The single most positive thing about Trump and the GOP winning this election?

Hillary won 3 million more votes than Trump.

Democratic Senators won 11 million more votes than did Republicans.

You're wrong about which party is collapsing.
Hildabeests popular vote margin is owed to one state; California.

If not for the 17th Amendment, the Senate would now be a super-majority for the republicans. You're lucky.

As big a mess that the GOP is, the Democrat Party is a train wreck with no appeal beyond the coasts and urban shitholes.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Didn't you get the memo from 62 million people? The race card does't work anymore. Maybe you liberals can start a war on the Easter Bunny.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

I didn't realize you had become a Republican.
The racists are all democrats....:lol:
I like this paragraph best:

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

See, Trump can say these things:

A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured (talking about American soldiers)
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

That's who Republicans love and admire. And they hilariously claim it's Democrats who are racist.

Non racist and diverse Republicans on the right.
Racist and showing a lack of diversity on the left.

This is the GOP reality.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Didn't you get the memo from 62 million people? The race card does't work anymore. Maybe you liberals can start a war on the Easter Bunny.
Yea, I got the memo from 65 million.
By continuing to play the race card, the losing pathetic desperate left proves that the democrat party is the historic party of racism and they haven't deviated from their racist playbook in half a century.

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like: You despise in others what you see in yourself?
The utter destruction and complete collapse of the democrat party....

Hillary won 3 million more votes than Trump.

Democratic Senators won 11 million more votes than did Republicans.

You're wrong about which party is collapsing.

And yet you lost and lost BIG TIME...didn't the Indians get more hits than the Cubs in the World Series too?
I live right across the street from Wrigley Field. Don't understand the connection. I suspect if Cubs players said the racist things Trump says, they would be out.
Non racist and diverse Republicans on the right.
Racist and showing a lack of diversity on the left.

This is the GOP reality.

Both groups look segregated to me.....Hey how come universities aren't called diversities in your brave new world?
I live right across the street from Wrigley Field. Don't understand the connection. I suspect if Cubs players said the racist things Trump says, they would be out.

Hits don't decide ballgames...runs do....duh.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Positives? More jobs. Meaning then more jobs and opportunities for Minorities. The current administration promised hope, trump is going to create incentives for companies to bring it back for real, not just talk about it.
I really dont believe Republicans are any more racist than Democrats. Its mostly hype. Banning "muslims" was not about not liking muslims, it was in reference to real terrorist events happening in the world. I understand Trump is not exactly clear when he speaks but I was smart enough to figure out what he meant. As for Mexicans, I do believe its been explained many times that its not ALL Mexicans. We just don't want situations happening here that you get when you cross the border into mexico. Why don't you go live there for a while? Theres a reason Mexicans are trying to come here. It's the crime and the gangs and the corruption and the murders and the kidnappings, drug running, on and on. The focus should be on bringing Immigrants here Legally so we know who they are, otherwise your only guessing. Thats not racism, its just being responsible.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Positives? More jobs. Meaning then more jobs and opportunities for Minorities. The current administration promised hope, trump is going to create incentives for companies to bring it back for real, not just talk about it.
I really dont believe Republicans are any more racist than Democrats. Its mostly hype. Banning "muslims" was not about not liking muslims, it was in reference to real terrorist events happening in the world. I understand Trump is not exactly clear when he speaks but I was smart enough to figure out what he meant. As for Mexicans, I do believe its been explained many times that its not ALL Mexicans. We just don't want situations happening here that you get when you cross the border into mexico. Why don't you go live there for a while? Theres a reason Mexicans are trying to come here. It's the crime and the gangs and the corruption and the murders and the kidnappings, drug running, on and on. The focus should be on bringing Immigrants here Legally so we know who they are, otherwise your only guessing. Thats not racism, its just being responsible.
what jobs are you talking about? What qualifications will be needed?
The utter destruction and complete collapse of the democrat party....

Hillary won 3 million more votes than Trump.

Democratic Senators won 11 million more votes than did Republicans.

You're wrong about which party is collapsing.
No, he really is not. A quick look at the number of governmental positions that the democrats hold in national and state legislative bodies as well and executive positions paint a very dim picture for the democrats at the moment.

It is amazing that while you are bleeding massive amounts of political influence you can assuage yourself by believing the republicans are the ones that are collapsing. The willful ignorance here is breathtaking.
Has anybody figured out who this "alt-right" the liberals invented, are supposed to be yet?
Not really. The term is bullshit. You never heard it spoken before this year and suddenly it is the new buzzword on the left to degenerate anyone that disagrees.

Political discourse is getting really pathetic.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Oh, another fucking moonbat who sees racists under every bush. A moonbat who wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked his stupid ass.

Grow the fuck up you idiot. Anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't a racist. Oh and you can fuck off while you're at it. Dumbass.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Oh, another fucking moonbat who sees racists under every bush. A moonbat who wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked his stupid ass.

Grow the fuck up you idiot. Anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't a racist. Oh and you can fuck off while you're at it. Dumbass.
Racists say stuff like this:

A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured (talking about US soldier captured in combat)
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Do you know anyone who says stuff like that?
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

Oh, another fucking moonbat who sees racists under every bush. A moonbat who wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked his stupid ass.

Grow the fuck up you idiot. Anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't a racist. Oh and you can fuck off while you're at it. Dumbass.
Racists say stuff like this:

A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured (talking about US soldier captured in combat)
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Do you know anyone who says stuff like that?
racists say stuff like this^^^^^^^

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