The Skeptics Speak

Yeah I'm curious to see what they think is flawed about the 9-11 report, or the NIST report, when all they do day after day is try to defend one of the biggest conspiracy theories ever made up.

The OCT is based on a conspiracy made up of radical Islamic Jihadists hijacking planes with box cutters, who planned it on the same day as mass terrorist drills/war games. Lopsided put options on the affected airlines and insurance companies suggest some fore knowledge.
Norad officials lying to the commission suggests a cover up, as well as administration officials saying no one would have even guessed this could happen is an outright lie.
Trying to pin it on Iraq was as well. Turning down the offer to hand over OBL suggests a plan for war was in place all along.
And the PNAC members calling for a new Pearl Harbor to take over the oils resources, suggests plans were already made up
Evidence that resulted by torture is not at all accurate.
If people really think this went down the way they were told, and all the "mistakes" and "coincidences"
are normal and likely then they are stupid.
But most of those who come here defending the OCT, and NIST despite all that is against it and all those that have spoken out about it, must be assumed to be anti American disinformation trolls.
Notice how they never ever post anything that is critical of the government in their postings??

I have to wonder how often you've read the postings of the people you are speaking of outside of the CT forum?

Other than Paulitician, I don't often see the CT posters in other forums. So I can't say too much about anything other than your CT posts. I would point out, however, that someone may be critical of the government without subscribing to any of the CT's proposed in here.

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