"The Slut Walk" - Where Women Try To Be Enticing and Repulsive At The Same Time

Its a sign you should mind your own fucking business and quit trying to place YOUR value system on people who dont share YOUR value system.

Your NOT the fashion police

Women have the right to dress anyway that they please. I have the right to judge them anyway that I please. People wear certain clothing styles to make a statement about themselves. What statement are women making when they dress like a slut?

Why do women call sexy shoes CFM shoes? What statement are they making with those shoes?

So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

Nothing is wrong with high heals, I find them very sexy. When women wear them they are saying: "look at me, I'm sexy".

The problem with the slut walk is that the women are giving mixed messages. On one hand, they are saying "look at me, I am sexy". At the same time they are saying, "Don't think of me as a sex object". You can't have it both ways.
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you dont get to deside what a slut wears.

Women are NOT yours to control.

You dont own other peoples bodies or their clothes.

If you spent as much time trying to be understanding while enguaging with people as you do condeming their clothes you might find that people dress for many differeing reasons .

I dress for comfort.
you dont get to deside what a slut wears.

Women are NOT yours to control.

You dont own other peoples bodies or their clothes.

If you spent as much time trying to be understanding while enguaging with people as you do condeming their clothes you might find that people dress for many differeing reasons .

I dress for comfort.

Women can wear whatever they want. It is a free country. People can say whatever they want, it is a free country.

Clothing is a way to express yourself. Words are also a way to express yourself. Both are fair game.

No harm, no foul.
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Women have the right to dress anyway that they please. I have the right to judge them anyway that I please. People wear certain clothing styles to make a statement about themselves. What statement are women making when they dress like a slut?

Why do women call sexy shoes CFM shoes? What statement are they making with those shoes?

So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

Nothing is wrong with high heals, I find them very sexy. When women wear them they are saying: "look at me, I'm sexy".

The problem with the slut walk is that the women are giving mixed messages. On one hand, they are saying "look at me, I am sexy". At the same time they are saying, "Don't think of me as a sex object". You can't have it both ways.

What I got from it was they are saying just because they dress a certain way it doesn't mean they are asking to be raped or attacked, I don't recall any of them saying not to look at them.
So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

Nothing is wrong with high heals, I find them very sexy. When women wear them they are saying: "look at me, I'm sexy".

The problem with the slut walk is that the women are giving mixed messages. On one hand, they are saying "look at me, I am sexy". At the same time they are saying, "Don't think of me as a sex object". You can't have it both ways.

What I got from it was they are saying just because they dress a certain way it doesn't mean they are asking to be raped or attacked, I don't recall any of them saying not to look at them.

You misunderstand me. I don't think that women get raped because they wear sexy clothing. Only a depraved criminal will force himself on a woman. However, women do attract attention to themselves by dressing sexy. That is the whole point of dressing sexy.
Very sexy women dance at strip clubs. They wear very sexy outfits and then they strip completely naked. However, these women virtually never get raped at the strip club.

They are safe in this environment because they take precautions. They don't allow themselves to be alone or drunk with with someone who they don't trust completely.
Rape is a crime of opportunity. If a burka clad woman put herself in a position where she was alone with a potential rapist, she would probably get raped.

Modest clothing is NOT a defense against rape.
So you're saying jakes wrong when he said that a woman get what she deserves if she wearing slutty looking clothes?

I paraphrased but you get the point

Jake was absolutely wrong if he connected rape with slutty clothing (I don't think that he did that).

Slutty clothing is wrong for other reasons. It is a sign that a woman does not respect herself.

Jake said they get what they deserve I asked him did he think rape was OK if the woman dressed slutty
Very sexy women dance at strip clubs. They wear very sexy outfits and then they strip completely naked. However, these women virtually never get raped at the strip club.

They are safe in this environment because they take precautions. They don't allow themselves to be alone or drunk with with someone who they don't trust completely.

Dude how many stripe clubs have you been too? Not everyone of the women that work their are sexy.:lol:
Very sexy women dance at strip clubs. They wear very sexy outfits and then they strip completely naked. However, these women virtually never get raped at the strip club.

They are safe in this environment because they take precautions. They don't allow themselves to be alone or drunk with with someone who they don't trust completely.

Well strip clubs have security up the ass, you get thrown out on your face if you even think about acting up in those places.
This is an old story from last year, but I thought that it would be worth reporting.

The basic message that you get from the from the sexily dressed women at the Slut Walk is - "What are you looking at pervert?". They seem to be saying saying - "look at me" and "don't look at me" simultaneously.

Everything about the woman at the Slut walk is contradictory. The First Thing You Need to Know: SlutWalk is a protest against something that doesn't exist. We're all supposed to be angry that society blames the victim for being raped. This rarely happens in today's America.

The SlutWalk is a set of mutually contradictory statements and attitudes that all cancel each other out and make no logical sense. For example, they are against women being used as sex objects, yet they are in favor of legalizing prostitution.

