The smartest family in Britain is black

This story has been around for awhile but it is only the tip of the African scholastic iceberg. Ever since 1994, statistical evidence has shown that African immigrants were performing at academic levels above and beyond all ethnic groups on 2 continents. Amazingly, African immigrants are not only the highest educated group in Britain, there's plenty of evidence to support reports they have climbed to the top of the academic ladder in the United States as well.

If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?
If you look real hard in the mirror, you will find the answer there!
Malik, since you claim to know what threads are active there, is it safe to assume you frequent that particular site?
If he does, he is wise to do so. Getting to know your enemy is key to mounting a defense against him!
This story has been around for awhile but it is only the tip of the African scholastic iceberg. Ever since 1994, statistical evidence has shown that African immigrants were performing at academic levels above and beyond all ethnic groups on 2 continents. Amazingly, African immigrants are not only the highest educated group in Britain, there's plenty of evidence to support reports they have climbed to the top of the academic ladder in the United States as well.

If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!
Malik, since you claim to know what threads are active there, is it safe to assume you frequent that particular site?
If he does, he is wise to do so. Getting to know your enemy is key to mounting a defense against him!

Exactly. I check the most recent threads (usually the opposing views) and see what others have to say and the racists responses to them. For one, some of them deny that humans evolved in Africa. The ones that accept it lie and say that whites are more evolved while blacks are animals.

White genocide seems to be the main thing that they seem to be focusing on. Its funny. They say they are getting out bred and they need to stop this by keeping the white race pure, but they have no type of power whatsoever. They can't prevent others from marrying someone they love. They say they don't want to force anyone but also admitted to possibly having to resort to violence to prevent race mixing when I brought the topic up.
There is a member named fading light who said that violence is a high possibility to end race mixing, but yet other users didn't want to force others who they can and can't be with.

Over the last few weeks of dropping by on them, Ive learned that the majority of idiots on there are cowards and all talk. "We have to do something about white genocide!" We have to end race mixing! We have to ship everyone non white back to their countries!" They have been saying that ever since the site first was up. They say they love their culture and heritage, but are they actually trying to do something about it? No they are not, and even if they did, it would be two things.
Convincing others to stay with their race and promoting white pride, or by physical force. Most people are either going to see the first possibility as hate speech and ignore, and as for the second possibility, they would all be killed.

Stormfront in a nutshell is a site full of misguided racist idiots. I also get a laugh every now and then how they blame everything on the Jews and how they hate them. They couldn't tell the difference between a Jew, and another white person.
If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

I recall a discussion regarding IQ testing at a social function that I attended last year, and two of the people that i was talking to held Doctorates in Human Behavior, and one was a clinical psychologist.

It was his contention that different circuits within the brain are used for different thought processes, and that recent research has shown separate tests of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal skills are needed to measure someone's overall intelligence. It was a theory, but it made sense.

Case in point, idiots like Shootspeeders and his other cartoon pals repeatedly post the same drivel day in and day out, but demonstrate no reasoning or verbal skills. Just copy and pasting parrots, incapable of expressing any original thoughts.
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If african blacks are so smart why is africa stuck in the stone age? And why do IQ tests put the average black african at 68?

If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

you say the correct words but you dont seem to understand them!

individuals of any race can be anywhere along the spectrum of intelligence from dull to bright. we should judge individuals by their characteristics, like MLKjr said.

the point in bringing up group averages (of intelligence, criminality, etc) is to counter claims made on, you guessed it, group averages. when social disparities are blamed on racism it is only fair to point out that there are other factors involved that are most likely to be more important. like intelligence and culture.

just out of curiosity...what parent could allow their children to be undernourished in a country with welfare, foodstamps, and free school meals? do you consider it the parent's fault or society's?
If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

I recall a discussion regarding IQ testing at a social function that I attended last year, and two of the people that i was talking to held Doctorates in Human Behavior, and one was a clinical psychologist.

It was his contention that different circuits within the brain are used for different thought processes, and that recent research has shown separate tests of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal skills are needed to measure someone's overall intelligence. It was a theory, but it made sense.

