The smartest family in Britain is black

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

I recall a discussion regarding IQ testing at a social function that I attended last year, and two of the people that i was talking to held Doctorates in Human Behavior, and one was a clinical psychologist.

It was his contention that different circuits within the brain are used for different thought processes, and that recent research has shown separate tests of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal skills are needed to measure someone's overall intelligence. It was a theory, but it made sense.

Case in point, idiots like Shootspeeders and his other cartoon pals repeatedly post the same drivel day in and day out, but demonstrate no reasoning or verbal skills. Just copy and pasting parrots, incapable of expressing any original thoughts.

That theory is plausible. Consider too that certain American born groups have been bombarded since birth with overt and subliminal messages carrying the theme that they are inferior. Others, have experienced opposite signals whereas all the best in society is geared towards them and their well being! The poorest whites sense this racial and social dichotomy most acutely. And it is the poor whites who seem most resentful of Black success because they truly believe someone gave the aspiring Black something that they should have!

Absolutely, as evidenced by some of the ignorant dreck here that always seem to integrate the term "we" into their statements when speaking of the accomplishments of others. As if they personally played a pivotal role in whatever accomplishment that they speak of.

To the racists out there, anything Blacks accomplish is marginalized. Here is a prime example:


Good info. You are correct. And the part of your statement which is underlined is really the bottom line.

What is so amazing about that fact is that the small fraction of the population that controls the majority of the worlds wealth, would most likely harbor the same low regard for a poor white from Appalachia and a poor black from South Central Los Angeles.

When Mitt Romney made his "47%" gaff during the presidential campaign he was expressing genuine sentiments, but way too many idiots out there did not get it.

It went right over their empty heads that the real division in this country is class, not race.
LOL Speedos is really a dummy wow.....You do white people proud..

HAHAHA. The board notes all you white-haters have is name-calling. Must really suck to be full of hate. HAHA

There are no "white haters" posting in this thread, but there are quite a few who appear to have very little tolerance for your abject stupidity.
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition![/QUOTE]

you say the correct words but you dont seem to understand them!

individuals of any race can be anywhere along the spectrum of intelligence from dull to bright. we should judge individuals by their characteristics, like MLKjr said.

the point in bringing up group averages (of intelligence, criminality, etc) is to counter claims made on, you guessed it, group averages. when social disparities are blamed on racism it is only fair to point out that there are other factors involved that are most likely to be more important. like intelligence and culture.

just out of curiosity...what parent could allow their children to be undernourished in a country with welfare, foodstamps, and free school meals? do you consider it the parent's fault or society's?

With all due respect, my post to Aristotle was not meant to be a gateway for another discussion on poverty in America. Doing so would be an unforgivable distraction from a topic that is long overdue.

On a more personal note, in addressing your comment about me not understanding what I write,: That is just your misguided opinion. I never write anything I don't understand. You may not agree with my narratives, but I assure you they are usually backed by objective research or personal experience

Now,if we could get back to the main title and stay there, it would be greatly appreciated.

you were the one who diverged from the OP. you implied that environmental and societal conditions were more important than native intelligence when taking an IQ test. that has been shown false for all but the most extreme cases that would be correctly called abuse in western societies. which I implied when I asked you whether poor nutrition (to the point of impairing mental function) should be blamed on the parent when there are numerous ways to attain food and other types of neccesities in our society.

the twins in the OP are obviously bright, and benefitted from the mathematical culture of their older siblings. if they were not bright they would not have caught on. without previous sibling success and encouragement they would not have known what to try out for.

one of the reasons that you find academic and/or atheletic success runs in families is obviously genetics. another reason is family culture that accelerates the learning curve and demonstrates actions that may not even be thought possible by outsiders.
With all due respect, my post to Aristotle was not meant to be a gateway for another discussion on poverty in America. Doing so would be an unforgivable distraction from a topic that is long overdue.

On a more personal note, in addressing your comment about me not understanding what I write,: That is just your misguided opinion. I never write anything I don't understand. You may not agree with my narratives, but I assure you they are usually backed by objective research or personal experience

Now,if we could get back to the main title and stay there, it would be greatly appreciated.[/quote]

IanC said:
you were the one who diverged from the OP. you implied that environmental and societal conditions were more important than native intelligence when taking an IQ test.
NO. I implied nothing of the sort. I simply noted that societal and environmental factors played a role in cognitive development just as access to proper nutrition does. You do realize that the phrase" played a role" has some significance in that narrative, don't you?

that has been shown false for all but the most extreme cases that would be correctly called abuse in western societies. which I implied when I asked you whether poor nutrition (to the point of impairing mental function) should be blamed on the parent when there are numerous ways to attain food and other types of neccesities in our society.
Shown false by whom? Your sunday school class? I am not going there in this thread. That old Troll trap is not going to work this time!

the twins in the OP are obviously bright, and benefitted from the mathematical culture of their older siblings. if they were not bright they would not have caught on. without previous sibling success and encouragement they would not have known what to try out for.

