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The Several Take-aways of The Strjok Testimony That People Are Missing

There was no reason for Strzok to recuse himself. The question is whether or not he had a bias but did it prevent him from calling balls and strikes.
roflmao, that is completely 100% totally WRONG, idiot.

An investigator cannot have expressed bias against a suspect and not damage the credibility of any investigation of said persons if he is allowed to remain, and that is what DOJ policy states.

For fucks sake, either grow a brain or shut the hell u p.
You are the Gestapo here. You will do anything to save your fuehrer. Americans are not as stupid as you think they are aside from Republicans.

The facts have been presented to you, but instead of engaging those facts you call me a Nazi.

Fuck you and welcome to my ignore list, shit4brains.
How does that work, Joey? Tax revenues are at record highs! The government is taking in more money than they were a year ago BEFORE the tax cuts took place! So how have the Trump tax cuts ballooned the deficit?

You reduce revenues, and increase spending, you balloon debt. This isn't fucking complicated.

Only in the fantasy world of Supply Side do you cut taxes and don't have bigger deficits...

It's not like you haven't tried this two time before and gotten the exact same results.

Trump's Federal Budget Deficit: $1 Trillion And Beyond
Analysis | 7 key moments from Peter Strzok’s wild hearing

All i see is a federal offical ,who was not subpoenaed, nor under oath before a room full of partisan hacks looking to either uphold or assinate his character

None were focused on the letter of constitutional law

Which is what they're electred and PAID to do

From the article you cited.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) seized upon Strzok's contention that his texts didn't demonstrate personal “bias” and said that argument amounted to him lying.

Of course Strzoks was biased and lying about it. It is as plain as the nose on your face. We dont need lawyers to tell us if it is or is not. The FBI looks stupid defending this obvious liar.

It's worth noting that Goodlatte's justification — that the committee's investigation is ongoing — was the same one Strzok offered for not answering questions about the special counsel's Russia probe. In the latter case, apparently, Republicans don't think it applies.

Obviously an OVERSIGHT group has the right to see the evidence of an ongoing investigation or else it cannot execute its oversight.

Strzok should be sacked and the FBI and DOJ purged of their Marxist members as a result of this obstruction of Congressional oversight.

“Sir, was that not intelligible?” Strzok said. “You just want to hear — for me to repeat it.”

“Please,” Issa said.

“Okay, sir. Sure,” Strzok shot back snidely. “Happy to indulge you.”

Snide and snarky responses and a contemptuous attitude toward the representatives of the People of the United States says all that really needs to be said about the DOJ as they have the audacity to display their contempt for the American people on national television.

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) went the furthest.

“Mr. Strzok, if I could give you a Purple Heart, I would,” Cohen said when he began his questioning.

To give this fool a Purple Heart for his contempt of the American people is the perfect epitome of the Dimocratic Party today.

That the Washington Post would focus on minute detail and ignore the broader picture shouldnt really shock anyone.

Of course Strzoks was biased and lying about it. It is as plain as the nose on your face. We dont need lawyers to tell us if it is or is not. The FBI looks stupid defending this obvious liar.

There was nothing plain about it. There is no evidence he lied. Trump and the Republicans are the liars. Dana Perino was right to call it a lynching.

Obviously an OVERSIGHT group has the right to see the evidence of an ongoing investigation or else it cannot execute its oversight.
Strzok should be sacked and the FBI and DOJ purged of their Marxist members as a result of this obstruction of Congressional oversight.
Translation. Anyone who does not support Trump should be sacked. The trouble is Republicans are not interested in oversight. They are more interested in giving confidential information in a active investigation to Trump and his lawyers. The DOJ is right to withhold information.​
Snide and snarky responses and a contemptuous attitude toward the representatives of the People of the United States says all that really needs to be said about the DOJ as they have the audacity to display their contempt for the American people on national television.
They deserve the contempt. I have seen wild animals act better than Republicans in that hearing. Several of them deserved a punch in the mouth.​
To give this fool a Purple Heart for his contempt of the American people is the perfect epitome of the Dimocratic Party today.
That the Washington Post would focus on minute detail and ignore the broader picture shouldnt really shock anyone.
I thought it was a funny joke and it was essentially true. Any analogy would have worked. A whip and chair. A hunting rifle.​
I listened to the Strjok testimony off and on all day Thursday and there are several things that struck me, lol, that I dont here people discussing.

