to the judge. Then if the defense asks, they can ask the judge to ask each jurist how they voted. So the deliberate privately however their vote is public.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.

On the one hand I agree about a secret vote, but on the other hand I would like a public record of how each Senator voted. However, I do believe that a secret vote would increase the likelihood of a conviction.
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people
Spying on a president elect is not a peaceful transfer of power asshole.

FBI was investigating Team Trump for its Russian contacts
Not even close to spying
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

Nope, there is plenty of evidence. Sadly, idiots, such as yourself, will believe a lie and will blindly follow anything they're told. People, such as yourself, have to be led around by the nose. Cognitive thought isn't possible with the masses who are deceived and delusional. Just look at yourselves. You'll believe anything...........russian hoaxes, boogeymen everywhere.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
There was ample proof that Russia interfered with the election. The Mueller Investigation confirmed it.
There was no proof that Trump won or that anything was stolen from him
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people
Spying on a president elect is not a peaceful transfer of power asshole.

FBI was investigating Team Trump for its Russian contacts
Not even close to spying
It was a hoax. That has been proven. The was no viable evidence in early 2017 and they still pursued it. Testimony of Obama officials prove it. Tr again the dual justice system does not cut it.

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