The smartest family in Britain is black

Africa is expected to host more than half of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies of 2012 (Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Mozambique) according to the IMF. In fact, 10 of the African Union’s 54 states have a GDP per capita higher than China. Today, Africa’s collective GDP, at US$1.6 trillion, is equal to Brazil. Renaissance Capital, the investment bank, projects economic output could reach US$3.3 trillion by 2016, if the region as a whole grows by 10 per cent per annum. Citibank’s projections show that Africa’s share of the world’s output will rise from 4 per cent in 2010 to 7 per cent by 2030 and 12 per cent in 2050.

Fast growing economy is not the same as advanced economy. You say africa's GDP is $1.6 trillion . With a billion people that comes out to $,1600 per capita compared to america and yurp at $45,000!!! They are hopelessly behind.

Rhodesia used to be first world and still would be if whites were in power. But they renamed themselves zimbabwe and terrorized the whites into leaving and now their per capita GDP is $700.
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For those who want to talk about the changes taking place in Africa stay focused and don't allow the trolls to divert your attention away from the dawning of a new economic powerhouse. People who hate Africa and Africans don't want you to bask in the glow of Africa's rebirth. They want to hang onto those old images of poverty, pestilence and chaos that has ravaged the continent for hundreds of years. We post the truth and they ignore it. They don't even want to read it because it causes them pain. They are much more comfortable touting statistics generated by whites to make white people feel good about themselves as are the IQ tests.

But the Africa of yesterday is rapidly vanishing. The west seemed to have lost interest in Africa after European colonialism failed. The attitude was that the people of Africa were backward and would never be capable of hosting an industrial base without whites to supervise and manage it. For those who have been following the positive points in this thread, you know that a number of African countries are rising
economically and socially. Africans with high cognitive ability are emerging in significant numbers and, shockingly , are venturing abroad where they are defying all odds and are out achieving the highly touted Asians in academia, as a group, in the most highly regarded learning institutions the West has to offer.

The ramifications are sobering. Historians, anthropologists and others who had heretofore literally written Africa out of history will have to rethink the biased works of their 19th and 20th century counterparts. The GENES OF THE BRIGHTEST AFRICANS, finding the right environment, are re-surging and giving pause to those western scholars who tried to disassociate Black Africans from Egypt. Some decried the natives as being too primitive to have started that great African civilization, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Now, with a cognitive renaissance taking place, for whatever reason, that view too must be revisited and examined thoroughly. Welcome to the 21st Century Africa!

So why don't they do it.? Why doesn't africa become a first world continent? All we ever hear about is the future of africa but the present is always abysmal poverty.
Shoot speeders, show me proof that the "average white" is smarter than an "average black" normally. I bet your just going to show some biased source iq test crap. In fact, what does "smarter" to you mean? Oh and can you prove how YOUR smarter than the average black?

All the standardized tests support the claim that blacks are mentally inferior. Have someone read you "The Bell Curve". Now lets see you provide evidence blacks are mentally equal to whites.

The black family in the article are a damn sight smarter than 95% of the white people on this planet, so what say you about that?
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

Not ALL American born blacks are at the bottom of such tests. Thererin lies the error of your diabolical campaign. Some are undoubtedly excelling despite what statistics on the group as a whole show. But this thread is about Black African immigrants, not native born Blacks. According to the links I posted, Black African immigrants ,as a group, are outperforming everybody including the Asians.

why are you making a strawman? no one is saying that all whites are smarter than all blacks. no one is saying that there are no bright, talented and qualified blacks.

what is being said is that individuals of any race tend to perform at a level predicted by their intelligence, whether measured or not. this correlation becomes stronger and stronger as you look at larger and larger groups. if anything, blacks tend to under perform their intelligence, presumably due to culture but perhaps due to measurement error that leads to regression to the mean, which is higher overall than the black mean.

because the black average intelligence is lower they have fewer options to take advantage of educational and training opportunities which leads to lower SES. intelligence is a much stronger factor in determining SES than SES influencing intelligence. even within families the smarter sibling will tend to be more successful. while intelligence is not the only factor it is a very strong one.
Shoot speeders, show me proof that the "average white" is smarter than an "average black" normally. I bet your just going to show some biased source iq test crap. In fact, what does "smarter" to you mean? Oh and can you prove how YOUR smarter than the average black?

All the standardized tests support the claim that blacks are mentally inferior. Have someone read you "The Bell Curve". Now lets see you provide evidence blacks are mentally equal to whites.

The black family in the article are a damn sight smarter than 95% of the white people on this planet, so what say you about that?

being in the top 5% is not really that exceptional but I understand the point you are trying to make.

I remember reading an education paper years ago that stated that the top 5% of grade five students were more advanced than the bottom 40% of grade twelve students, as measured by SAT scores and even more so in english comprehension and writing.
The black family in the article are a damn sight smarter than 95% of the white people on this planet, so what say you about that?

HAHAHA. Even if true, it doesn't prove anything, you nitiwit. Everyone agrees there are smart blacks and dumb whites. But on average whites are much smarter and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK

How can I provide proof for someone I've never met.

then prove any white person scored lower

it is really quite amazing how so many blacks on message boards are top scorers and over achievers.