1. That Strjok was lying was obvious to anyone watching it, even CNN.

You cannot read these comments and not realize that Strjok and Paige had tremendous bias for Clinton and against Trump. They should have recused themselves according to DOJ policy, but not only did they not, but they were involved in all the investigations conducted on the candidates for the 2016 election.

Had a judge in a murder trial texted these sorts of things about how he hated and despised the accused, no one would think that he should remain on the trial and the same goes for any investigators as well. If anyone remembers the OJ trial, some investigators were recused simply for using the N-Word in private discussion in years past.

Strjok should have recused himself and did not, but instead actively sought more involvement at every level. Why? What was his purpose?

2. People know that they are watching an FBI agent blatantly lie on national TV with the support of the FBI admins. If this does not destroy what little credibility there is in the public's perception of the FBI I dont know what could other than a snarky, contemptuous agent lying about his own lies on national TV.

3. The Democrats are completely unconcerned about any biased investigation that may or may not have happened. They are so politically obsessed that they have plainly and openly sought to obstruct this grave issue that strikes to the heart of whether we will have a Republic for much longer. They dont care as long as there are cameras to act like clowns and fools in front of. The 2018 elections are going to be a disaster for them and they wont have a clue as to why
You people care more about whether he lied (or not)...... BTW, it is not proven his texts affected his reports...., than you do with the fact that a foreign power meddled in our election and affected its outcome.

You people are trying to bring back McCarthyism.
You keep praying for the recession, Joey! LOL

I don't have to pray for it... I know that when you have irresponsible fiscal policy and protectionism, they are pretty much inevitable.

Fortunately, I have a business where a recession would probably be a good thing for me personally.

Trump has irresponsible fiscal policy? Really? And you base that on what exactly? Because he cut taxes? You do realize that revenue from taxes has actually gone up since the Trump tax cuts...right, Joey? April set a record for the most tax revenue ever collected.

Trump is playing hard ball on trade. What are you going to do if he succeeds in what he's trying to do? What's your whine going to be then?

The fact is that the deficit is rising as well. The CBO has said that the tax cuts will lead to the financial collapse of this country. When Reagan did tax reform in the 80's, he lowered tax rates for everyone but took away deductions for everyone including the rich. He also did not use the process to attack blue states. The Republicans left at least 1 loophole for the rich in the carried interest deduction which even Trump admits is a sop to Wall Street. New loopholes were created for the rich in the passthrough rate and a new lower tax rate for real estate trusts. These should be fixed nd eliminated.
There was no reason for Strzok to recuse himself. The question is whether or not he had a bias but did it prevent him from calling balls and strikes.
roflmao, that is completely 100% totally WRONG, idiot.

An investigator cannot have expressed bias against a suspect and not damage the credibility of any investigation of said persons if he is allowed to remain, and that is what DOJ policy states.

For fucks sake, either grow a brain or shut the hell u p.

You either need to grow a brain or shut the fuck up. FBI employees are allowed to engage in politics and express political opinions. The fact is that Strzok did not support Trump but he did not leak the information that Trump was under a criminal investigation and he recommended that the Clinton investigation be re-opened when new e-mails were discovered.
You are the Gestapo here. You will do anything to save your fuehrer. Americans are not as stupid as you think they are aside from Republicans.

The facts have been presented to you, but instead of engaging those facts you call me a Nazi.

Fuck you and welcome to my ignore list, shit4brains.

You have put out no facts. I recall that you called others Nazis as well. Apparently you can throw the heat but you cannot take it.
You people care more about whether he lied (or not)...... BTW, it is not proven his texts affected his reports...., than you do with the fact that a foreign power meddled in our election and affected its outcome.

You people are trying to bring back McCarthyism.
"You people" as in the rest of the 85% of society that is not drooling leftwing batshit crazy fascists?


No one has to prove that this jack asses bias affected his work,

It is DOJ policy to not allow biased people in investigations to AVOID it affecting their work. Jackshit4brains Strzok should have recused himself in accordance with DOJ policies regarding such bias.

