The Sham Trial Against Trump

Not really, lots of people lie as to what their property is worth. Most borrowers inflate the value of their property. This is not fraud or a crime. It's up to the bank to verify borrower info. In fact, in Trump's estimate of worth (the one he gave the bank), he told the bank not to rely on his assessment and get their own before granting the loan. How is that fraud?

Shady business practices are crimes. Fraud. His corporation even got caught not paying taxes. The CFO paid for his kids private school rather than take $ and he didn't pay taxes on it. That's a crime. Trump used his charity as a slush fund. Crime. He paid Stormy with campaign money. Crime. He conspired to rig an election. Crime. He lied to FBI and didn't turn over documents. Crime.

So excuse me if I don't play along with your delusion Trump is an innocent man.
Trump does his crimes in liberal areas and then whines that he does not get a Judge and Jury from Alabama
This case alone is excellent evidence Democrats are not liberals at all. They are genuine authoritarians.
Trump broke zero laws. This will no doubt end up in appeals and if he loses, the Supreme Court.

I saw the basis the judge used and he is full of shit.


Trump assumed that the Supreme Court owed him favors and would cover for any crimes he commits

Problem is….The Supreme Court wants nothing to do with him
Trump broke zero laws. This will no doubt end up in appeals and if he loses, the Supreme Court.

I saw the basis the judge used and he is full of shit.
The Supreme Court who he appointed 3 justices? They didn't go along with his trying to overturn the elections. But perhaps if it was closer maybe they would.

Yea, no doubt Clarence Thomas will side with Trump. Trump's a billionaire right? Thomas always sides with billionaires.

So don't cry the system is rigged you idiot. It sure is.
Shady business practices are crimes. Fraud. His corporation even got caught not paying taxes. The CFO paid for his kids private school rather than take $ and he didn't pay taxes on it. That's a crime. Trump used his charity as a slush fund. Crime. He paid Stormy with campaign money. Crime. He conspired to rig an election. Crime. He lied to FBI and didn't turn over documents. Crime.

So excuse me if I don't play along with your delusion Trump is an innocent man.
I believe you are or were a ordinary voter who votes like crazy for Democrats. So when Democrats do crimes, you leap in like superman to defend them.

I can be sure you read all the crummy defenses of Biden put up by Democrats who insist today that the Criminal Biden is not guilty.

Trump committed no crimes.
Shady business practices are crimes. Fraud. His corporation even got caught not paying taxes. The CFO paid for his kids private school rather than take $ and he didn't pay taxes on it. That's a crime. Trump used his charity as a slush fund. Crime. He paid Stormy with campaign money. Crime. He conspired to rig an election. Crime. He lied to FBI and didn't turn over documents. Crime.

So excuse me if I don't play along with your delusion Trump is an innocent man.
No, an individual got caught not paying his own taxes.
I don't believe you. Just because you say so doesn't mean it's true. Are you in those bank meetings? Did they put out a statement defending Trump? Please grampa. Show me.
For a person making so many false statements to get upset over that tickles me.
This case alone is excellent evidence Democrats are not liberals at all. They are genuine authoritarians.
Trump committed fraud
That is without question

The only thing that can be argued is how big a fraud
Trump committed fraud
That is without question

The only thing that can be argued is how big a fraud
Actually the Judge is committing fraud along with Letitia James.

Surely even you a loyal Democrat understands Trump can also take this to the Supreme Court where this corrupt Judge will lose his case.
I believe you are or were a ordinary voter who votes like crazy for Democrats. So when Democrats do crimes, you leap in like superman to defend them.

I can be sure you read all the crummy defenses of Biden put up by Democrats who insist today that the Criminal Biden is not guilty.

Trump committed no crimes.
I defended Clinton just as much as you defend Trump but consider Clinton's one crime compared to all of Trump's crimes. I wonder how much I would have defended Clinton. Would I have defended him if he continued to be a criminal and the Democrats protected all his crimes? I mean I do hate Republicans so it's hard for me to say I wouldn't. But god damn you guys are fucking loyal to a criminal. He's like Al Capone or Lex Luthor.

Even in the very beginning Trump was a criminal. First crime, Paul Ryan said "he's new he didn't know any better" and Rex Tillerson said Trump fired him because he kept telling Trump "you can't do that it's illegal". Yes, Trump broke all the laws he's being charged with. Can't take you seriously if you deny it.

They're just throwing the books at him because he can't be POTUS again. He's like Hitler after Hitler went to jail and rose to power. We can't let the Nazi's win. I can't believe after he started an insurrection that he can even be on the ballot. America has gone crazy. Thank God for abortion rights

Trump hates hearing "you can't do that it's against the law". His reply, "watch me". "I don't care" "what are they going to do?"

Mitch should have convicted Trump after his second impeachment for the insurrection. Mitch said it wasn't appropriate because he was no longer president. If he was, maybe he would, but he's not". Mitch kicked the can. That's bullshit. So, Trump needs to be charged criminally for it. And for all his other crimes.

The American people have the right to know all his crimes even though it's so hard to even keep track there are so many.

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