The Sham Trial Against Trump

If you're you don't understand fraud and tax evasion, why are you commenting on it daily?

Before you expose your ignorance and stupidity to the rest of us, you could at least try to educate yourself as to Trump's history of tax evasion, fraud, and corruption before claiming he's innocent and the judge is corrupt.

Prosecutors get elected by promising to put criminals in jail all of the time. What makes this criminal so different from any of the other crooks being punished for their crimes???
Of course we who are arguing this understand the laws about fraud. That is the issue of this sham trial. Not over income taxes. Trump has never lost a tax case. He had an accountant who got prosecuted but in his case it was a tax evasion case. And he is not still in prison.
He should have paid HIS taxes.

Agreed, if he had and the Trump Organization hadn't attempted tax fraud there would have been no conviction.

Remember there were two parts to the tax fraud case where the conviction occurred. Those actions by the Trump Organization and the personal actions of Alan Wesselberg (Trump Organization CFO).

They don't like reading indictments.
The Judge saw all the proof.

this “judge” is after notoriety and 15 minutes with a side of youth to play in bed with as his last hurrah. Like shildt with Ken Buck and the home O. That’s your hero type.

That you are OK with the evil group says more about your criminally immoral soul which will rot in hell for all the evil you have committed over decades. You people don’t just wake up one day and say “I think I will join the evil group”. You’ve been bad forever. Thieving, lying, torturing……you are all the same. You are a useful idiot for the NAZI.
Of course we who are arguing this understand the laws about fraud. That is the issue of this sham trial. Not over income taxes. Trump has never lost a tax case. He had an accountant who got prosecuted but in his case it was a tax evasion case. And he is not still in prison.

Well ya, Trump has lost cases in the past, but those are pretty minor. Typically Trump settles the case before being found liable and make payouts. For example:
  • Stealing From Trump Charities, paying a settlement which included shutting down the charity.
  • The class action law suits regarding Trump University which included shutting down the enterprise and paying out settlements.
this “judge” is after notoriety and 15 minutes woth a side of youth to play in bed with as his last hurrah.
It's always fascinating how the Trump supporters' accusations are always more true of the orange god or of themselves than of anyone else.
Well ya, Trump has lost cases in the past, but those are pretty minor. Typically Trump settles the case before being found liable and make payouts. For example:
  • Stealing From Trump Charities, paying a settlement which included shutting down the charity.
  • The class action law suits regarding Trump University which included shutting down the enterprise and paying out settlements.

idiot. Deep Pockets are always pulled in on frivilous BS oten settling is cheaper than fooling with it. Trump had the Presidency to worry about. Repairing America from decline. The Courts have no shame. Lawyers get rich. Most Politicians are failed lawyers. You Evil busturds cheer for them blindly. You’re another disgrace On this board you ignorant 3-toed tree monkey.

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