The Sham Trial Against Trump

I haven't been able to find anything re Trump suing Deutsche Bank. Is that something else you or whoever you're parroting made up?

Deutsche Bank joins companies cutting ties with Donald Trump

In 2008, Trump sued the bank’s real estate division after he defaulted on a $40m repayment, used to fund the construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. He accused Deutsche of co-causing the financial crisis and demanded $3bn in compensation.

Instead of dumping him as a client, Deutsche’s private wealth division stepped in and loaned him more money to pay off the existing debt.

Deutsche Bank joins companies cutting ties with Donald Trump

In 2008, Trump sued the bank’s real estate division after he defaulted on a $40m repayment, used to fund the construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. He accused Deutsche of co-causing the financial crisis and demanded $3bn in compensation.

Instead of dumping him as a client, Deutsche’s private wealth division stepped in and loaned him more money to pay off the existing debt.
Give me a source that isn't a dedicated anti-Trump publication please. I gave you a left leaning ABC source for mine.

The judge, Arthur F. Engoron, ruled even before the trial that Mr. Trump and the other defendants were liable for fraud, and that their annual financial statements were filled with examples of such misconduct.

That determination was based on the documentary evidence presented to the court, with sets of valuations that differed several fold. Based on the documentary evidence, the judge found the defendants guilty of fraud on motion for summary judgement.
In other words, a total sham. The defendants didn't get to call any witnesses or present any evidence nor contest any of the evidence. This is the prog conception of justice.
In other words, a total sham. The defendants didn't get to call any witnesses or present any evidence nor contest any of the evidence. This is the prog conception of justice.
This trial is about what the penalties will be. there was another trial, where Trumps' attorneys did not contest the evidence and asked for a summary judgement.
This trial is about what the penalties will be. there was another trial, where Trumps' attorneys did not contest the evidence and asked for a summary judgement.
No there wasn't. They got a summary judgement, but Trump didn't ask for it.
So, somehow Trump is 'Orange Man Bad' because he had trouble getting loans but NOW he's 'Orange Man Bad' because he easily got a loan. :cuckoo:
He's bad because he cheated via lying, with his fraudulent, certified, financial condition schemes.....and he did so repeatedly, over decades.... While all other businesses had to follow the rules and regs and honesty on their certified financial condition forms when applying for their loans....
Trump is corrupt. I thought you would have gotten this by now. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be in the situations he's in. And this is just the low hanging fruit trial. But in some ways, it's bigger than the other three trials. This one goes to to the heart of Trump's four decades of bragging about "The Art of the Deal" and him being this successful, savvy businessman. When in fact, he lost all his daddy's money and then proceeded to scam and fraud his way through the next decades. The fine coming from this trial may bankrupt him and take away his family's right to do business in the state of NY. More than that, it will forever dispel the notion that Trump is anything but a grifting con artist. :)
Your aa fucking dumbass. Every prog who claims Trump is corrupt voted for the criminal Biden.

End of story,

Nothing you posted iis true.
He's bad because he cheated via lying, with his fraudulent, certified, financial condition schemes.....and he did so repeatedly, over decades.... While all other businesses had to follow the rules and regs and honesty on their certified financial condition forms when applying for their loans....
No one follows those rules, dumbass. No one lost a dime as a result of Trump's loans. That's the essential fact that you prog douchebag can't get around.
Correct, in fact, it's all made up and they are the ones committing fraud. Just look at this trial. Trump got a loan, gave his valuation docs to the Bank, told them to get their own estimates and not to go by his alone. Trump gets loan and pays it back. Now he's being accused of fraud? WTF????
The fact that Trump IS THE ONLY PERSON to ever be charged with this tells you all you need to know. The willfully ignorant TDS suffering morons cant be taken seriously.
No one follows those rules, dumbass. No one lost a dime as a result of Trump's loans. That's the essential fact that you prog douchebag can't get around.
The civil law he is being charged with has nothing to do with some other entity losing money....

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