Well, you have stumbled back on topic so I will respond. Once again your logic is flawed.
The twin's exceptional cognitive traits might or might not have been influenced entirely by sibling rivalry. In this case, environment and opportunity likely were key features in stimulating their genetic potential, just as those components triggered similar responses in their older siblings.

one of the reasons that you find academic and/or atheletic success runs in families is obviously genetics. another reason is family culture that accelerates the learning curve and demonstrates actions that may not even be thought possible by outsiders.

Granted, genetics does play a part in any human proclivities, physical and mental. But your suggestion that the pairing of two bright parents is going to always produce bright offspring has little merit. Conversely, two dull parents do not always produce dull children. Heritability is far more complex than you have posited here. Reason being that each of us has a plethora of ancestral genetic traits produced by thousands of pairings between bright
primogenitors and dull primogenitors. whatever causes one gene to dominate over another, whether it be a contributor to mental acuity or not, is an unpredictable phenomenon.
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found one
This story has been around for awhile but it is only the tip of the African scholastic iceberg. Ever since 1994, statistical evidence has shown that African immigrants were performing at academic levels above and beyond all ethnic groups on 2 continents. Amazingly, African immigrants are not only the highest educated group in Britain, there's plenty of evidence to support reports they have climbed to the top of the academic ladder in the United States as well.

If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?
I have ignored this quote from Shootspeeds because it seemed at first to be trolling. I come to realize that instead it underlines the level of negative information about Africa that is so prolific in American media. Although top magazines like Newsweek and Time, have documented evidence to the contrary, the general populace is continually bombarded with negative imagery concerning Africa. Shootspeeder has provided me the opportunity to contradict his biased world view of Africa.

the daily beast said:
In the past, Americans may not have connected with Africa much at all; perhaps a friend who was in the Peace Corps or a donation to a celebrity charity. Media coverage has largely been a stream of poverty, war, or corruption, with an occasional safari. But new developments, largely in the business sphere, are changing that narrative rapidly. The simplest breakdown: Africa is growing, Africa is modernizing, Africa is the next consumer market, and Africa’s influence is rising.

Africa Is Rising: Inside the Continent?s Great Economic Leap - The Daily Beast
If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

I have ignored this quote from Shootspeeds because it seemed at first to be trolling. I come to realize that instead it underlines the level of negative information about Africa that is so prolific in American media. Although top magazines like Newsweek and Time, have documented evidence to the contrary, the general populace is continually bombarded with negative imagery concerning Africa. Shootspeeder has provided me the opportunity to contradict his biased world view of Africa.

But it's true - africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet. Even South Africa, which was made into a first world country by whites, is now collapsing since blacks have taken over. I didn't make this world.
If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

I have ignored this quote from Shootspeeds because it seemed at first to be trolling. I come to realize that instead it underlines the level of negative information about Africa that is so prolific in American media. Although top magazines like Newsweek and Time, have documented evidence to the contrary, the general populace is continually bombarded with negative imagery concerning Africa. Shootspeeder has provided me the opportunity to contradict his biased world view of Africa.

But it's true - africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet. Even South Africa, which was made into a first world country by whites, is now collapsing since blacks have taken over. I didn't make this world.
I rest my case.
[It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

Not ALL American born blacks are at the bottom of such tests. Thererin lies the error of your diabolical campaign. Some are undoubtedly excelling despite what statistics on the group as a whole show. .

Stop knocking down a straw man, you nitiwit. No one says ALL blacks are dumb. Of course some are smart. But on average whites are smarter than blacks and the evidence is overwhelming.
If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

On stormfront (aka stormfag), they are now debating that white people have higher iqs than Asians and used outdated sources. Just like shootspeeders, when they are asked on what do they do for a living, they don't answer. They simply say they feel pride because of their ancestry. I bet their ancestors wouldn't like how they came out.

Now that you mentioned it I sadly haven't heard of stormfront until I came here.

Its a white nationalist site bent on white supremacy. I am sure they believe a lot of stupid things you and I consider idiotic.
If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!