Do you comprehend the words in my message yet or you still going to continue trolling like a stupid ignoramus?
"You people" as in the rest of the 85% of society that is not drooling leftwing batshit crazy fascists?


No one has to prove that this jack asses bias affected his work,

It is DOJ policy to not allow biased people in investigations to AVOID it affecting their work. Jackshit4brains Strzok should have recused himself in accordance with DOJ policies regarding such bias.

Do you comprehend the words in my message yet or you still going to continue trolling like a stupid ignoramus?
You're taking his comments out of context and there is no proof his personal opinions affected his work.
"You people" as in the rest of the 85% of society that is not drooling leftwing batshit crazy fascists?


No one has to prove that this jack asses bias affected his work,

It is DOJ policy to not allow biased people in investigations to AVOID it affecting their work. Jackshit4brains Strzok should have recused himself in accordance with DOJ policies regarding such bias.

Do you comprehend the words in my message yet or you still going to continue trolling like a stupid ignoramus?
You're taking his comments out of context and there is no proof his personal opinions affected his work.
Doubling down on stupid I see, congratuations
How does that work, Joey? Tax revenues are at record highs! The government is taking in more money than they were a year ago BEFORE the tax cuts took place! So how have the Trump tax cuts ballooned the deficit?

You reduce revenues, and increase spending, you balloon debt. This isn't fucking complicated.

Only in the fantasy world of Supply Side do you cut taxes and don't have bigger deficits...

It's not like you haven't tried this two time before and gotten the exact same results.

Trump's Federal Budget Deficit: $1 Trillion And Beyond

Only one problem with that, Joey...revenues aren't down! In April...3 months after the tax cuts went into effect...the US took in a record amount of revenue! If revenues are up..then it's obvious (unless you're an idiot!) the tax cuts did what Trump hoped they would.

I know that you on the left will NEVER give him credit for that happening but the people going to the polls will.
Michael Goodwin: Peter Strzok's arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?

My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.

The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.

Blinded by his own ambition, Comey brushed aside superiors, rules and maybe laws while giving Hillary Clinton a free pass and turning the screws on Donald Trump. Comey defends himself by saying he sought to protect the FBI’s independence, as if it — and he — are a fourth branch of government that is beyond accountability from the other three.

In the end, he disgraced the agency and himself, though gained consolation in the millions he made by selling his book to Trump haters.

But the FBI didn’t stink only from the head — Comey’s deputy, Andrew McCabe, also was fired, and could be prosecuted for allegedly being dishonest with investigators about a media leak.

Strzok appears to be a chip off the Comey/McCabe block. Like them, he insists he is committed to the FBI’s high standards, but his reprehensible conduct makes a mockery of his claims.

His stated contempt for Trump and his promise to stop him from becoming president render Strzok unfit to be a dogcatcher.​
Only one problem with that, Joey...revenues aren't down!

Um, yeah, they are... that's why the deficit ballooned.
Trump Tax Cuts: Are They Paying For Themselves? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
You liberals SAID the deficit would "balloon", Joey but that was a scare tactic because you all think taxes are a great thing and letting people keep more of the money they've earned is somehow dangerous! Which once more shows that few of you have a clue about economics in general and how to create real economic growth!
Michael Goodwin: Peter Strzok's arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?

My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.

The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.

Blinded by his own ambition, Comey brushed aside superiors, rules and maybe laws while giving Hillary Clinton a free pass and turning the screws on Donald Trump. Comey defends himself by saying he sought to protect the FBI’s independence, as if it — and he — are a fourth branch of government that is beyond accountability from the other three.

In the end, he disgraced the agency and himself, though gained consolation in the millions he made by selling his book to Trump haters.

But the FBI didn’t stink only from the head — Comey’s deputy, Andrew McCabe, also was fired, and could be prosecuted for allegedly being dishonest with investigators about a media leak.

Strzok appears to be a chip off the Comey/McCabe block. Like them, he insists he is committed to the FBI’s high standards, but his reprehensible conduct makes a mockery of his claims.

His stated contempt for Trump and his promise to stop him from becoming president render Strzok unfit to be a dogcatcher.​

Just more of the far rights efforts to destroy the FBI- all to protect their Don the Con.

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