The Sham Trial Against Trump

Actually the Judge is committing fraud along with Letitia James.

Surely even you a loyal Democrat understands Trump can also take this to the Supreme Court where this corrupt Judge will lose his case.
It won't make it that far. The appeals court will confirm the findings.
I defended Clinton just as much as you defend Trump but consider Clinton's one crime compared to all of Trump's crimes. I wonder how much I would have defended Clinton. Would I have defended him if he continued to be a criminal and the Democrats protected all his crimes? I mean I do hate Republicans so it's hard for me to say I wouldn't. But god damn you guys are fucking loyal to a criminal. He's like Al Capone or Lex Luthor.

Even in the very beginning Trump was a criminal. First crime, Paul Ryan said "he's new he didn't know any better" and Rex Tillerson said Trump fired him because he kept telling Trump "you can't do that it's illegal". Yes, Trump broke all the laws he's being charged with. Can't take you seriously if you deny it.

They're just throwing the books at him because he can't be POTUS again. He's like Hitler after Hitler went to jail and rose to power. We can't let the Nazi's win. I can't believe after he started an insurrection that he can even be on the ballot. America has gone crazy. Thank God for abortion rights

Trump hates hearing "you can't do that it's against the law". His reply, "watch me". "I don't care" "what are they going to do?"

Mitch should have convicted Trump after his second impeachment for the insurrection. Mitch said it wasn't appropriate because he was no longer president. If he was, maybe he would, but he's not". Mitch kicked the can. That's bullshit. So, Trump needs to be charged criminally for it. And for all his other crimes.

The American people have the right to know all his crimes even though it's so hard to even keep track there are so many.
I defended Clinton just as much as you defend Trump but consider Clinton's one crime compared to all of Trump's crimes. I wonder how much I would have defended Clinton. Would I have defended him if he continued to be a criminal and the Democrats protected all his crimes? I mean I do hate Republicans so it's hard for me to say I wouldn't. But god damn you guys are fucking loyal to a criminal. He's like Al Capone or Lex Luthor.

Even in the very beginning Trump was a criminal. First crime, Paul Ryan said "he's new he didn't know any better" and Rex Tillerson said Trump fired him because he kept telling Trump "you can't do that it's illegal". Yes, Trump broke all the laws he's being charged with. Can't take you seriously if you deny it.

They're just throwing the books at him because he can't be POTUS again. He's like Hitler after Hitler went to jail and rose to power. We can't let the Nazi's win. I can't believe after he started an insurrection that he can even be on the ballot. America has gone crazy. Thank God for abortion rights

Trump hates hearing "you can't do that it's against the law". His reply, "watch me". "I don't care" "what are they going to do?"

Mitch should have convicted Trump after his second impeachment for the insurrection. Mitch said it wasn't appropriate because he was no longer president. If he was, maybe he would, but he's not". Mitch kicked the can. That's bullshit. So, Trump needs to be charged criminally for it. And for all his other crimes.

The American people have the right to know all his crimes even though it's so hard to even keep track there are so many.
I can poke holes in your remarks the size of TX. But I see how damned bigoted you actually are. OF course you defended Clinton. But he paid one hell of a fine and had to give up his law license. But he is your kind of criminal.
This is a civil law case, not a criminal law case.

Trump org. was already found guilty in the criminal fraud case and his CFO found guilty and sent to prison for it about a year or so, ago.
I would think you have to have a victim of the fraud, for it to be fraud.

What's more believable. Let's say you tell a foreigner everything that Trump is being charged with. And you ask them do they think he's guilty or innocent of all the charges against him. Which do you think that neutral person will pick?
Pretty funny watching them get so squishy on the law.

For them, now, it's okay if you break the law as long as they don't see a victim.

The party of the Rule of Law and Personal Responsibility is now a mindless cult.
Wrong again, but don’t let that stop you…
It won't make it that far. The appeals court will confirm the findings.
Merely because you believe when customers sign papers with their particular values on the form, does not mean Banks are stupid. This is just a vendetta promoted by Democrats. It is a sham.
What's more believable. Let's say you tell a foreigner everything that Trump is being charged with. And you ask them do they think he's guilty or innocent of all the charges against him. Which do you think that neutral person will pick?
You've got nothing but CONJECTURE. :eusa_hand:
I can poke holes in your remarks the size of TX. But I see how damned bigoted you actually are. OF course you defended Clinton. But he paid one hell of a fine and had to give up his law license. But he is your kind of criminal.
All for a blowjob. Yes he lost his license and Trump might lose his fortune. But that's okay. Jared and him got $3 billion from the Saudi's and who knows how much Trump made from selling top secret stuff to foreign governments.

BTW, Trump said impeaching Bill Clinton for Monica was bullshit and political. So there's that. Also, only 25% of Americans think Trump did nothing wrong.

Most of the Republicans running against Trump know he broke laws and isn't fit to be POTUS. They just don't have the balls to say it.

