The smartest family in Britain is black

Yes blacks on the internet are always crowing about their make-believe accomplishments. If they really were intelligent they wouldn't care what others thought of them.

And if white people were so intelligent, they wouldn't need to explain it. And you just contradicted yourself. You try to make yourself seem all godly and wise when really, you are a loser. You are not smarter than anyone regardless of race. Yours posts and attitudes have shown this.

Let me guess. "HAHA. You have no argument and have to resort to personal insults!" Well isn't that what you try to do? Making blacks look stupid? You are very pathetic. Get off the site forever.

HAHAHA. Did i infuriate you again.? I love watching loony libs go ballistic.

Wow I should have known you were a troll. Go back to 4chan or 9gag you idiot.
Shitshisspeedos still won't tell us what his advanced degree is in. He is a coward and a weakling.
Nothing different than a white guy on yuku who said he was a skilled carpenter and his aunt is a multi millionaire and that he gets a lot of girls but likes to rage over animal debates for hours a day.

that is not really true, is it? nothing special in being a carpenter, or having an aunt that is a millionaire. on the other hand it is pretty rare to have an old scale 1600 SAT and the time demands on a doctor (in her 50s or 40s implied by a teenage daughter) are excessive. for any race individual.

Still at it eh? IanC, you dare to criticize others for spending too much time on these boards when you practically LIVE here!

BTW, Carpentry IS something special! The doctor wouldn't have a nice place to stay without one! Further, Carpenters are no dummies. Their mathematical calculations in daily operations can require some heavy thinking. The IQ necessary to be a Carpenter is likely to be above average and probably exceeds your own by at least one standard deviation!

One more thing! Jesus was a carpenter! Not a doctor!
Shoot speeders, show me proof that the "average white" is smarter than an "average black" normally. I bet your just going to show some biased source iq test crap. In fact, what does "smarter" to you mean? Oh and can you prove how YOUR smarter than the average black?

All the standardized tests support the claim that blacks are mentally inferior. Have someone read you "The Bell Curve". Now lets see you provide evidence blacks are mentally equal to whites.

And just how did you verify that CLAIM? Did you pore over reams of scientific data to positively come to your erroneous conclusion or did you just copy it from your favorite racist website? But to add to your disgusting repertoire of slanted facts, you bring up the infamous work of Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein. The Bell curve has been discredited so thoroughly by reputable scholars that I burned my copy long ago. You should do the same. How can you cling to that POS when it attempts to place a cognitive ceiling on the intelligence of Blacks everywhere; a ceiling that has long since been raised by the blackest of Africans themselves. Astonishingly, that ceiling is turing into an intellectual high rise in the midst of London and Boston among other places!
Africa is expected to host more than half of the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies of 2012 (Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Mozambique) according to the IMF. In fact, 10 of the African Union’s 54 states have a GDP per capita higher than China. Today, Africa’s collective GDP, at US$1.6 trillion, is equal to Brazil. Renaissance Capital, the investment bank, projects economic output could reach US$3.3 trillion by 2016, if the region as a whole grows by 10 per cent per annum. Citibank’s projections show that Africa’s share of the world’s output will rise from 4 per cent in 2010 to 7 per cent by 2030 and 12 per cent in 2050.

Fast growing economy is not the same as advanced economy. You say africa's GDP is $1.6 trillion . With a billion people that comes out to $,1600 per capita compared to america and yurp at $45,000!!! They are hopelessly behind.

Rhodesia used to be first world and still would be if whites were in power. But they renamed themselves zimbabwe and terrorized the whites into leaving and now their per capita GDP is $700.

23 million poor American whites might disagree with your $45,000 per capita distortion!
If you didn't know that most of the wealth of the USA is held by the top 1%... that makes your statistical "facts" little more than eyewash for your fellow trolls!

Per Capita GDP? do you even know what that means?
It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

Not ALL American born blacks are at the bottom of such tests. Thererin lies the error of your diabolical campaign. Some are undoubtedly excelling despite what statistics on the group as a whole show. But this thread is about Black African immigrants, not native born Blacks. According to the links I posted, Black African immigrants ,as a group, are outperforming everybody including the Asians.

why are you making a strawman? no one is saying that all whites are smarter than all blacks. no one is saying that there are no bright, talented and qualified blacks.

Can you pause for a moment and ponder the reason “not all whites are smarter than all Blacks?”Why do you suppose that is? For that matter why aren’t all Asians smarter than all Blacks OR whites? Applying your logic, Asians should rule the world, not whites. After all their supposed “superior” intellect should have produced the atomic bomb before those inferior whites did.

what is being said is that individuals of any race tend to perform at a level predicted by their intelligence, whether measured or not. this correlation becomes stronger and stronger as you look at larger and larger groups.

