The Seventies: Problems and Proposals, edited by Irving Howe and Michael Harrington

It is not a fallacy. Orientals really are the model minority.

Except the ones who join gangs, or are slackers, or engage in selling drugs or prostitution.

My last karate lesson was several decades ago. Now I carry pepper spray. I have used it to thwart four black muggers. I think of pepper spray as my Negro Repellent.


Crime is no excuse for crime. It is not even an explanation. Poor Orientals, many of whom I have lived with, have low crime rates.

Asians never had 400 years of systematic oppression. IN fact, 71% of Asian-American Adults weren't even born here.
Except the ones who join gangs, or are slackers, or engage in selling drugs or prostitution.

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The Color of Crime

• There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.• In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.

You sirrah, are the internet tough guy. You specialize in insults, name calling, and obscene words. I avoid them.
Wow, you are going to AmRen to make your "point"?

Race and crime in the United States​

Victim surveys​

In 1978, Michael Hindelang compared data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (then known as the National Crime Survey, or NCS) to data from the Uniform Crime Reports, both from 1974. He found that NCS data generally agreed with UCR data in regards to the percent of perpetrators of rape, robbery, and assault who were black.[59] For instance, Hindelang's analysis found that both the NCS and UCR estimated that 62% of robbery offenders were black in the United States in 1974.[60]: 327  A 2004 National Crime Victimization Survey report which analyzed carjacking over 10 years found that carjacking victims identified 56% of offenders as black, 21% as white, and 16% as indigenous American or Asian.[61][62][63]

Gang membership​

The National Gang Center, a project of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, conducted annual surveys of law enforcement agencies between 1996–2012 to assess the extent of gang problems in the United States.[64] The latest available data, from 2011, found that 46.2% of gang members are Hispanic/Latino, 35.3% are black, 11.5% are white, and 7% are of other races/ethnicities. Larger cities, suburban counties, and smaller cities are more likely to report Hispanic or Latino-Americans as the dominant racial/ethnic group among gang members. Rural counties are more likely to report Black or African-Americans as the dominant racial/ethnic group among gang members.[65]

Victim surveys are the best way to estimate who is committing the crimes. One can claim that the police are more likely to arrest black criminals than white criminals. Nevertheless, crime victims are unlikely to have any bias in reporting who robbed or raped them.
That is because you cannot substantiate your opinions with courteous, fact-based arguments like I can.

Guy, you are a sad little racist with a failed life...

Victim surveys are the best way to estimate who is committing the crimes. One can claim that the police are more likely to arrest black criminals than white criminals. Nevertheless, crime victims are unlikely to have any bias in reporting who robbed or raped them.

Not really. It just shows that the justice system itself is racist. Black kids get jail, white kids get probation.

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