Trump did nothing wrong? LOL
Merely because you believe when customers sign papers with their particular values on the form, does not mean Banks are stupid. This is just a vendetta promoted by Democrats. It is a sham.
Yea yea yea. Trump did nothing wrong. Surrreeee.
Trump committed fraud
That is without question

The only thing that can be argued is how big a fraud
Here is the difference in you and me on this matter.
I know what fraud is. And you do not.
I owned a mortgage firm so know the laws that apply to this case.
You have no idea how mortgages work nor what hoops borrowers have to leap through to get loans.
I also appraised real estate as a Federal appraiser. I know the law and methods of creating loans.

And you do not. Think hard about how this sham judge is operating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a problem like this, imagine this judge was after you for an imaginary crime.

Anyway, it is so low level all it amounts to is a suit over money.
Yes if I break the law they will go after me. The problem is some powerful people think they are above the law. They think they can do anything. Even shoot someone and not lose one vote.

you have nothing of value as you are incapable of amassing wealth. Without creativity or valued ideas/intelligence you are simply a tool for the rich to direct.
Yea yea yea. Trump did nothing wrong. Surrreeee.
You forgot how the Democrats failed to remove Trump from office????? And you don't think this is shots at Trump to prevent him from beating old man Biden???

Biden has lost his appeal to most sane Democrats. He is toast.
I'm not really understanding this trial. What is it about? We've got a TDS anti-Trump prosecutor, a TDS anti-Trump judge who, before the trial even started, found Trump guilty without a jury of his peers, and now we are parading a bunch of so called witnesses through the court to determine the amount of damages of which the same TDS anti-Trump judge will decide the amount of those damages, claiming that Trump defrauded banks even though no bank claims that Trump defrauded them.

And, we've got those two clowns who are on record of saying they are going after Trump while getting all bent out of shape when Trump says that if he wins he will then go after them. What am I missing? Get this sham over with already so that Trump can then appeal the case.

If you're you don't understand fraud and tax evasion, why are you commenting on it daily?

Before you expose your ignorance and stupidity to the rest of us, you could at least try to educate yourself as to Trump's history of tax evasion, fraud, and corruption before claiming he's innocent and the judge is corrupt.

Prosecutors get elected by promising to put criminals in jail all of the time. What makes this criminal so different from any of the other crooks being punished for their crimes???
Here is the difference in you and me on this matter.
I know what fraud is. And you do not.
I owned a mortgage firm so know the laws that apply to this case.
You have no idea how mortgages work nor what hoops borrowers have to leap through to get loans.
I also appraised real estate as a Federal appraiser. I know the law and methods of creating loans.

And you do not. Think hard about how this sham judge is operating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a problem like this, imagine this judge was after you for an imaginary crime.

Anyway, it is so low level all it amounts to is a suit over money.

And if someone who owned a 1200 sq Ft Ranch on a quarter acre lot claims to own a 6000 sq Ft mansion on six acres?
No he did not go to jail for fraud. And he was released in the spring of 2023.

NEW YORK (AP) — Allen Weisselberg, the former chief financial officer at Donald Trump’s company, got out of jail Wednesday but might not have freed himself from the legal morass surrounding the former president.

The 75-year-old emerged from New York City’s Rikers Island jail complex facing the same pressures he was under three months ago, when he started serving time for tax evasion.

See pages starting at Page 18, in court he literally plead guilty to Tax Fraud.

I defended Clinton just as much as you defend Trump but consider Clinton's one crime compared to all of Trump's crimes. I wonder how much I would have defended Clinton. Would I have defended him if he continued to be a criminal and the Democrats protected all his crimes? I mean I do hate Republicans so it's hard for me to say I wouldn't. But god damn you guys are fucking loyal to a criminal. He's like Al Capone or Lex Luthor.

Even in the very beginning Trump was a criminal. First crime, Paul Ryan said "he's new he didn't know any better" and Rex Tillerson said Trump fired him because he kept telling Trump "you can't do that it's illegal". Yes, Trump broke all the laws he's being charged with. Can't take you seriously if you deny it.

They're just throwing the books at him because he can't be POTUS again. He's like Hitler after Hitler went to jail and rose to power. We can't let the Nazi's win. I can't believe after he started an insurrection that he can even be on the ballot. America has gone crazy. Thank God for abortion rights

Trump hates hearing "you can't do that it's against the law". His reply, "watch me". "I don't care" "what are they going to do?"

Mitch should have convicted Trump after his second impeachment for the insurrection. Mitch said it wasn't appropriate because he was no longer president. If he was, maybe he would, but he's not". Mitch kicked the can. That's bullshit. So, Trump needs to be charged criminally for it. And for all his other crimes.

The American people have the right to know all his crimes even though it's so hard to even keep track there are so many.

name on real crime committed by DJT. Just one. I’ll wait, you dumb OX.
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