I strongly disagree. China and India are the most populous regions on the planet yet the
numerically challenged Brits dominated and pillaged both countries with impunity! Why didn’t the superior intelligence of those Asian giants keep that from occurring?

f anything, blacks tend to under perform their intelligence, presumably due to culture but perhaps due to measurement error that leads to regression to the mean, which is higher overall than the black mean.

Unh huh! Just like those Asian Indians and Chinese who were conquered by those intellectually “inferior” Europeans. LOL!

because the black average intelligence is lower they have fewer options to take advantage of educational and training opportunities which leads to lower SES. intelligence is a much stronger factor in determining SES than SES influencing intelligence. even within families the smarter sibling will tend to be more successful. while intelligence is not the only factor it is a very strong one.

well, those "smart" Asian Indians and Chinese had a low SES until the Brits beat em up and made them do their bidding. Now they are finally coming around...slowly, but they are...and, the Africans are following suit...
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Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.
Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

Yes I have heard of the Dogon and their remarkable powers of perception. One tradition has it that some of them have such ocular acuity that they can observe the craters on the moon with their naked eyes!
How can I provide proof for someone I've never met.

then prove any white person scored lower

it is really quite amazing how so many blacks on message boards are top scorers and over achievers.

I remember one woman from MSN who not only was a doctor but head of her hospital dept, had perfect SATs, ran her own free clinic, had a brother in Mensa, etc. and yet still had the time and inclination to spend hours a day on a message board?! I suppose it could have been true.

Me thinks you didn't get my logic
Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

One of the female genital mutilation tribes? Yep, heard of them. They still live mostly in caves and the reason they can "see" some distant stars is that in their religion they believe they were taught by ET's.
Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

One of the female genital mutilation tribes? Yep, heard of them. They still live mostly in caves and the reason they can "see" some distant stars is that in their religion they believe they were taught by ET's.
I detest the rite of female circumcision but male circumcision is a good thing!

However, your mocking of their religious beliefs because they believe in an ET is no different than the millions of Christians and Muslims who believe in an ET named Jehovah or ALLAH!
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Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

One of the female genital mutilation tribes? Yep, heard of them. They still live mostly in caves and the reason they can "see" some distant stars is that in their religion they believe they were taught by ET's.
I detest the rite of female circumcision but male circumcision is a good thing!

However, your mocking of their religious beliefs because they believe in an ET is no different than the millions of Christians and Muslims who believe in an ET named Jehovah or ALLAH!

I'm no friend to Christian or Muslim relgions either.
Having great eyesight is no indicator of great intelligence. It has been theorized that the Neaderthals had such a highly developed visual area of their brains that they didn't develop the other areas that gave modern humans the leg up on them.
One of the female genital mutilation tribes? Yep, heard of them. They still live mostly in caves and the reason they can "see" some distant stars is that in their religion they believe they were taught by ET's.
I detest the rite of female circumcision but male circumcision is a good thing!

However, your mocking of their religious beliefs because they believe in an ET is no different than the millions of Christians and Muslims who believe in an ET named Jehovah or ALLAH!

I'm no friend to Christian or Muslim relgions either.

You're gonna run out of friends pretty fast!
I detest the rite of female circumcision but male circumcision is a good thing!

However, your mocking of their religious beliefs because they believe in an ET is no different than the millions of Christians and Muslims who believe in an ET named Jehovah or ALLAH!

I'm no friend to Christian or Muslim relgions either.

You're gonna run out of friends pretty fast!

Maybe so, maybe so. When I speak of religous people I generally talk about the fundamental religous from either religion. I've no problem with your typical "awe-shucks" followers of any religion. It's the loonie fundies when they get preachy, blow up towers, or try to force their beliefs into my school system that I have a problem with.

Joe Christian Down the block is cool.
Mahmoud Abdoul Raouf the Muslim is cool too.
So too are the Buddhist and Mormoms, but get fanatical and we all have a problem.
The Dogons have a drawing of a spaceship coming to earth and giving them the information. I suppose its possible. Regardless, they were very intelligent people and they were African.
Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

Yes I have heard of the Dogon and their remarkable powers of perception. One tradition has it that some of them have such ocular acuity that they can observe the craters on the moon with their naked eyes!


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Have you ever heard of the African Tribe called the Dogons? They were extremely intelligent people who knew about the constellations, the cells in your body, and others. I recommend you look it up.

Yes I have heard of the Dogon and their remarkable powers of perception. One tradition has it that some of them have such ocular acuity that they can observe the craters on the moon with their naked eyes!

You got a problem with my eyes, sucka LOL!~
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

I never met a white peson who scored higher than me on the GRE

you say I dont get your logic in this response. why? is it a trick? is a peson different than a person? perhaps you never took the GRE so you think there can be no comparison?

or are you just implying that you got the max therefore no one could score higher? I really dont see a high level of intellect in your writing but maybe you are just dumbing things down so that we mortals can glimpse the occasional nugget of your wisdom. hahahahahaha

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