The Shroud of Trayvon

For those that like their Unicorns a little more realistic:


I scrolled past, shifted into super fast scroll mode and am scared to use the up scroll.

Turn the page!


Trayvon is angry and nobody can stop him from completing his world tour of revenge on the bad guys who terrorize cities everyday. Use a variety of weapons to demolish Trayvon's attackers in various cities around the world.As you complete a level, you will notice more bad guys coming at Trayvon at a faster pace and a deadlier attack.If you like to attack from far, then purchase the 'dagger' as you will be able to throw it at your enemies for the kill. If you want to dominate the leaderboards across the world, then make sure you collect the money that the bad guys will drop once you kill them to increase your score.

:lmao: :lmao:
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Trayvon is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

you would think that there would be a civil suit

or something by now

Why? The FBI already investigated Zimmerman and found no proof he was racist, in fact all evidence was to the contrary. Exactly what would be the goal of the civil suit? Get more money for Trayvon's parents? That's not gonna happen. They raised a criminal and they know it and they know more bad will come out about them in a civil trial than about Zimmerman.
We are still in first gear with a five speed shift. You aint seen nuthing yet. Wait until the shit hits the fan.

You put the transmission in backwards. Looks like you got five gears in reverse.

We shall see. Time will tell. Bookmarked so I can remind you that I told you so.

Why would you want to remind me your mechanic sucks?

Seems like a waste of time

Like reading your posts
If this Trayvon Martin shit doesn't end, then I might be forced to check myself into a looney bin so they can properly ascertain what is right with me and just what the hell is wrong with you people for NOT letting this shit go.

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