Its funny I know one white guy who is in my class who is a super smart person academically. I asked him about whether he knows about this website. He said he didn't and he got pissed at me thinking that I believe he wastes his time "blogging to nothingness."
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

I never met a white peson who scored higher than me on the GRE
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

I never met a white peson who scored higher than me on the GRE

Shoot speeders, show me proof that the "average white" is smarter than an "average black" normally. I bet your just going to show some biased source iq test crap. In fact, what does "smarter" to you mean? Oh and can you prove how YOUR smarter than the average black?
This story has been around for awhile but it is only the tip of the African scholastic iceberg. Ever since 1994, statistical evidence has shown that African immigrants were performing at academic levels above and beyond all ethnic groups on 2 continents. Amazingly, African immigrants are not only the highest educated group in Britain, there's plenty of evidence to support reports they have climbed to the top of the academic ladder in the United States as well.

If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

IQ tests are not a reliable measure of intelligence. They are biased in reference to culture, things such as cultural perspective and language, things that affect how one views and understands reality. The past's crushing and destruction of African cultures by European empires is very much one reason why current day Africa is so messed up. Look at the American Indian cultures and see how destroyed they were. It is no different than what happened to native African cultures. Hundreds of years of European imperialism has caused immeasurable destruction all over the continent. We have no idea how Africa would have evolved had there been no European imperalism.

It is interesting to me that people are surprised black people are just as smart as everyone else. There is not genetic difference in races that gives one race a higher level of intelligence. What we see when we try to measure or assess intelligence is in culture, not in genetics. The Asians may seem to be smarter, but it is based on a cultural perspective that pushes childen to attain high grades in school. Their ideals are about getting high scholastic success, and they do so by bullying their children and forcing them down narrow avenues of reality. In those cultures, individualism and creativity are lacking. There is a downside to the push for high scores in standardized tests. If the world were completely popluated by people who thought strictly the way Asian cultures dictate, we would be in a whole mess of trouble. Not saying Asian cultures are all bad, but that we need balance. Without creativity and individualism, all the concrete knowledge in the world isn't going to make life great for anyone. You need both.
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For those who want to talk about the changes taking place in Africa stay focused and don't allow the trolls to divert your attention away from the dawning of a new economic powerhouse. People who hate Africa and Africans don't want you to bask in the glow of Africa's rebirth. They want to hang onto those old images of poverty, pestilence and chaos that has ravaged the continent for hundreds of years. We post the truth and they ignore it. They don't even want to read it because it causes them pain. They are much more comfortable touting statistics generated by whites to make white people feel good about themselves as are the IQ tests.

But the Africa of yesterday is rapidly vanishing. The west seemed to have lost interest in Africa after European colonialism failed. The attitude was that the people of Africa were backward and would never be capable of hosting an industrial base without whites to supervise and manage it. For those who have been following the positive points in this thread, you know that a number of African countries are rising
economically and socially. Africans with high cognitive ability are emerging in significant numbers and, shockingly , are venturing abroad where they are defying all odds and are out achieving the highly touted Asians in academia, as a group, in the most highly regarded learning institutions the West has to offer.

The ramifications are sobering. Historians, anthropologists and others who had heretofore literally written Africa out of history will have to rethink the biased works of their 19th and 20th century counterparts. The GENES OF THE BRIGHTEST AFRICANS, finding the right environment, are re-surging and giving pause to those western scholars who tried to disassociate Black Africans from Egypt. Some decried the natives as being too primitive to have started that great African civilization, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Now, with a cognitive renaissance taking place, for whatever reason, that view too must be revisited and examined thoroughly. Welcome to the 21st Century Africa!
Africa is expected to host more than half of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies of 2012 (Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Mozambique) according to the IMF. In fact, 10 of the African Union’s 54 states have a GDP per capita higher than China. Today, Africa’s collective GDP, at US$1.6 trillion, is equal to Brazil. Renaissance Capital, the investment bank, projects economic output could reach US$3.3 trillion by 2016, if the region as a whole grows by 10 per cent per annum. Citibank’s projections show that Africa’s share of the world’s output will rise from 4 per cent in 2010 to 7 per cent by 2030 and 12 per cent in 2050.
Shoot speeders, show me proof that the "average white" is smarter than an "average black" normally. I bet your just going to show some biased source iq test crap. In fact, what does "smarter" to you mean? Oh and can you prove how YOUR smarter than the average black?

All the standardized tests support the claim that blacks are mentally inferior. Have someone read you "The Bell Curve". Now lets see you provide evidence blacks are mentally equal to whites.

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