I remember one woman from MSN who not only was a doctor but head of her hospital dept, had perfect SATs, ran her own free clinic, had a brother in Mensa, etc. and yet still had the time and inclination to spend hours a day on a message board?! I suppose it could have been true.
Nothing different than a white guy on yuku who said he was a skilled carpenter and his aunt is a multi millionaire and that he gets a lot of girls but likes to rage over animal debates for hours a day.
Nothing different than a white guy on yuku who said he was a skilled carpenter and his aunt is a multi millionaire and that he gets a lot of girls but likes to rage over animal debates for hours a day.

that is not really true, is it? nothing special in being a carpenter, or having an aunt that is a millionaire. on the other hand it is pretty rare to have an old scale 1600 SAT and the time demands on a doctor (in her 50s or 40s implied by a teenage daughter) are excessive. for any race individual.
Britain's Brainiest Family is Black and Has 9-Year-Old High School-Bound Twins
By Ruth Manuel-Logan on Mar 2nd 2010 12:09PM
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Paula and Peter Imafidon are just like any other 9-year-olds. They love laughing, playing on the computer and fighting with each other. What sets these twins apart from their peers, though, is that they are, hands down, prodigies who are about to enter high school and make British history as the youngest to do so.
Watch Paula and Peter, who were 8 at the time, share their braininess here:

These precocious London-based tykes, known as the "Wonder Twins," floored academics a year ago when they aced University of Cambridge's advanced mathematics exam. They are the youngest students to ever pass the test.
The future little scholars' father, Chris, and mother, Ann, immigrated to Britain from Nigeria more than 30 years ago and have actually been down this prodigy route before with their three older children, who are also overachievers.
The couple's oldest daughter, Anne-Marie, is now 20, but at age 13, she won a British government scholarship to take undergraduate courses at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Christiana, 17, their other daughter, is the youngest student ever to study at the undergraduate level in any British University at the age of 11. Youngest daughter, Samantha, now 12, passed two rigorous high school–level mathematics and statistics exams at the age of 6. She mentored the twins to pass their own math secondary school test when they were also 6.
Even with all of this, the proud dad denies that there is any particular genius in his family. He does credit his children's success to the Excellence in Education program for disadvantaged inner-city youth. "Every child is a genius," he said. "Once you identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that will nurture that talent, then the sky is the limit. Look at Tiger Woods or the Williams sisters -- they were nurtured. You can never rule anything out with them. The competition between the two of them makes them excel in anything they do."
The darling duo are competitive to say the least, and this is what fuels them to out-achieve each other. Paula said, "I am excited to pass, but I should have got higher than Peter."
As far as career paths Paula says she wants to be a math teacher, while Peter aspires to be prime minister one day.
All it takes is a dream....
most intelligent family ?? so the combined intelligence of mother,father,and children is the highest in the country ??
What does their being black have to do with the achievements? If they weren't black would they still be high achievers?
What does their being black have to do with the achievements? If they weren't black would they still be high achievers?

if they were white or asian they would still be high achievers but not really newsworthy. Im pretty sure we could find another math prodigy with more outstanding results.

I never met a white peson who scored higher than me on the GRE

And i never met a white person who scored lower on the GRE than MLK did. I started a thread last year on his GRE scores. As i remember he had 350 on the verbal and 270(!!!) on the math when he took it in 1951. Prolly the lowest scores on record. HAHA

MLK was a dummy and would have never gotten a PHD except he was black.

it is really quite amazing how so many blacks on message boards are top scorers and over achievers.

I remember one woman from MSN who not only was a doctor but head of her hospital dept, had perfect SATs, ran her own free clinic, had a brother in Mensa, etc. and yet still had the time and inclination to spend hours a day on a message board?! I suppose it could have been true.

Yes blacks on the internet are always crowing about their make-believe accomplishments. If they really were intelligent they wouldn't care what others thought of them.

it is really quite amazing how so many blacks on message boards are top scorers and over achievers.

I remember one woman from MSN who not only was a doctor but head of her hospital dept, had perfect SATs, ran her own free clinic, had a brother in Mensa, etc. and yet still had the time and inclination to spend hours a day on a message board?! I suppose it could have been true.

Yes blacks on the internet are always crowing about their make-believe accomplishments. If they really were intelligent they wouldn't care what others thought of them.

And if white people were so intelligent, they wouldn't need to explain it. And you just contradicted yourself. You try to make yourself seem all godly and wise when really, you are a loser. You are not smarter than anyone regardless of race. Yours posts and attitudes have shown this.

Let me guess. "HAHA. You have no argument and have to resort to personal insults!" Well isn't that what you try to do? Making blacks look stupid? You are very pathetic. Get off the site forever.
Yes blacks on the internet are always crowing about their make-believe accomplishments. If they really were intelligent they wouldn't care what others thought of them.

And if white people were so intelligent, they wouldn't need to explain it. And you just contradicted yourself. You try to make yourself seem all godly and wise when really, you are a loser. You are not smarter than anyone regardless of race. Yours posts and attitudes have shown this.

Let me guess. "HAHA. You have no argument and have to resort to personal insults!" Well isn't that what you try to do? Making blacks look stupid? You are very pathetic. Get off the site forever.

HAHAHA. Did i infuriate you again.? I love watching loony libs go ballistic.

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