The Sham Trial Against Trump

Trump's statement was compiled by experts he hired. In that statement Trump told the bank to get their own estimates. He was not defrauding anyone and was being upfront to the bank. You don't seem to know much about the law, Real Estate or the lending industry. Perhaps you should just stay in your own lane, huh? As I have told other lunk head TDSers here, if YOU go to get a loan and tell the bank what you think your property is worth and they lend you money on your word you will not be charged with fraud, you bleeding idiot. The BANK will take the fall for not adhering to lending practice and Fannie Mae (who underwrites most home loans) if you default. No default, nobody cares. Such stupidity and hatred......
You don’t know much about the case. In many cases, Trump had obtained expert third party value of his property and then inflated those value by 400%.

Perhaps if you knew the facts, your appeal to authority would be taken more seriously.
And you don't know what was included in that "300%" all the TDS people spout here because that's what you heard or read.
Trump had an opportunity to explain how those values could be so wildly divergent and he could not do so.
You don’t know much about the case. In many cases, Trump had obtained expert third party value of his property and then inflated those value by 400%.

Perhaps if you knew the facts, your appeal to authority would be taken more seriously.
Again you seem to believe that banks are mud fucking stupid.
Agreed, if he had and the Trump Organization hadn't attempted tax fraud there would have been no conviction.

Remember there were two parts to the tax fraud case where the conviction occurred. Those actions by the Trump Organization and the personal actions of Alan Wesselberg (Trump Organization CFO).

Weisselberg was for effect the Trump organization. He pled guilty to defrauding the Trump organisation and forced them to be called defendants.
Here is the difference in you and me on this matter.
I know what fraud is. And you do not.
I owned a mortgage firm so know the laws that apply to this case.
You have no idea how mortgages work nor what hoops borrowers have to leap through to get loans.
I also appraised real estate as a Federal appraiser. I know the law and methods of creating loans.

And you do not. Think hard about how this sham judge is operating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a problem like this, imagine this judge was after you for an imaginary crime.

Anyway, it is so low level all it amounts to is a suit over money.
You have to be a slick lawyer to defend Trump. Like, the kind of slimy lawyer we all hate. Johnny Cochran types. Master Liars. Can argue anything.
Fairy Tales like them and the Steele Dossier are boring,
Well idiot. Don't ask me for the evidence. Read the indictment. And, save it for the judge. Ever hear that saying?

cliché Your claims of innocence won't stop me from arresting you or bringing you to justice, so you might as well savethem for your trial.A: "Wait, you can't arrest me! I'm innocent! I don't know how that money got there, I swear!" B: "Yeah, yeah, save it forthe judge."A: "I found Terry's blood on your clothes, Jim. I'm calling the cops." B: "I've been framed, I tell you, framed!" B: "Save itfor the judge!"
Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. How is that relevant to the law?
Why don't you tell us. Explain how bankers never use appraisers, how they never examine applicants statements and shit like that. I spent many years in that business and am well aware of the checks made by banks.

I got a call one day about a customer of ours where he submitted tax returns made by his accountant. We asked the accountant about the returns and he told us they were accurate. So based on the accountants words, the lender we sent the loan to agreed to make the loan. The party calling us was who the lender sold the loan to. The accountant had lied.

I have no idea if the accountant was prosecuted.

Every party to creating loans follows state laws plus federal laws. We do not sit around with the client telling him this so the client learns what he learns by reading documents we supply to customers.

Say when your accountant handles your taxes, do you audit your accountant?
Well idiot. Don't ask me for the evidence. Read the indictment. And, save it for the judge. Ever hear that saying?

cliché Your claims of innocence won't stop me from arresting you or bringing you to justice, so you might as well savethem for your trial.A: "Wait, you can't arrest me! I'm innocent! I don't know how that money got there, I swear!" B: "Yeah, yeah, save it forthe judge."A: "I found Terry's blood on your clothes, Jim. I'm calling the cops." B: "I've been framed, I tell you, framed!" B: "Save itfor the judge!"
You're flailing, bobo clown.
You would not hate your lawyer if you did as Trump did.
No very true. I did something wrong once and had to get a lawyer. I had to deny one thing I did. Aside from that one thing I did, I was in the right. But if the judge knew I did that one thing, I would have been found GUILTY as fuck. Of course my lawyer knew I did that one thing but we denied it, they couldn't prove it and I got off.
19 DEM lawyers tore thru Trump for nearly 3 years under that BS muller sham finding nothing. Board maggots forget all of that.

This Countries lost now as the collective IQ level and the Marxism brainwashing of several generations in public toilet of education. the MSM and deep state work 24-7 on those feeble minded buffoons like care or bozo posting here. pathetic and dirty evil or too stupid. All of them.

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