The Sham Trial Against Trump

I'm not really understanding this trial. What is it about? We've got a TDS anti-Trump prosecutor, a TDS anti-Trump judge who, before the trial even started, found Trump guilty without a jury of his peers, and now we are parading a bunch of so called witnesses through the court to determine the amount of damages of which the same TDS anti-Trump judge will decide the amount of those damages, claiming that Trump defrauded banks even though no bank claims that Trump defrauded them.

And, we've got those two clowns who are on record of saying they are going after Trump while getting all bent out of shape when Trump says that if he wins he will then go after them. What am I missing? Get this sham over with already so that Trump can then appeal the case.
You can cry sham and TDS all day long but at the end of the day evidence is presented and I laws are broken. That’s how our courts work. You’d need to actually look at that stuff though and I seriously doubt many of the MAGA crowd actually do that. It’s far easier to ignorantly call everything a sham.
While, Donald Trump may be the most unsuccessful businessman in the history of the country, he surely knows how big a property is and how much he can sell it for.

Maybe I’m giving him too much credit and he really is that stupid. If you believe that Trump really thought his apartment was 30,000 square feet, I have a lovely ski resort in Miami I’d like to sell you.
Is it one of these? :D

This thing's a total sham.

James and this judge should be disbarred. Even the judge admits there were no complaints against Trump for

not paying anything, therefore there was no fraud.

Furthermore, if this patently absurd thing is successful, the State of NY will be losing millions more than they could ever fine Trump

for. Some of the best buildings in town will go down, and thousands of jobs lost and millions in revenue.

And on top of that, the biggest develepors and landowners will leave lest the same farce be perpetrated onto them.

Also there's no way they won't be targeted next as revenue is lost.

If they win, NY is going to go downhill by a significant percentage.

What James is doing is not in the best interest of Justice or the State of New York.

Not if one steps back and looks at the big picture.
:lol: you really do worship the guy and put him on this imaginary pedestal that he doesn't warrant.
It's the, on the books civil law, he's being accused of breaking. Letitia James didn't write the law, silly one!

Someone in this thread posted it earlier, fraud has many aspects under NY civil law, and financial harm to another entity, does not need to be a part of fraud in all cases.

Regardless, the experts say that the banks would have earned $168 MILLION more In interest off of his loans, if he had not committed his fraud....
Which "experts," the ones chosen by the prosecutor?

You are so gullible.
Hey, if you want to do business in NYC, don't cry that it's a liberal town with liberal judges. Waaaahh. She won't let me commit crimes WAAAHHHH
So if you do business in NYC, just throw away the Bill of Rights? Only a fucking NAZI would post something like that.
You can cry sham and TDS all day long but at the end of the day evidence is presented and I laws are broken. That’s how our courts work. You’d need to actually look at that stuff though and I seriously doubt many of the MAGA crowd actually do that. It’s far easier to ignorantly call everything a sham.
Have you read the decision?
You can cry sham and TDS all day long but at the end of the day evidence is presented and I laws are broken. That’s how our courts work. You’d need to actually look at that stuff though and I seriously doubt many of the MAGA crowd actually do that. It’s far easier to ignorantly call everything a sham.
Trump hasn't done anything that Democrats haven't done, proof of the two tiered weaponized justice system.
So if you do business in NYC, just throw away the Bill of Rights? Only a fucking NAZI would post something like that.
Did you know that your "rights" don't apply if you are within 100 miles of the US border?

So Trump needs to take his shady business practices to the heartland. Or Florida if Ron D don't mind.
When any party has as much money and assets as Trump has, they hire teams of quality experts who create their financials for them. Trump would never stay awake at night to do his own financials. They are far too complicated.

As to estimates of the future, frankly that is news to me. But as an appraiser of real property, we did particular estimates of earnings but we were also not accountants or experts on predicting the future.
I agree however with the thrust of your remarks.

Assets refer to a wide variety of items you own that have a monetary value. When you apply for a mortgage, the lender looks into your asset inventory and determines their cash value to make sure that you are capable of returning the loan despite facing financial hardship, such as a job loss, during the repayment period.

There could be various asset types, including:
● Money, savings and checking accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and other similar sources — cash and equivalent to cash
● Tradable stocks, bonds, or something that can be converted to cash without dropping their actual price — liquid assets
● Lands, vehicles, antiques, business property, and anything that has monetary value but cannot be converted into cash quickly and may lose some of their value in the conversion process — fixed assets
● Investment money that is lent for interest, including government bonds, securities, and any type of investment money that yields interest — fixed-income assets
● IRA, 401(k) accounts, mutual funds, or anything that secures your ownership in a company — equity assets

You can also categorize them into tangible (physical) and intangible (nonphysical) assets. The lender assesses your positive net worth, indicating your assets have more value than your liabilities. It also helps establish your debt-to-income ratio.

To do the required evaluations, America Mortgages requires only an International Credit Report, Accountant Reference, and some paper documents verifying your funds.

Yes. It was our financials that allowed us to buy our home in Albuquerque even though we still had a large mortgage in Kansas. Technically we didn't have the income for two mortgages and we were both working on commission at the time so didn't even have guaranteed incomes. But the lender saw that we had been making mortgage and rent payments on time for a year, our commissions had been providing a decent income for months, we had some cash in savings, our credit was clean, and we got our loan.

Many things are factored into a person's credit worthiness.
Trump had an opportunity to explain how those values could be so wildly divergent and he could not do so.
And you know this how? Honestly you of the TDS crowd get further and further into left field in your desperation to accuse him. And it is soooo obvious you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

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