The Senate should have a secret vote of impeachment.

I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

Nope, there is plenty of evidence. Sadly, idiots, such as yourself, will believe a lie and will blindly follow anything they're told. People, such as yourself, have to be led around by the nose. Cognitive thought isn't possible with the masses who are deceived and delusional. Just look at yourselves. You'll believe anything...........russian hoaxes, boogeymen everywhere.
You going to rant about Dominion and Smartmatic again?
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
There was ample proof that Russia interfered with the election. The Mueller Investigation confirmed it.
There was no proof that Trump won or that anything was stolen from him

The investigation came up with some supposed posts on Facebook. LOL
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people

O did nothing of the sort. He was illegally spying on trump. The Os are a stain and stench to this country, a cancer.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.

Fear? nothing changed under Trump. No one fears a loud mouth.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
There was ample proof that Russia interfered with the election. The Mueller Investigation confirmed it.
There was no proof that Trump won or that anything was stolen from him

No, there was no evidence. Fake dossiers, lies, illegal wire tapping. You guys own it. Deception at epic levels.
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.
Nope, not even close. This isn't a criminal trial, this is a political show trial and every single vote should be made publicly, every bit of evidence produced publicly and every moment of testimony made publicly. They want a show, let it be a show. Only don't let them control the stage.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.

Fear? nothing changed under Trump. No one fears a loud mouth.
Really? This impeachment is to stop him from holding office. They are scared and jealous. No one owns Trump they are owned and doing their masters bidding and they are desperate.
These are the types of stupid maneuvers that come back to bite you in the ass.

What does officially allowing a defeated President to do whatever he wants without consequence do?
Ask Obama. Defeated means out of office. Obama was out of office and the spying he condoned continued. When is he going to be impeached for abusing his power?

Good example
No charges were brought against Obama because he broke no laws

Trump is not exempt from our laws just because he lost an election
Obama abused his power and denied Trump a peaceful transition of power. Obama will be impeached when Republicans take the House.

You have an odd sense of history

Hillary conceded on election night
Obama conducted a peaceful transition to the Trump team
The Obama’s welcomed the Trumps to the White House
The Obamas did not try to overthrow Congress and take away the will of the people
Spying on a president elect is not a peaceful transfer of power asshole.

FBI was investigating Team Trump for its Russian contacts
Not even close to spying

Get better soon.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
There was ample proof that Russia interfered with the election. The Mueller Investigation confirmed it.
There was no proof that Trump won or that anything was stolen from him
Wait. What?

Even after Barry told Vlad to “Cut it out!”?
The Senate rules regarding the conduct of an impeachment trial, including ballot secrecy, require a simple majority (though a two-thirds majority is required for conviction).
Donald Trump should be convicted unanimously by secret ballot | TheHill
a regular jury has a secret vote.
It would not matter. The GOP has only one unifying principle: Trump. They have no other ethics or morals or principles to consider at this time.The GOPers who voted against impeachment would make an unethical pact to make their votes public, allowing those who voted to impeach to be identified by process of elimination.
Nothing you post is ever based on facts. IT's therefor pointless to debate with you
Are you saying you DON'T think the GOP would do what i described? Then use your big boy words and say that. But you won't. Because you know i am right.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.

Fear? nothing changed under Trump. No one fears a loud mouth.
Really? This impeachment is to stop him from holding office. They are scared and jealous. No one owns Trump they are owned and doing their masters bidding and are desperate.
The Impeachment is to hold Trump accountable for his actions
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him

The (D)'s did the same thing with "Russia".
There was ample proof that Russia interfered with the election. The Mueller Investigation confirmed it.
There was no proof that Trump won or that anything was stolen from him
Wait. What?

Even after Barry told Vlad to “Cut it out!”?
Obama imposed sanctions
It was Trump that told his master....Dont worry I’ll take care of it
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.

Fear? nothing changed under Trump. No one fears a loud mouth.
Really? This impeachment is to stop him from holding office. They are scared and jealous. No one owns Trump they are owned and doing their masters bidding and are desperate.
The Impeachment is to hold Trump accountable for his actions
He did nothing wrong.
I'm NO Trump supporter but I do not support a secret vote. Nothing the Senate does should be secret.
I agree, it should be public, and they express their reasoning for their vote!

I just wish we had senators that had some Profiles in Courage...
Courageous people don't accept thousands of troops in the streets and a walled off capitol building.

Courageous people also graciously accepts losing an election.

Not when the election is fraudulent and thats what this last election was......fraudulent.

Trump was a bad President
The voters overwhelmingly voted him out of office
Rather than accept defeat with class, Trump created a lie that he was cheated. Morons, such as yourself, believed him
Trump was a great president. Anyone who could rattle our corrupt establishment that much was a Godsend to Americans. They fear him big time and it shows more now than it did when he was in office.

Fear? nothing changed under Trump. No one fears a loud mouth.
Really? This impeachment is to stop him from holding office. They are scared and jealous. No one owns Trump they are owned and doing their masters bidding and are desperate.
The Impeachment is to hold Trump accountable for his actions
He did nothing wrong.

Seven died and over a hundred officers injured because of Trumps lies

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