The Shit Coming Across Southern Border Not Best and Brightest

Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest
The solution has already been found in Portugal, "whose culture and form of government are similar enough to our own to make comparison reasonable."

Legalize heroin

"In 2001, Portugal decriminalized all drugs.


"A decade later, hard drug abuse had dropped by half.

"Drug overdose deaths in Portugal are now all but nonexistent: just three for every million people each year. (Were overdose deaths happening in America at a Portuguese rate, we'd see fewer than 1,000 die annually, more than a 90 percent drop from the current numbers on opioid-related deaths, let alone total overdose deaths.)

"Portuguese use of sketchy 'legal' substitutes is way down, too, because there’s no need to mess with dangerous unknowns when you’ll only get a small fine and maybe a rehab referral if you’re caught with the real thing."

The War on Drugs is just another Racket.

lol WahWah PooPoo isn't a source for anything to do with factual reports, it's Fake News R Us.

You can find the same thing at Politico and elsewhere. Dismissing the source doesn't make it less true. There are actual sources in their reporting.

How many ' Dreamers' have you signed up to sponsor? Zeeeero? lol

Non Sequitur much?

What kind of special are you? Dreamers don't have to be sponsored, they've been living here since they were children. They've been going to American schools, watching American television, paying American taxes.
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest

The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

lol WahWah PooPoo isn't a source for anything to do with factual reports, it's Fake News R Us.

You can find the same thing at Politico and elsewhere. Dismissing the source doesn't make it less true. There are actual sources in their reporting.

How many ' Dreamers' have you signed up to sponsor? Zeeeero? lol

Non Sequitur much?

What kind of special are you? Dreamers don't have to be sponsored, they've been living here since they were children. They've been going to American schools, watching American television, paying American taxes.
Not talking about “cart alongs” (Dreamers) talking about criminals and welfare bums.

lol WahWah PooPoo isn't a source for anything to do with factual reports, it's Fake News R Us.

You can find the same thing at Politico and elsewhere. Dismissing the source doesn't make it less true. There are actual sources in their reporting.

How many ' Dreamers' have you signed up to sponsor? Zeeeero? lol

Non Sequitur much?

What kind of special are you? Dreamers don't have to be sponsored, they've been living here since they were children. They've been going to American schools, watching American television, paying American taxes.
Not talking about “cart alongs” (Dreamers) talking about criminals and welfare bums.

I'm NOT the one that brought it up. Censure your "funny" buddy Picaro.
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest

The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?
Heroin ? For what ? They all became NYPD so they could confiscate it AFTER the Wops got a hold of it. No need to risk the difficulties involved with International Smuggling. Now it's far more simple. The meatheads protect and help grow it and Al_CIA---duh ! handles the import/export.Works like a champ !
The damn Taliboobz better not try to cut in on it either !

CIA imports drugs to United States...:bsflag::cuckoo:

Another little boy waving his flag. Betcher daddy were a defunder of freedumb ? Granpappy were too ?
The CIA And The Drug Trade : The Corbett Report

GH Bush was dive bomber pilot WWII.
Trump destroys another illegal talking point...the Washington Times reported on a new study today...illegals commit twice as many crimes in AZ as American citizens. Illegals are only 3% of the population but make up 8% of the prison population. It gets worse, illegals commit more serious crimes.

Legal immigrants, whose who obey our immigration laws and immigrate to the U.S. legally were found to be very law abiding even more law abiding than native born Americans. There you have it illegal vs legal immigration.
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest

The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

Why is there demand for heroin instead of better jobs?
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest
Why are Americans wanting Heroin instead of the American Dream?
Because Mexico makes it available.
so what. They also make refried beans, and they are available.
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday.

About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.

Those numbers increase for households with children, with 76% of immigrant-led households receiving welfare..."


It is sickening what Democrats are doing to this Country in their desperate quest for Votes.
Democrats need a victim class. Joe Kennedy III will exemplify this in his rebuttal to SOU speech for Democrats.

There is about 110% chance that Joe Kennedy(racist demagogue) will call Republicans racist for opposing mass illegal immigration
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest
Why are Americans wanting Heroin instead of the American Dream?
Because Mexico makes it available.
so what. They also make refried beans, and they are available.
And people consume them. Do people overdose and die from refried beans?
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest
Why are Americans wanting Heroin instead of the American Dream?
Because Mexico makes it available.
so what. They also make refried beans, and they are available.
And people consume them. Do people overdose and die from refried beans?
Your point? Only the right wing alleges to be for less expensive and smaller government while also alleging, a need for a nanny-state to help with perceived social problems.
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest

The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

No, it sounds like you don't have an argument and you're going off topic to avoid talking about it.
Trump administration trying to fight back against invasion by drug cartels.
ICE: Arrests of illegal immigrants up 92 percent; 83 percent for MS-13 gang members
Open border is part of opioid crisis in America’s heartland...
Following heroin's path from Mexico to the Midwest

The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

No, it sounds like you don't have an argument and you're going off topic to avoid talking about it.

So we don’t have a problem with drugs along the Mexican border? I have to ask you to explain this one.:alcoholic:Your ignorance is too much...I need a whiskey on the rocks.
The "shit" coming to the US for a long time has not been the best and the brightest.

The Irish who arrived in the US were the ones starving to death.
The Italians were the ones who weren't doing too well in Italy.
Many blacks were slaves.

That's US History!
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

No, it sounds like you don't have an argument and you're going off topic to avoid talking about it.

So we don’t have a problem with drugs along the Mexican border? I have to ask you to explain this one.:alcoholic:Your ignorance is too much...I need a whiskey on the rocks.

The point is that this has nothing to do with what was being spoken about... fucking hell. Every time I see your name pop up, I know it's going to be just a complete pile of shit.
How much heroin did the Irish bring with them Butch?

Are you changing the topic again? It's a piss poor replacement for an argument.

Watch the trailer...Mexico...heroin...get it...

No, it sounds like you don't have an argument and you're going off topic to avoid talking about it.

So we don’t have a problem with drugs along the Mexican border? I have to ask you to explain this one.:alcoholic:Your ignorance is too much...I need a whiskey on the rocks.

The point is that this has nothing to do with what was being spoken about... fucking hell. Every time I see your name pop up, I know it's going to be just a complete pile of shit.

Thank you. If you think it is shit when I post...then I know I am on target.

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