Case in point, idiots like Shootspeeders and his other cartoon pals repeatedly post the same drivel day in and day out, but demonstrate no reasoning or verbal skills. Just copy and pasting parrots, incapable of expressing any original thoughts.

That theory is plausible. Consider too that certain American born groups have been bombarded since birth with overt and subliminal messages carrying the theme that they are inferior. Others, have experienced opposite signals whereas all the best in society is geared towards them and their well being! The poorest whites sense this racial and social dichotomy most acutely. And it is the poor whites who seem most resentful of Black success because they truly believe someone gave the aspiring Black something that they should have!

To the racists out there, anything Blacks accomplish is marginalized. Here is a prime example:

White genocide seems to be the main thing that they seem to be focusing on. Its funny. They say they are getting out bred and they need to stop this by keeping the white race pure, but they have no type of power whatsoever. They can't prevent others from marrying someone they love. They say they don't want to force anyone but also admitted to possibly having to resort to violence to prevent race mixing when I brought the topic up.
There is a member named fading light who said that violence is a high possibility to end race mixing, but yet other users didn't want to force others who they can and can't be with.

Over the last few weeks of dropping by on them, Ive learned that the majority of idiots on there are cowards and all talk. "We have to do something about white genocide!" We have to end race mixing! .

That's their way of proclaiming that they couldn't get laid if their lives depended on it and their cousin was drunk.
Stormfront's traffic comes largely from NAACP offices. It's more trolls, gov't agents, and jewish puppets than anything else.
If you're so smart why are you on an internet board talking about the intelligence of others? If white people are truly smart they wouldn't be on an internet board talking about the intelligence of other people. No offense to any level headed white Americans or Europeans but seriously most intelligent people that are about their stuff are introverted and are not social as you are. But alas you are the outlier. You are dumb, ignorant, and a racist.

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

you say the correct words but you dont seem to understand them!

individuals of any race can be anywhere along the spectrum of intelligence from dull to bright. we should judge individuals by their characteristics, like MLKjr said.

the point in bringing up group averages (of intelligence, criminality, etc) is to counter claims made on, you guessed it, group averages. when social disparities are blamed on racism it is only fair to point out that there are other factors involved that are most likely to be more important. like intelligence and culture.

just out of curiosity...what parent could allow their children to be undernourished in a country with welfare, foodstamps, and free school meals? do you consider it the parent's fault or society's?

With all due respect, my post to Aristotle was not meant to be a gateway for another discussion on poverty in America. Doing so would be an unforgivable distraction from a topic that is long overdue.

On a more personal note, in addressing your comment about me not understanding what I write,: That is just your misguided opinion. I never write anything I don't understand. You may not agree with my narratives, but I assure you they are usually backed by objective research or personal experience

Now,if we could get back to the main title and stay there, it would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK
Quote: Originally Posted by varelse
Stormfront's traffic comes largely from NAACP offices. It's more trolls, gov't agents, and jewish puppets than anything else.

Quote: Posted by SAYIT
Uh-huh ... and you know that how?

Because we hired them :cool:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"We?" Would that be you and all the little morons bouncing around in your pinhead?

Yes, Aristole, I second the motion. Speedshooter seems to be all that you say he is but I have an answer for him. Every time I encounter assessments of group averages concerning IQ I tell the misinformed that such statistics say NOTHING about individuals in any particular group. But that peer reviewed scientific finding is lost on the Speedshooter types. Further, the question arises: Do IQ tests really measure intelligence accurately under all conditions? Surely, environmental and societal factors play a role in how well someone does on such tests as does access to proper nutrition!

It's not just IQ tests. It's everything -- SAT ACT MCAT LSAT even fireman and cop tests. In all standardized tests blacks are at the bottom. And it's not due to cultural bias since asians do very well on the tests. THINK

Not ALL American born blacks are at the bottom of such tests. Thererin lies the error of your diabolical campaign. Some are undoubtedly excelling despite what statistics on the group as a whole show. But this thread is about Black African immigrants, not native born Blacks. According to the links I posted, Black African immigrants ,as a group, are outperforming everybody including the Asians.

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