These women are liberals first and feminists second. Implicit in much of the SlutWalk verbiage is that cops and "men" and "conservatives" and "Christians" and "right-wingers" are all pro-rape to some degree, and that only STRONG! FEMINIST! WOMEN! truly oppose rape.

Click on the link to see the absurd pictorial article about the San Francisco SlutWalk: Deconstructing SlutWalk: San Francisco, August 6, 2011

gee now your all nice about this now huh?

The purpose of this slut walk was to explode the heads if unthinking fools.

it worked
This is an old story from last year, but I thought that it would be worth reporting.

The basic message that you get from the from the sexily dressed women at the Slut Walk is - "What are you looking at pervert?". They seem to be saying saying - "look at me" and "don't look at me" simultaneously.

Everything about the woman at the Slut walk is contradictory. The First Thing You Need to Know: SlutWalk is a protest against something that doesn't exist. We're all supposed to be angry that society blames the victim for being raped. This rarely happens in today's America.

The SlutWalk is a set of mutually contradictory statements and attitudes that all cancel each other out and make no logical sense. For example, they are against women being used as sex objects, yet they are in favor of legalizing prostitution.

These women are liberals first and feminists second. Implicit in much of the SlutWalk verbiage is that cops and "men" and "conservatives" and "Christians" and "right-wingers" are all pro-rape to some degree, and that only STRONG! FEMINIST! WOMEN! truly oppose rape.

Click on the link to see the absurd pictorial article about the San Francisco SlutWalk: Deconstructing SlutWalk: San Francisco, August 6, 2011

gee now your all nice about this now huh?

The purpose of this slut walk was to explode the heads if unthinking fools.

it worked

Where has my message changed? My original message was about the contradictory messages from the liberal feminist women at the slut walk. I have remained consistent with this message. They dress sexy to get attention and then they say, "what are you looking at pervert"

People on this thread have called me and others "rapists and perverts" because we like looking at sexy women. We like looking at sexy women because we fantasize about having sex with them and they know it. That is why they dress sexy.
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Its funny we are here complaining about sluts, if we were men living in a Muslim country we would be begging and pleading for women with the come fuck me shoes and the mini skirts with no panties.
Its a sign you should mind your own fucking business and quit trying to place YOUR value system on people who dont share YOUR value system.

Your NOT the fashion police

Women have the right to dress anyway that they please. I have the right to judge them anyway that I please. People wear certain clothing styles to make a statement about themselves. What statement are women making when they dress like a slut?

Why do women call sexy shoes CFM shoes? What statement are they making with those shoes?

So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

I used to love to "sex up" a nun's outfit on Halloween.
Women have the right to dress anyway that they please. I have the right to judge them anyway that I please. People wear certain clothing styles to make a statement about themselves. What statement are women making when they dress like a slut?

Why do women call sexy shoes CFM shoes? What statement are they making with those shoes?

So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

I used to love to "sex up" a nun's outfit on Halloween.

There was a female bartender who had the sexiest Nuns outfit I ever seen in Richmond Virginia when I lived there, the Nun outfit can be very hot.
So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

I used to love to "sex up" a nun's outfit on Halloween.

There was a female bartender who had the sexiest Nuns outfit I ever seen in Richmond Virginia when I lived there, the Nun outfit can be very hot.

And as an ex-catholic, it is wicked fun. I think of it as a payback to the nun's like Sister Mary Mengele, (Larry David), in the Three Stooges.
Women have the right to dress anyway that they please. I have the right to judge them anyway that I please. People wear certain clothing styles to make a statement about themselves. What statement are women making when they dress like a slut?

Why do women call sexy shoes CFM shoes? What statement are they making with those shoes?

So what you want our women to wear burkas or something? whats wrong with a sexy pair of heels?

I used to love to "sex up" a nun's outfit on Halloween.

It is despicable to mock Christianity. Shame on you.
Its funny we are here complaining about sluts, if we were men living in a Muslim country we would be begging and pleading for women with the come fuck me shoes and the mini skirts with no panties.

If you were in a Muslim country, you could rape women with virtual impunity. Is that what you want?
Its funny we are here complaining about sluts, if we were men living in a Muslim country we would be begging and pleading for women with the come fuck me shoes and the mini skirts with no panties.

If you were in a Muslim country, you could rape women with virtual impunity. Is that what you want?

Fuck no.

I wouldn't be begging for women with CFM shoes and no panties. All I would want is one good woman who is faithful to me.
If you were in a Muslim country, you could rape women with virtual impunity. Is that what you want?

Fuck no.

I wouldn't be begging for women with CFM shoes and no panties. All I would want is one good woman who is faithful to me.

You say that now, if all the women in the US Turned into Mother Teresa today and we all stopped getting laid men would start acting wierd and doing strange things, I've seen it before on deployment, men who aren't getting laid are strange. Stop complaining about the "slutty" women and enjoy life, better to live this way instead of fucking the live stock.

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