The Silence Of The Lambs Congress


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Republicans need to get off they ass and get to work...
The Silence Of The Lambs Congress
Time to finally turn tough talk into action.
February 16, 2017
Ann Coulter

Let's compare what President Trump has accomplished since the inauguration (with that enormous crowd!) with what congressional Republicans have done.

In the past three weeks, Trump has: staffed the White House, sent a dozen Cabinet nominees to the Senate, browbeat Boeing into cutting its price on a government contract, harangued American CEOs into keeping their plants in the United States, imposed a terrorist travel ban, met with foreign leaders and nominated a Supreme Court justice, among many other things.

(And still our hero finds time to torment the media with his tweets!)

What have congressional Republicans been doing? Scrapbooking?

More than 90 percent of congressional Republicans kept their jobs after the 2016 election, so you can cross "staffing an entire branch of government" off the list. Only the Senate confirms nominees, which they've been doing at a snail's pace, so they've got loads of free time -- and the House has no excuse at all.

Where's the Obamacare repeal? Where are the hearings featuring middle-class Americans with no health insurance because it was made illegal by Obamacare?

The House passed six Obamacare repeals when Obama was president and there was no chance of them being signed into law. Back then, Republicans were full of vim and vigor! But the moment Trump became president, the repeals came to a screeching halt.


This is the moment we've been waiting for our entire lives, but Republicans in Congress refuse to do the people's will. Their sole, driving obsession is to see Trump fail.

I am not presently calling for these useless, narcissistic, Trump-bashing Republicans to be defeated in their re-election bids, but they're on my Watch List. To be cleared, they can start by getting off the phone with The Washington Post and passing one of those six Obamacare repeal bills.

The Silence Of The Lambs Congress
I'll give them until 2020 to get their act together. After that, I will actively campaign against any remaining RINOs. McCain and his ilk are nothing more than saboteurs.

P.S. Wouldn't it be great if Ann Coulter was appointed Press Secretary? She would hand the MSM their asses at every press conference.
I'll give them until 2020 to get their act together. After that, I will actively campaign against any remaining RINOs. McCain and his ilk are nothing more than saboteurs.

P.S. Wouldn't it be great if Ann Coulter was appointed Press Secretary? She would hand the MSM their asses at every press conference.
I won't give them one more day. Fuck them.

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